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Posts posted by daytimepanther

  1. I think it would be neat if the more gunpowder you loaded the more power you would have but loading to much would cause it to explode in your hand


  2. I was just wondering (pretty new to the whole modding world) you seem like a smart guy so could you take like a few minuets and type up how to just install the single player way on how to install this? If you could just take the time to do so I am forever in your debt, if you can not I can understand that also.

    Sure I could defiantly start on that, I'm planning to make a video on how to do this soon so its easier to understand


  3. Single player install video:



    In this guide I will help you install TFCraft on a server for OSX Lion 10.7.4

    I know it's a lot but it should be pretty easy to understand.

    The first thing you must do is ensure you have the latest version of java. Do this by clicking on the apple in the left corner and then clicking Software Update. Once you have done that you can now start downloading all the files you need. You will need: minecraft_server.jar, TFCraft-server-Core, and Forge Server. The minecraft_server.jar can be found here. TFCraft-server-Core, and Forge Server can both be found here. Now that you have all the files you need create a folder on your desktop. You can call it whatever you want. Now drag minecraft_server.jar into that folder. Open TextEdit and hold down shift+command+T. This will change the Format to plain text. Copy this code and paste it into textedit:


    cd "$(dirname "$0")"

    exec java -Xmx1G -Xms1G -jar minecraft_server.jar

    The 1 in -Xmx1G and -Xms1G is how many GB of memory your server can use. Change it to what ever number you like just make sure it doesn't exceed your computers total RAM. Save this as start.command and save it to the folder you created earlier. We need to allow it to run so open Terminal and type chmod a+x (and drag the start.command file here). Double click start.command, your server should now start and create the required files. When it finishes type stop. On Lion when extracting .jar files instead of extracting to a folder it extracts as mincraft_server.jar.cpgz so you need to install The Unarchiver from the Mac App Store its free so don't worry. When you have The Unarchiver right click minecraft_server.jar and open it with The Unarchiver, this will create a folder called minecraft_server. Delete the minecraft_server.jar and rename the folder minecraft_server.jar. Now we can start installing mods to our server! First we need to install forge. Open the Forge Server folder and copy all the files except the net folder. When a box pops up asking if you want to replace the files click replace. Now right click anywhere in the minecraft_server folder and clean up by kind. Locate the net folder and open it. Then open the minecraft folder. Do the same for the net folder in the forge server folder. Now drag the server folder from the forge server folder to the minecraft folder in the minecraft_server folder and replace all the files. We should now be done with forge. I know that was a little confusing but you should be able to figure it out. Now we need to install TFCraft-server-Core. Once again drag all the files from the TFCraft-server-Core to the minecraft_server folder except the net folder and license.txt . Now open the net folder in the minecraft_server folder then open the minecraft folder. Do the same for the TFCraft-server-Core. Drag the client folder from the TFCraft-server-Core into the minecraft folder in the minecraft_server folder. Now select all the files, right click one and select Compress. You should now find a zip folder at the bottom of the minecraft_server named Archive. Drag it out of the minecraft_server folder into the folder you created at the very beginning of the guide. Delete the minecraft_server folder. Rename the archive folder to minecraft_server.jar. Delete the world folder and start the server. Make sure you have the same versions of Forge and TFCraft and open the minecraft launcher. Add a server and for the ip type "localhost". If you can connect to your server without any problems you have successfully installed TFCraft!

    All thats left to do is to ensure you have setup portforwarding on your router/modem. There are many guides on how to do this just google it. If your setting up a hamachi server there are many guides on how to do this also.

    If you have any questions ask and I will try to help the best I can.


  4. When I try to create a new world minecraft crashes. Im using forge and the lastest version on TFCraft. I opened the system log because im on mac and copied what it showed after hitting the create world button. Then I attached it to this post. Can anyone see what I screwed up? log.txt
