Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by -TK-

  1. The levels never raise up to the original freshly tilled field either.. They only ever get up to '1/2 a block height' (nutrients) in my experience.

    Sucks, but the only way I've EVER been able to grow maize was on fresh grass. Which means I have to punch farmland for 45 minutes.

    I think the "full" level of nutrients is a bug, some of them reset to 1/2 of block height after planting, it is probably something to do with how the graphics are rendered.

  2. So how long does it take nutrients to "return" to the tilled soil after planting/harvesting?

    If rain is able to hit the spot does that have any effect?

    Would digging it all up, placing the soil back and waiting for grass to regrow be more efficient?

    Yes, waiting for it to grass over is probably faster than waiting for the levels to go up.

    But digging up the soil takes like 1 hour.


  3. As you may or may not all know, today is the first of april. What does this mean? It means lots of interestiong places on the internet try to show off their amazing features. Here's a compilation of those ideas for you all to see:


    Following today's MultiMC update, we can notice some amazing design features, for example, all the text has been changed to that beautiful font Comic Sans.

    Here is a more in depth view on these new features:

    Posted Image

    Next Up:

    Google Nose:

    With Google's new product, Google nose, Google have allowed those who really want to get the true experience of being on the internet, to do so by being able to smell anything:

    Examples include:

    Dumpsters, Wet Dogs, Camp-sites, Car Exhaust, Locker Rooms.

    Posted Image

    Minecraft 2.0:

    Yes, Mojang has officially announced that they are working on Minecraft 2.0 now with a super hostile mode, new flying saucers, horse dogs, sharks, sniper skeletons, and most importantly double rainbows.

    Posted Image


    As some of you may or may not know DasBoSchitt is an amazing content creator for GMod, unfortunately he has gone to jail and has allowed his friend Milton to take the channel and post his Drama Class project on there:



    This comedy website has decided to change their policy and are now doing serious news.

    Posted Image


    PCGamer is a great website for getting the latest news about many games.

    There are many awesome articles:

    Posted Image

    Gmail Blue:

    The Gmail Team have been working on a new project: Gmail Blue - It makes everything blue, now don't you just love blue and wished everything was blue. Ever loved metro on battlefield 3? All that blue! Well now you need to look no further with gmail blue.


    Play-Doh 3D Printer

    Thinkgeek brings us another amazing product, the Play-Doh 3D Printer. For only $49.99 you can get your very own, 3D printer. But before you ask what the catch is, it only prints Play-Doh.

    Posted Image


  4. Effect is also a verb meaning "to bring about as an effect", and affect is also a noun meaning "mannerisms of communication".

    Both "effect" and "affect" work in the sentence, and create valid and reasonable statements

    effect: not everyone understood how nutrient levels (cause) crop growth (to happen).

    affect: not everyone understood how nutrient levels (have an effect on) crop growth.

    No, both you and mayaknife are wrong, even though effect is both a verb and a noun, its use in this sentence was incorrect.

    Effect when used as a verb is used to mean "to bring something about as a result".

    As an example taken from the Oxford dictionary blog, here are a few pieces of text that correctly utilise effect as a verb:

    • The couple had been separated for two years, but her boyfriend tried to effect a reconciliation.
    • A Royal Commission appointed in 1906 effected several reforms.
    • Governments can mobilize the political will and resources to effect change when they choose to.
    As you can clearly see, the best way to interpret this would be to change the word 'effect' with the word 'cause'.

    With that in mind you can superimpose the word change into dunks sentence and see that it makes little sense.

    "Sting, not everyone understood how nutrient levels cause crop growth."

    Some might still argue that the sentence still works. The problem is that this sentence implies that no matter what the actual nutrient levels are, the crops grow because of the nutrients having a level. This is untrue in the case of the appropriate nutrient for a crop being at 0 and the crop not growing.

    Now as a helpful tip when arguing, please research intensively. This misunderstanding is a result of people not reading into what they are trying to counter argue. If people decided to read fully into the point they are arguing against, I would not need to write long posts. Do not take this post as an insult, but as a lesson.

    As a response to mayaknife:

    I was correcting his syntax, syntax is part of grammar, therefore, I was correcting his grammar.


  5. EDIT: Wait what?...wrong thread.......

    Since this a derail i will get it back on topic, following the law of similarity it is a good thing to be individual.

    Menoch, if i punched myself in the balls, you would feel the pain too, to that degree in which we are similar.

    That said it would be passive empathy as it is in our nature we are similar.

    Active sympathy on the other hand is forcing our natures to be alike by means of (yes -TK-) active empathy.

    The inverse side of this is antipathy (???), is differing and not being similar to one another, take for example -TK-.

