Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by -TK-

  1. This depends on if malachite can be used as dye irl. What is a good idea is to make all the different rocks to come in a range of colours. Not all the colours but just a variation like for example chert should have redder layers and orangeries layers and the color sub division should be biome specific. So that you only collect different sub divisions but not the 20 different sub layers. This would mean you could have different vibrant quartzite colours and that would give you colourful sand for colourful glass si that you can sell glass elf statues to the elven caravans that then declare a war because you sold them a wooden bin on accident.


  2. The problem is that small ores just means less ore in slightly less rock. This means that a single small ore has just about the same thermal capacity as a normal one meaning you still need as much fuel. Of course nobody in their right mind heats these ores without crushing them up first and then at least slightly separating the product.


  3. I couldn't care less if you'll use unity or not, but saying that unity is too simple or things like that sounds diminishing and ignorantly put, so maaaaaybe you should learn a little more about game engines and how they don't make it easier but cut the development process to the point you actually are making a game, it is about time not about making it simpler.

    Have you ever made a fully fledged game engine? No? Have I used one? Yes. Do I have more experience of both things? Yes.


  4. Handy hint, if its tools your wanting to store and they wont go into chests, instead of using itemframes, you could use ToolRacks..

    I never mentioned tools. I meant double ingots, double plates, sluice boxes and any other item too large to fit in a chest which is also not a tool.

  5. The thing you've missed from what I've said, maybe I didn't made myself clear, is that you code those shaders, those AA shaders are yours, you still can use the standard which are good, but if you want say... a noir look on your game you'll have to make a shader for that and you can.

    Pretty much like you would for openGL or any other.

    I understand that I can do shaders in practically any decent engine out there but I don't want to use someone else's engine. Also I'm almost 100% sure that you cannot classify full scene multi sampling anti aliasing as a shader.


  6. I don't understand why you can't do that in unity... Really you can... first because AAA in unity is done by a fullscreen shader, pro-version only but you can still develop it for a non commercial game, and you can write your own shaders, shadow-mapping too but that is far more complex, plus you can do tessellation, procedural texturing you name it...

    And as I've said "That doesn't mean it is simpler or easier, it means that I prefer to work on my game then it's engine"

    Yeah but how does using the features of the engine teach me how to make an engine? It doesn't. Do I want shader AA? No I only care about Multi Sample AA. (and some of the new cool optimized fake aa technologies that work much better than fxaa). Also you can stop repeating yourself. I make it difficult for myself because I like a challenge. This does not mean that it would be more difficult if some boring person was doing it the boring way. It means that I am making it hard for myself by not following convention and thinking of my own solutions.

    Also you forget, I can make the engine but the game wont make itself, therefore I have additional workload, therefore you can say it is more difficult to finish the project because there is more that can go wrong.


  7. PC, Mac and Linux

    Today I've contacted a gamedev group from my university, one of many, I've spent like 5 hours talking to them, they are developing their own 2D game engine for quite some time now( something around 4-5 years), I could try to develop a 3D game engine, but... why would I? Really... To make an engine that is both well done and that can make any game, not be hard coded on my specific game, is just a sureal expectation since I'll probably graduate before it even have the core functionality, so no I'm not making an engine for my game. That doesn't mean it is simpler or easier, it means that I prefer to work on my game then it's engine, fore instance some physics assets, like joints, I'll probably, at some point, have to adapt and make my own leaving aside the unity physics. Plus optimization is not only tied to rendering if you read some of my posts you'll notice that I do work a LOT with optimization.

    I was not saying that what you were doing was easy, I was saying it was easier. The reason I make my own engine is so that I can optimise it to what I need, In addition to this, I learn a lot from it. The difference between you and me is that you are a game makey type of person, Im an idiotic madman type of person. I love graphics, this is why I like to experiment with doing my own stuff so I can get a better understanding of how it all works. Who knows, anti-aliasing and shadow-mapping can always do with an improvement in performance and quality, by experimenting I might come up with a neat trick and make the TAAA (Tom anti-aliasing algorithm) and then get lots of money so I can spend it all on graphics cards.

  8. I mistook the edit for a signature, and didnt read it. Apologies. I suggested the IDE because im not a moron.

    Are you saying hardcore men are morons?

  9. Yeah this is probably the problem. You should get off of command line compiling and get yourself the eclipse or NetBeans IDE. I prefer NetBeans, even though its not quite as powerful as eclipse, but it balances itself out because eclipse is a nightmare for me to use. The interface sucks, its hard to find stuff... they use their own special nomenclature, or its nomenclature which people agreed on in my absences, and I get tired of having to google every damn thing I wanna do, instead of being able to figure it out from the context :(.

    Was it seriously that necessary to respond to this thread? I remember seeing this earlier before you posted your response, and the guy had already written: "EDIT: I got it :D". This means that your response was completely redundant and unnecessary. Also, why did you suggest eclipse or netbeans? What if the guy is hardcore and wants to write his own code editing, debugging and compiling software in notepad? What if he is super manly hardcore pro and wants to use a pin and a sweater to electro statically charge the pin and edit the code bit by bit in intel hex on the hard drive?


  10. i can't understand this, frames alter the way chests store items? also, what's the problem with posting in 4 month old thread?

    Because it is generally frowned upon to revive threads with old information because it causes unwanted confusion.

    Item frames allow you to store double ingots, sluice boxes, and other items you cannot normally store in a chest or tool rack. Also, it seems silly that you can store a 2m^2 item in an area smaller than 1m^2.


  11. Leo, you are the fastest game dev that I had ever seen. You just need to look some indev games in internet and they're developed a lot slower than your game :)/>

    Unity speeds it up a lot. I am currently working on a game in which I'm making my own entire engine from scratch. It will use simple graphics but making your own graphics engine is difficult when it comes to optimising. Especially that I have literally barely ever done anything 3d.

  12. One more thing... I should note to you TK and Killster, that I cannot promote you to Builder status (aka 'whitelist' you) until you connect at least once to the server. TK your username is fact TK, no? And yours is killster550, no?

    I'm pretty sure I had logged in once before. I didn't know the server was back up already. I will make sure to log in after I return from college today.

    Yes, my username is TK. Back from the days when mine craft was just a small unnoticed game and 2 letter usernames were not something to talk about.

    Also, you made a double post. I think you should edit that out.


  13. Why do you need this? By the time people have pickaxes they also have access to a sickle meaning they have access to tons of sticks. In addition to this a 40 meter shaft only needs 40 ladders not 110.

    This is also not really a suggestion. I think that the discussion forum would suit this more. Suggestions are more suggestions for the mod.


  14. Someone asked you how to make frames in TFC.. i ask you how did you added the recipe, because i've tried it few days ago remembering the existance of frames, i can't make them with vanilla recipe

    They were probably removed since they cause balancing issues with you being able to store things you normally can't store. Also please check before you post that you are not posting in a 4 month old thread.
