Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by rohan

  1. I've wandered 8500 blocks in x axis, about 9000 on the z, I've dug 6-10 test pits going down all 3 layers and I cannot find gabbro. (Of course, I'm looking for nickel for Black steel). Any suggestions?


  2. Do you never have to refill the lanterns? (If so, how do you do that?) 


    Edit: I'm sorry, ignore this. I searched for refill instead of reading all the posts and missed that you already answered this. Thank you, sorry for missing that. 




  3. Thanks for the links. It appears the first one is closed. (I couldn't reply to that thread). It's just really annoying. I keep having them plant themselves in the middle of my orchard. I'm guessing fruit trees don't count as one of the 3 or checks to see if there is "a tree nearby".



  4. I was wondering if there's any way to stop Willow trees randomly dropping saplings everywhere. I've cleared out all of them for a few hundred blocks around my base, but I keep getting saplings planting themselves all over. Are they just popping up because they were originally in the area or are they coming from an existing tree I've somehow missed or can they come from much further away?  If it's from an existing tree, how far do I have to clear?




  5. Come to think of it though, I might be able to still do 20 ingots batches replacing 2 black steel for 1 extra brass/rose gold for red and 1 extra bismuth bronze/sterling silver. I'll have to see if I have enough ingots left over to support that.


  6. Thank you, but I did something even more crazy. I gathered ALL of the ores needed with my bismuth bronze pick axes and have been on one continuous smithing exercise (with a few small breaks to harvest/plant crops and 1 to get more charcoal) and have been going from stone anvil with no ingots (all tools cast) to now working (hopefully tonight) to get my red steel anvil, bucket, and tools. I've already harvest all of the ore needed.


  7. Thank you, is someone going to fix the wiki? It still says 50-60%. Also I assume ratio of black steel for Blue Steel is also 50-55%?




  8. Can anyone tell me what I've done wrong?

    Here's the screen shot of my crucible. I'm trying to make red steel for the first time. The brass and rose gold was mixed before hand, poured and cooled into ingots (then sat there for the whole time I was working through the iron tiers), and then added into an empty crucible. The black steel was next and 12 ingots added 1 at a time. The steel was from when I  melted my steel anvil earlier and then poured them into ingots, let them cool/sit until this. I added 4 steel, it shows the correct %'s per the wiki, but doesn't say "weak red steel" above. What did I do wrong?



    red steel error.png


  9. I have a related question. Does the propick just show where the ore's generated or where they are? IE, if you've mined out most of the vein, will it reduce it's reading? Or will it always say "very large sample" because that was what generated there (before I mined it :)  )  (I've got a good Iron Mine and if there's still a lot left there, I don't want to go looking for another)


  10. I have another question.... Having answered my first one myself, Unfortunately, I don't think that will work for this one. If you pickle food, then store 320 oz in a small clay vessel (80 oz per slot), can you then put that vessel in a barrel of vinegar and get both the "pickled item in vinegar" .1 modifier as well as the .5 for the clay vessel?


  11. Good point cocoaman (although I've never actually tamed horses yet). I just setup a "brining station" and carry 10 empty barrels and 10 stacks of food to the sea/salt water location . I carry with me 1 full barrel of vinegar (which means I can get 10 barrels of brine out of it). Fill the empty barrels on site with salt water, remove 1 bucket so there is 9000 mb of salt water in each and then add the vinegar. presto!! 10 barrels of brine for your 10 stacks of food!!


    I do have a related question though.. Can you use pickled fruit to make vinegar?


  12. if you want a really great seed (have to travel a bit for various tree types though) Try "42".  I tried it on a whim (thank you Douglas Adams) and it is AMAZING for the sheer volume of copper. You go south from spawn and follow the acacia forest border east and get 3 different large deposits and tons on the ground. Explore the east coast and take the river sw back toward spawn to get several Sphalerites. Then you follow the acacia  to the west (there is a part in the middle of the continent where the forest juts north, just go north and keep going west) and find bismuth. I've made my base on the western edge of the continent and found several more large copper veins, a few sphalerite veins, a good bismuth vein there, and a limonite vein I've yet to explore. It's got tons of crops and they grow year round. Sheep I found in the mountains to the NE of my base and cows to the North of that.