    Following Mdub's statement he passively is different in nature as others, that would mean that it would not work the way as with menoch.

    Or he is actually actively trying to be different from others. Thereby both ways would not work.

    That is commonly known as the law of similarity, or empathy magic.

    Derail turned back to on topic derail :P.


    I meant active empathy in that I don't need to try to be empathetic. I cant do this because I'm too lazy, therefore I have to make an effort to ensure I'm being empathetic.

    I'm not quite sure as to what you meant.

    Also on the topic of your signature

    Decode this:


    This is the right thread by the way.


  6. Let me refer you to my original point. They are not you, you dont share identical experiences, skills, or motivations. Believe it or not, people do behave differently from individual to individual, and their motivations are often times much more complex than simply "they are lazy".

    I find it troubling that you dont understand this... its like you lack a theory of mind or something :/. You might wanna consider working on your interpersonal skills, especially empathy :P.

    Heh, active empathy.


  7. No, because metal is still rare, and useful. The value of the "money" is based on the value of the metal.

    If they don't want other mints they can simply remove the mint recipe.

    This is not about an admin controlled mint system, this is an idea for a server with no rules. Its completely silly to spawn in money, its much more interesting to have role-play, metal isn't rare, being able to make 500 coins from one ingot is not rare. Implementing simple coins that cant be customised is just like not adding anything at all, its like using ingots to buy/sell.

    By having customisable coins, cities can establish their own mint without admin interference, and can establish their own law system without admin interference. And that's really what this mod should be going for.

    If you want simple non customisable coins then just play with iconomy or some other mod.


  8. The only problem is that new players might not want to play on an old server if it has an established economy because what if they want to barter?

    And also there is the point to make that adding simple non customisable dies would suck. What if a city wants to have their own mint? Someone could be sitting in their underground cavern making copies all day long because all the coins look the same, this would work as badly as using leaves as money.

    A customisable die would mean that coins cannot be easily forged, it would add a while town based criminal system, if you could restrain people you could have real criminals, for a roleplaying server this would be the best roleplaying you could ever have.

    Also yes, iconomy needs to die in a hole full of death and never be seen again.

    From my experience of knowing things, im very experienced in knowing things because i know things on a day to day basis. Anyway, jokes aside. There are a few ways that I know of, that coins could be made. One of the ways is to take the metal, melt it and pour a small amount of it into a mould of some sorts and then press down onto that mould with the other half of the mould to make sure that the metal fills all the gaps. Usually since the thermal capacity of such a small amount of metal is so small and the thermal capacity of the mould would be large, the coin could be retrieved seconds later.

    This is a very simple method that doesn't need pristine blanks or whatever the hell you want to use. Any idiot could do this in their back garden, Now there are advantages and disadvantages to this. The advantage is that the process required for making such coins is quite simple, take an ingot, melt it, pour it, press down, done. As opposed to, take an ingot, heat it, press it down, flatten it, roll it, heat it, roll it, heat it, roll it cool it, cut it, press it. Which is the second method. But now for the disadvantages, the coins come out looking pretty shitty if you pardon my Cantonese (why pick on the French?) and if the coins don't always come out looking the same then there needs to be leeway in checking them, therefore it makes them easier to forge.

    Another method is like I said before, use a sheet of metal, punch out blanks, and then hammer the blanks. Now this is what le governments use today most the time. Apparently. And if you do it well, you get some swell looking coins. But this requires a rolling machine and hand operating one of those would take at least 100 gears so that you can actually use your hands to do it instead of some horse. This would be a slow process but a lot of coins could be made from such a sheet of metal, and also this sheet of metal could be used for many other things, like putting gold leaf on your cows to make them into golden cow statues, or wiping your hind quarters with gold leaf, or you can do something useful with the gold leaf like donate it to the Vatican (hehehe, Vatican jokes - Please don't get too offended).

    Now another way of doing this is to use machinery which is powered by something, like I don't know, baked beans or something. You take this machinery and basically make a production line. And then you can mass produce stuff.

    Anyway, I feel like dying at this moment so I'm going to have to go now and acquire some sort of magic to heal me, and then finish my coursework for tomorrow.


  9. Well that's why I brought up the idea of a sand casting table [like the scribing table we currently have] and the idea that you have to craft some 'master copy' positive out of some material. Be that molding then firing clay into the shape of the tool head, or carving wood. All could be done in an interface similar to the knapping or scribing mechanic if, for example, you took a plank and a stone knife in your inventory crafting window.

