Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ultimaheart4

  1. ahhh... did he keep mytown as the protection mod? with that said i feel bad no one got to see fortheart that are current players. unless tent is still on the server. anyways if he kept mytown i have files and know how to set that up. if item id's changed i could possibly fix them with time. but unfortanatly i wont have internet for atleast a month or two. :/ sorry guys!
  2. all i really ask is please dont spam on here private message is great and dont be mad about a reset or anything. this world i believe is really old unless the huge 1.6 update killed the old one XD ive been gone for a while.... if you wish i think you should private message renadi since 30 messages in one day is a bit much for him to read on the forums. i know edit button... sorry XD i also still have the setting for the mytown mod unless they have changed too with updates. but they shouldnt have so if renadi needs the main files for settings and rules of the mod i still have the basics. just a thought...
  3. you are right. the spawn thing was messed up and i have not seen anything to compensate a moving spawn. since on my ftb servers ive tried many times. i mean town spawns keep people connected over that 30k+ if you know how to use them which i feel people have lost or renadi has removed that. i am sorry i have been absent and have not kept up with the mytown mod to help renadi.
  4. you guys have completely blown up this posting XD wich is fine but my email is also exploding in terrafirmacraft stuffs nice to know people still care about the server if you dont know who i am i was the admin for a while untill my own servers required me to take place in them. i believe renadi still has me as an admin and if the server has issues i may be able to fix them unless its a huge update that breaks everything then we may have to deal with the update and new map. i was the owner and helper of a lot of stuff from Fortheart, and snowfall. if it is still there i stoped caring after all my hard work was stolen from my land. if renadi calls upon me i may help with certain things but i may not have internet for a few days due to moving and internet being reconnected. sorry if this is an issue.
  5. I might have a haste recipe that would make you mine faster. Pm me about what day you need it.
  6. I might have a haste recipe that would make you mine faster. Pm me about what day you need it.
  7. I've thought about it and I do have full access to the server. But ill look into it again tomorrow and see what the hosts abilities are for the server and if I can do it anotherway. I appreciate the help though thank you.
  8. sorry its back up everyone again! i do not know exactly what causes it but it seems to be from it running out of memory. could be a tfc bug that seems to hate people cutting a lot of trees or loading to many chunks.
  9. "Only help if you can be helpful" stated on first page and that is all i was doing so please be nice.
  10. Thank you for telling me! I just got out of work and the server is back up
  11. i would like to welcome you to the forums and our server players welcomes you to the forum
  12. [Offline] Surviville ~ Real Survival

    even though this whole server HATES ME so much like squirrelzz. i will defend them and say that it is not there fault for the start of the drama from bigturtle. we at carpe aurum wish you all the best!
  13. [Offline] Surviville ~ Real Survival

    this server isnt whitelisted. also i believe the server will be down till saturday for maintenance on the owners computer? they are also planning to move to a dedicated server at some point.
  14. servers up why dont you all tell me these things ^.^
  15. Sorry people was sleeping cya all later
  16. [Offline] Surviville ~ Real Survival

    I am greatfully sorry epo I wish the same
  17. [Offline] Surviville ~ Real Survival

    big turtle the funny thing is people here already dont like me. except the owner and admin and it doesnt matter to most people what you are saying or doing. notice i am only person mainly talking to you. and this is me not caring -.- so boring. anyone else care what he is saying? no? well if you do please speak to him and amuse him.
  18. [Offline] Surviville ~ Real Survival

    i envy this XD jeeze
  19. [Offline] Surviville ~ Real Survival

    thank you swisher. i tired to say that b4 to him and i am sorry that you guys dont like me very much anyways. i dont see the point of him trying? all it does is make people mad at him. :/
  20. [Offline] Surviville ~ Real Survival

    I also like how squirrelzz was plotting to get me banned. Funny that the one starting things was banned and not me who ended up admin.
  21. [Offline] Surviville ~ Real Survival

    And again only friends on this server are admin and owner. I didn't bring Anyone anywhere. But I'm glad thy are happy on this server.
  22. [Offline] Surviville ~ Real Survival

    Um thts squirrelzz and I'm not banned from here or carpe aurum. And ownage hasn't been on in month or anywhere in months he is the one who got squirrelzz banned along with the server not me. Not this one but the other one. And back when ownage was on I wasn't an admin on carpe aurum.
  23. [Offline] Surviville ~ Real Survival

    I'd like to mention I have no friends on this server. Other the owner and admin.