Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Galgerahn

  1. Alright, before I get harped on by people saying that it's posted somewhere in the forums, I have searched for over three hours. This is the fastest results.

    I have tried everything from downgrading minecraft, to using a different API, to using a different jar, to using the exe, to looking for a pre-working zip file with everything already done. Whether it be in server form, or SSP form, or even SMP form. None of it works, period.

    Now; for my issue, as each case is individually special, and different in some aspect.

    I want a server, that can host me, and about 10 of my friends please.

    Alright: I have tried editing the jar, and opening it.

    Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.

    Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

    Tried Downloading and opening it.

    Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.

    Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

    Tried accepting one from my friend

    Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.

    Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

    Tried downloading the regular .jar file for singleplayer instead.

    Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.

    Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

    That is all I get.

    After all tampering, changing, editing, modding, resetting, deleting, redownloading.

    I've tried the clean download, tried the modded download, sent it to my friend over skype. Worked for him, except it crashed after the spawn was created.

    he sent it back to me, thinking something changed, nope. Still get that error.

    Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.

    Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

    This error is the bane of my existance.

    I have tried, and looked, and downloaded, and updated, and downgraded, and fucked with everything you can imagine. My ire is rising and I want to put my fist through my screen, but I know that *that* won't fix *anything*.

    Moving on. I don't get irritated easily, but this has got to be the most infurating thing I have ever messed with. The .Jar file just *refuses to be executed*. Fuckin' wanna execute it myself. Geez. Alright so, I will instead of posting new posts, continue to edit this one as "fixes" or "attempts" come along until we get this monstrosity in working order.

    Please help, I am desperate and I really enjoyed watching this mod spotlight. This looks like so, so, so, much fun.



    What exactly are the "Prerequisites" I've googled, and searched... I know of mod loader, but... Is that all?


    (Edit, oh yeah has all the instructions and prerequisites for tfc.)


    Where are these? Look at the BOLD BRACKETS Those are the ones I'm talking about. I followed these steps SEVERAL times. To no avail, otherwise I wouldn't be here.

    • (Optional) When upgrading delete your configs to fix any change of id errors.
    • Install the latest recommended Forge Universal / Official Mirror into your jar file. For best results, use the version of forge that TFC was compiled on.
    • Install PlayerAPI
    • [[[Place TFCraft_Universal into your Minecraft mods folder after installing the >>>prerequisites.<<< <--- It does not explain these.]]]
    • Be Awesome!

    (NONE YET)



    Alright, after messing with SSP client, deleting my entire .minecraft I got as far as "Done Loading" [================= ] It just stops after that, any tips?



    This always happens to me when i use a 32bit Java.

    Remove every Java install and download/install the latest 64bit version, that should fix the Java memory Error.

    Also in my signature, i have a step-by-step server and client tutorial.

    I have seen your signature on almost every thread, I tried the uninstall-reinstall, that did not work, nor did your signature.


    What else do you suggest doing?



    Try using this setup I was told. I will be indeed trying this!

    Forge and Player API for Minecraft 1.4.6


    now.. How the hell do I..? xD





    "Could not create the JVM means you don't have enough memory to even run the server.

    What are your computer's specs?"

    This is not even remotely the problem

    Intel® Core™ i5-2500k CPU @3.30GHz per core, quad core -- Link here

    2 4gig Ripjaw™ Series RAM sticks -- Link here

    2GB 512 bit processor ATI Radeon Sapphire Graphics Board -- Link here

    64bit Windows 7 home premium



    "If you can't even get a single-player install to work I would recommend you get multiMC http://www.minecraft...dows-linux-mac/ and use that as your launcher and installer.

    I'd also make sure that you are using a 64bit java, but I'm sure you've already tested both 64 and 32 bit versions in your frenzy.

    But let me know if you can get a multiMC setup of tfc to work on your system."


    How do I use this exactly? I'm not understanding it one bit. (or even 8bit. ;p)

    Do I open the "Mods folder" And drop everything in there? Or..?


    (none yet)


    I was tweaking with it for about 10 minutes, I figured out how to start an "Instance" and name it, and icon it.. But from there, I am very lost. I named it Terrafirma Craft, but.. Nothing beyond that, it's just normal Minecraft.


    How do I mod this, or update? And how do I do the rest of the stuff that's needed?


    (NONE YET)


    I was messing around with it a bit more, and decided to rightclick. That seemed to bring me to the "Edit Mods" Do I drop all 3 of those mods in there? The

    Forge and Player API for Minecraft 1.4.6? And that's it? And I need the uhh.. Core universal, right?


    (NONE YET)



    Firstly, I must thank the three of you who have helped me trial and error to great success!

    Secondly I would ask the mods to Lock and STICKY THIS TO HELP OTHERS. Feel free to trim up my guide/errors/questions!

    And finally, my fix!


    #3 flamestrider

    Get This thing right...

    If you can't even get a single-player install to work I would recommend you get multiMC http://www.minecraft...dows-linux-mac/ <---- here and use that as your launcher and installer.

    I was messing around with it a bit more, and decided to rightclick. That seemed to bring me to the "Edit Mods" Do I drop all 3 of those mods in there? The

    Forge and Player API for Minecraft 1.4.6? And that's it? And I need the uhh.. Core universal, right?


    Forge and Player API for Minecraft 1.4.6 forge

    install this first API <- this may not work, the link that is. The damn things keep taking me to Minecraft Forge... You may have to google API for 1.4.6

    then install this!!


    create a new instance!

    Then right click it and click "Edit mods!"

    (Now, I'm not sure what one worked, but Edit mods and add "TFCraft-Universal-Core-B2Build75" to Coremods and Mods


    Forge and Player API for Minecraft 1.4.6 to the MINECRAFT.JAR, PUT FORGE IN FIRST!!!! spam click "Reload", THEN

    PUT THE UNIVERSAL CORE MOD INTO "CORE MOD" AND "MOD" (not sure which one worked! :D)


    now... To get a server working... Hmmmm