    Then you have your tool head's master positive, place that in one input slot of the sand casting table, then go heat up your ingot to liquid. Place that ingot in the second input slot on the sand casting bench/table/placeable block and 'presto' you get your raw toolhead, that you have to let cool to a solid before you can remove it from the sand casting table.

    Personally I would think that you could keep your master tool positive and re-use it, basically building up a collection of 'plans' similar to what the current system uses since in small object sand casting you do retrieve the master positive when you split the cope and drag apart to check for a good impression before the pour.

    Now, granted, sand casting and metal pouring -are not- really what I do, and/or I have no studied early primitive mythods of pouring metal, save bronze swords [like I said, we got bored, and had a few hundred pounds of scrap brass gifted to us] so there might have been another way this was achieved. I do, however, know that the method I just described does work, and at one point in history was used to produce molded metal parts from poured low temperature metals, and is complicated enough to warrant consideration, without being incredibly over complicated for the TFC coders to pull hair out by having to add tons of new mechanics to the game.

    It basically breaks down to;

    1) The addition of the wood carving mechanic copied from the stone knapping mechanic.

    2) The addition of a crafted 'Sand Casting' bench using planks of wood and blocks of sand.

    3) Taking the 'plans' mechanic of how an ingot is hammered and applying that to how a low tier metal ingot is poured into said sand casting table.

    4) Adding the mechanic of "Unfinished" tool heads that need to be hammered on an anvil to get their working edge pounded on.

    That is the bare basics of my gripe with hammer working air hardening brittle metals in TFC and the easiest way to implement casting metals.

    I think an interesting way to do carving would be with a anvil finishing system we already have, this would allow the positive masters to have their own quality, would encourage practice and also bad masters would yield bad tool heads. The masters should also degrade with each use, this would mean that the user would need to replace the masters regularly if they wanted good quality tool heads.


  10. You realize how much pain it will be to gather enough for a big coal pit then, right? This system will yield three branched logs for most of the trees, and then the whole two normal logs when willow chopped down.

    Short saying, both industial types of trees will be rendered useless, because they have most of their logs in crown. Unless you now will say that branched logs can be used in coal pits too, which is illogical considering coal-burning process present in TFC.

    I'm not quite sure how someone could miss this. Like I said in the original comment, processing the branched log through the use of an axe returns an un branched log. Unless you thought that this unbranched could not be used in a coal pit, this should mean that you still got the same number of logs as before.


  11. Maybe the mold could be chiseled out using the chisel and hammer to create it ? Different paterns for different items ? But it will have to be identical to the items real size in the number of pixels .... What do you think about this idea?

    If my understanding of chiselling is correct then I doubt that that would be easy. As a simple idea crafting 2 blocks of sand with a piece of wet clay should yield the moulding sand and putting one block of that with a boat shaped crafting recipie of planks should give you a ready mould. Now put that together with the carved wood tool head which could be crafted like stone tools but by placing a knife with a plank. Then you place the final mould in the output slot of a fire pit or a bloomery or that third thing that I forgot the name of and it fills with metal. Leave it to cool and craft with a hammer to get a tool head. Now you just need to grind it on a grindstone which I think could be made of some igneous extrusive stone and voila, your tool is made.


  12. Chopping down a tree should yield an amount of logs equal to the number visible below the crown of the tree. And then an amount of branched logs equal to the amount of logs hidden in the crown. Those branched logs should then be able to be further processed into a log some 4-6 sticks and a chance of a sapling. The scythe should really only be used in farming and cutting grass which should be able to produce compost. Fire pits should be able to handle a few different items at a time. But stacking is just as silly an idea as only being able to cook one item.


  13. Not that i am aware off , particually now that dunk hase time to edit tfc (after the vanilla update is done) he should look into the bugs of tfc , i find this one irritating .

    It can't be a bug. It would need to be intentionally implemented. You should really be able to eat raw food but there need to be distinct disadvantages to it. This feature is likely just a placeholder for a much more elaborate system.


  14. @killsert, Well, I never said I was going to write it off :P/>. I will without a doubt try TFC2, and may very well enjoy it (with or without the wife :D/>), but given the information I have now, it doesnt seem likely. Whatever I choose to do, im not stubborn enough to go so far as to not even try it.

    @TK You seem to be pretty knowledgable with computer science, and thats a big plus, but remember youre bias. Alot of people just dont 'get it' when it comes to computers, and trying to do it typically ends in failure. I wouldnt willingly engage in some behavior which has historically ruined my day, or otherwise worked out badly for me unless I absolutely had to. You cant just assume people are lazy because they dont want to try to modify files for a game they enjoy, especially when you know nothing about their technical background. Luckly, this problem in particular will probably just go away when TFC is in FTB.

