Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ultimaheart4

  1. [Offline] Join my server

    there is also a mod version of towny. i believe its called mytown almost exactly the same but ones for bukkit. the other vanilla servers/ self modded.
  2. hey everyone im on were did everyone go? the servers up and updated.
  3. [Offline] Join my server

    a bug with seqoia leaves? i havnt seen that bug in a long time... unless your server itself doesn't have enough max ram to handle it?
  4. Server should be updated to hotfix 14 ill check today after work and be on.
  5. i am so sorry but i might not be on due to updates and other server work ill be busy with. running private servers isnt easy so if you wish you may remove me. sorry for any issue this may have caused
  6. ranadi can you update the server plzzz
  7. Ultimaheart4 20's US est read rules and i understand
  8. vegasgoat you are exactly right and you can even assign plots to people in town and set it so only that person and mayor can enter to protect your spots from other towns people but give them protection too from outsiders. they can even set it so friends they choose may enter form another town but no one else from that town ore there own. if anyone would like specific commands in game feel free to ask when i am on or pm me i am always monitoring posts and messages and will respond asap.
  9. [Offline] Join my server

    tfc has updated to hotfix 14 so no more anvil bug
  10. ok people tfc has updated to fix anvil bugs and a few others its at hotfix 14 now skipped over 13. waiting for renadi to update and for me to be able to get on my computer.
  11. if anyone is having problems with anvils plz have the items that are going into the anvil in your inventory not your hot bar then you wont drop them. an example is of stone anvils. have two hammer one in inventory the other on hotbar (to hit the stone rock surface) and as a second note if anyone has been raided i will do my best to help you cope and replace items to the best of my ability and item donations to people. i am getting sick and tired of people raiding those who dont have a town set or i wasnt on to give them a place to stay safe for the time being, there is a reason my town now has 18 people in it.
  12. [Offline] Join my server

    update does have a hotbar/anvil bug. it makes it so items in the hot bar cant be placed into an anvil. so if having problems put hammers, plans, flux, and metals into inventory to be placed into anvil. for stone anvils have two hammers one on hotbar (to hit the rocks surface) the other in inventory. all other shift click bugs and placing bugs have been fixed so far.
  13. [Offline] Join my server

    like i said id prove i dont have anything im sitll in your fort. same spot i left in. and its not my server -.- my servers are private for this reason of drama and i dont run anti grief mods. dont need to.
  14. [Offline] Join my server

    well idk who got me banned but thx i guess lol. if it was daaryl starting rumors then cool i can prove i didnt take anything so feel free to unban and ill still be in fort next to the woods or what ever and give you my stones and stuff can even kill me if you wish i dont have anything other then a few rocks or sticks. or squirrelzz your already banned from carpe aurum (wich i dont own or run) i dont know why you would still try to ban me from a server i dont play on. its the point of being acused i am amazed at.
  15. [B76] Latest version bugs & FAQ.

    ok bug with the anvils/hotbar. you can not click or shift click items from hot bar into anvils. only your inventory.
  16. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    wow took forever to find this server posts anymore... but anyways should update to hotfix 12
  17. [Offline] Join my server

    hope this server updates to hotfix 12
  18. ok everyone server is updating to hotfix 12
  19. yes prolly and sorry i have 17 people in my town so im sorry im so large... best to go to new spawn and look around there
  20. ok if your too close still that means there is another town near again on another side. and they can be anywhere. :/ and smart moving is allowed. but i dont think its on the server.
  21. [Offline] Join my server

    server is up!!! no breaking tool racks!!!!!
  22. [Offline] Join my server

    feel free to add me to the whitelist i guess lol its same name ultimaheart4
  23. [Offline] Join my server

    well id like to have tried your server currently big projects on my private servers and carpe aurum server but this one is witelisted and i try to play ones that are not so that i might be able to meet new people easily and the ones who don't stay long learn without to much effort.
  24. well it usually doesnt crash unless someone does something that causes it too. i think its because breaking tool racks crashes the server... some people have been having that problem. :/ so i hope that people will read this and next time the server is back up stop breaking tool racks... but idk what it really is. since the person who does it never actually tells so we cant fix it.