Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Cannon0006

  1. 5 hours ago, ciekma said:

    Logs should be crushed with hammer into pulp and bleached. Making paper from wood is rather a modern process.


    More modern maybe, but its still achievable within the tech confines of what I understand of TerraFirma.

    2 hours ago, Stroam said:

    just wanted to point out that harvestcraft has a paper bark tree that gives infinite paper.

    Im sure it would be removed, it seems kinda cheaty

    4 hours ago, Darmo said:

    And don't forget vellum!  I'm hoping books (and paper in general) are eventually an important thing - and with magic, I'd assume they would be.

    I think it'd be great to have several avenues to get paper (and other finished products for that matter) in which there's basically an easy way, and then a couple harder ways. 

    For paper, the easy mode could be papyrus plants (or reeds, I guess, if the desire is to still use that resource that is already there) found only in sub-tropical and tropical swamps.  Production could be as simple as soaking in a barrel, getting a pile of pulp for each plant, and forming them to paper via a 2x2 pattern resulting in 4 pieces of paper.  A more true-to-life process involving presses would be great, but reed/papyrus should still be 'easy mode', obtainable in the stone age.

    In the beginning, it would be better to use reeds, as wood is needed for other things more in the early game, then as the focus shifts to metals, the logs could be used for a better return on investment for the paper, since at some point, unless youve found reeds, the cattails will disappear or become to time consuming to continue using


  2. While I know paper is not a greatly used resource, even in vanilla minecraft, I believe it is a bit to easy to make paper. Paper in the real world takes a few steps to make, most of which involves processing the wood.

    The process im suggesting will be a simplified version of real world process

    1. Log is put in water filled barrel to create a pulpy slurry
    2. slurry is poured into a paper mold or paper press
    3. slurry in mold is pressed for a while, resulting in a piece of paper

    this could work with most wood types, rice from pam's harvestcraft, and even bamboo, to create various paper types (the rice one could even be edible).

    Paper with ink could even be used to make a map.