    Well I'm not your regular pc user. You are right in some respects but I still think people are being a bit lazy. When I see a problem in something I don't just give up or try to go around. I punch that problem to death with my bare fists. And if it takes 10 minutes or 10 years I don't give up. I started trying to learn to program when I got my first computer when I was 8. At first i was highly confused but eventually here I am not giving a damn that the problems I'm solving have already been solved and trying to solve them myself. When I first saw dwarf fortress in its true glory I wasn't scared by the interface in plowed straight in so instead of failing to get past the embark screen i now fail in even more creative ways like having my military slaughtered by 3 goblin sieges in a row and the attack of a forgotten beast which eventually lead my fortress to go into a spiral of decline.

    I might be unique but what is stopping all those people from facing problems in the same way?


  15. I can guess you copyrighted these because otherwise you would not state that they are allowed to be publicly used in TFC.

    Therefore: as a note to the rest of the forum: don't re upload or use these graphics in any public fashion.


  16. Yup, that's sand casting when you have a small part which you can split the mold into two parts, however the larger, longer items, usually consume either a ceramic mold or a wax master. This video is actually well done and me and my smith made one for the hell of it. [it's what happens when someone says to us, hey, I have a few hundred pounds of brass scraps laying about, what them?]


    Am I right in thinking that for the wax master you encase it in the mould material and then melt it out of the mould? That could be a cool idea too, add additional difficulty to making weapons. And also I've thought that the work bench should be replaced by a few separate blocks, one of which should be a carving table which requires a knife in a tool slot to work. I think that the addition of other tool blocks which have separate usage categories is very good because it has meant that I actually have a reason to build more than one building in TFC but I still think that there need to be more different blocks because having 3/4 buildings is still a bit too few for me. I would ideally want to make something that looks like a whole village with every building having some sort of tools that are completely unique from the rest of the houses and have no empty useless houses.


  17. Ok 3G needs to die in a hole D:... I wrote an amazing response twice and it died on me D:

    I don't know if I should post this in the TFC2 suggestions or not :/

    And still a fan of sand casting over molds for each tool head. Reason being that if you were to make a clay/ceramic mold for an ax, you would then have to destroy that mold to get the ax head out. Thus as a player, you would need much more clay to do, well, anything. Where as if you were to make one ceramic positive 'master copy' in the shape of an ax head, then use sand in the sand casting tray to make the negative mold, and pouring the liquid metal into that, then you still have the ceramic master copy, in effect, replacing the paper plan which is the current system. Technically speaking sand casting is done with a wax master positive, that is lost in the process, but I'm not suggesting we add Bees, honey, hives, and wax to the game just to satisfy that detail... however it would be cool.

    How sand casting should work:

    Well firstly we need a new block, some sort of mixing block, it could just be an option of the barrel but some hand driven cement mixer type of thing would be cool too. You fill this mixer with 1 bottle of water, 2 blocks of sand, and 1 clay ball. You mix until the cows come home or until the mix is well mixed.

    Looks like so:

    Posted Image

    Now you need to make some stuff out of wood, first you make the desired shape of your tool and also make dowel like thing out of the sand to make the sand core for where the stick for the tool will go.

    Posted Image

    The core will need to be fired to make it hard so that you can insert it into the wooden axe head shape without everything flying apart.

    Now comes the grind (bad jokes 'r' us), you will need to finely grind some sort of rock into a talcum powder style thing so that when you make your mould halves they don't stick together and so you don't look like a silly goose.

    Now comes the wooden stuff that will hold the sand in place for casting. Basically you need to make something like this, but probably simpler and out of wood:

    Posted Image

    This will hold the sand. You fill the drag tightly with sand up until the appropriate distance* and then add some more sand in excess but in a more loose way. You then place the tool head which you should cover with that talcum you made so that you can take it out again afterwards, into the sand filled drag up to the line by which you can split the tool head into identical and opposite halves, basically its mirror line but in 3d. You then make sure to pack the sand very tightly around and under the tool head and if it sinks too far in you add more sand. Now you have the bottom half of the mould, you take the cope and you place it on top of the drag, you then make sure everything is talced up so that you can take the mold halves apart.

    You fill the cope with the sand and then you pack it down tightly. You then use some sort of implement to make a raiser, and a sprue.

    You then carefully take the mould halves apart and cut a runner for the sprue and a nice pouring basin. After taking out the tool head, you are ready to pour the molten metal into the casting, make sure you put the casting back together, melt an ingot of metal and then pour, make sure that the metal comes up to and overflows the raiser(s) and that ample metal is left in the pouring basin.

    I hope what I wrote was at least slightly correct, and even if it is too complicated for tfc at least some ideas could be implemented.
