Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ultimaheart4

  1. Server is doing amazing and we have an amazing group of people ill cya all tomorrow
  2. ok ill ge tthe server back up one sec and smartmoving please follow a tutorial online or youtube
  3. [Offline] Surviville ~ Real Survival

    Wow well all I now have to say is admin and owners make the rules on each server and I would hope you could understand that so if this bothers leave this forum post and we can all continue playing in our servers thank you
  4. [Offline] Surviville ~ Real Survival

    i hope i didnt cause this somehow since my name was put in the message and the server name. i do not remember bringing anyone from my server. those who wished to leave left to it. simple people get to choose the server they want to play on. so i am sorry again if this is my doing somehow.
  5. its fine well if you hear bad things please dont take them seriously. if so check the server out for yourself. its all up to the people where they want to go.
  6. [Offline] Surviville ~ Real Survival

    bigturtles you have been reported for a lot of things and i would apreciate if you would stop posting bad things about servers everywhere not just about me. you have been reported and will be monitored.
  7. well guys i was looking for a few mods to try out and test for the server. if you have any ideas please let me know i am not trying to add a lot just a few that would help out tfc or the server.
  8. i think that i have seen you on the other server. but if you are on carpe aurum then we do not use currency since we let the people decide on what they want to trade. its open for the public to decide those things. so again welcome to carpe aurum and i hope you have fun!
  9. everyone should get on the server! come on i know your all there still i even ghetto rigged the internet cable to see all of you!
  10. never mind guys my dad ghetto rigged the cable line for now lol XD ill be on now and then
  11. My dumb father has cut our cable line with the lawnmower so I will not be on for atleast 2-3 days so I hope you all enjoy the server while I'm gone still. Anything messed up will be fixed to my abilities asap
  12. i am so amazed we are picking up new people everyday we offer town protections from thefts and greifing.
  13. so does anyone read the forums? XD i miss all the players reading the forums and chatting about server stuff. i guess i should stop restarting the server so fast
  14. this server will not be shutting down for those who are thinking that. so come and enjoy the server still a lot of areas not claimed and seen even if it means walking a long distance. but whats a game with out challenge?
  15. [Offline] Surviville ~ Real Survival

    good luck granner anything you need i am here to help still.
  16. [Offline] Surviville ~ Real Survival

    ok i will not have someone who is a pain leave my server to join yours then come back and talk crap and try to steal my people. so i added an extra banned person today. goes by the username soulfox. i will not have my entire server fight with him and me over this. so as a warning for your server that is just starting up i am giving you his name. along with squirrelzz. who was banned by server owner himself.
  17. hosting site is being slow and not working properly currently. so i am sorry for any delays of gameplay
  18. the whole tfc site has been messing up renadi. everything. even the wiki
  19. i am sorry everyone if you have had issues with trolls or griefers. i am trying my best to make this server better for all of you and not just certain people.
  20. hey guys server still doing good great to see so many people on and around. i hope more come to join. this is a non whitelisted server and we use the mytown MOD to take care of greifing and stealing. come join!!
  21. people seem to join the server just to raid. i currently had one speak out and state specifically that he raids. i will not have him go into towns just to raid. as in join raid quit which we have had a lot of this past two weeks. raiding is no longer allowed. if it happens to those who have buildings outside of towns i am sorry. please find a town or make one. i am here to help prevent greifing and raiding to the best of my abilities so i again sincerely ask please make a town or join one.
  22. Awesome pic tenterro ill have to put some of mine up too