Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ultimaheart4

  1. i saw that and the server is updated to hotfix18 currently it states 17 but thats because 18 is still 17 but with texture differences.
  2. ok i got the server set back to hotfix 16... server will not be updating till hotfix18 because of so many missing textures
  3. so server is up but not at hotfix15 yet... i dont have ability
  4. well guys i have been trying to update the server... but seems i might not have that type of access power. so we might need to wait for renadi.
  5. That does suck how about u pm me on here. And ill get u the hotfix 14... when I'm out of work in 4hrs?
  6. Im sorry to say but I guess u will have to wait for server update :/
  7. As a note. You should mod minecraft the old fashioned way. Forgemodloader should be the only thing that might be hard to find. Even though all the mod links you will need are on the download page of
  8. Sorry for any confusion but evening say reset I mean restart the server when it crashes. The server will be updated sometime today sorry guys.
  9. btw guys i can reset the server from my cell at any time if i am awake, not working, or not busy so please feel free to message the forums and ill get to it asap. i prefer pm's.
  10. yeah the tfc launcher doesnt let you go back... i don't know when renadi gets out of work but you might have to wait till tomorrow to get back on then sorry. :/ wish people would just mod minecraft the old fashioned way makes adding mods easy too.
  11. If you guys can try to continue using hotfix 14 till server is updated
  12. Server should be updated sometime today I will attempt after work if renadi hasn't done it yet.
  13. Should be up just got out if movies sorry
  14. I feel it is in your best interest to not mess with the time in terrafirmacraft. It can kill you and will mess up almost everything in game due to everything being tied to the calander. But its in the configs...
  15. reset? it was already reset for the first update and wont be for a while.
  16. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    ooo what kind of changes?
  17. hey thompsonjet i need you on were are you?
  18. hey any of my towns members i have exterior plots open for the taking. hurry fast
  19. [Offline] Join my server

    if you dont understand towny please feel free to message me and inquire about how it works since its called a wiki no one uses.
  20. [Offline] Join my server

    idk if its someone from your server or what but people decided to come into carpe aurum and get invited into a town and raided us. this is bull! but i am setting up higher towny protects... towny is the only way to prevent greifing. just please know what you are doing!!! to prevent them from griefing! but use plots and set it so each person in a town has a seperate plot form yours and other people in it. it will help you a lot and stop griefing. FOR THE CHANGE! STOP GREIFERS!
  21. lol well vegas i knw who stole and i didnt get everything stolen... i mean i do have 16 double chests of tin, 8 of copper, 2 of iron still after some went missing. my blue steel ingots hidden and blue anvil is hidden so they didnt get tht. only 4 nickel got stolen. and then a chunk of gold.... weird things to steal. they did take all my fruit tree saplings... so if there is any saplings growing i know that no one has i will know were they went. i am only person with one of each sapling... sooo
  22. ok this is not right.... fortheart has had items dissapear form its bank. my bank my things i worked hard for are gone by a towns person. i have been very nice towards my people... i dont know who i dont care who. protections are going up well well well.... i know who stole all my stuff. come back to town