Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ultimaheart4

  1. well this kinda makes me sad. wish renadi was here today. hope your not gone too long man. theres been a lot of people waiting for this server.
  2. [Offline] Join my server

    did the clients also rest their configs?
  3. [Offline] Join my server

    need to reset the configs!
  4. [Offline] Join my server

    you should reset the configs file by deleting the old on on the server and the clients
  5. server still down renadi were are you?
  6. nope i sent a message 3 times... i think he is working or sleeping
  7. [B76] Latest version bugs & FAQ.

    is there ever going to be a fix for nei?
  8. renadi you need to update to hotfix 11
  9. anyone trying to join the server plz reset/delete your old config files!!!!!
  10. ok we found a bug tht crashes the server
  11. so seems like the server wont be up today :/ saddening
  12. ive sent email and that already nice try but the owner over at aqour is still up at right time... but dont forget to keep your stuff on hand
  13. Discussion thread for the Combat Revamp

    why not add guns? some old flintlock style to go with the new gunpowder recipe? and add in bleeding or instant kills if a stab went through your heart. you would die. if a knife goes into your skull you would probably die. if a major artery was cut you would bleed to death. but what if you got shot? a blunderbuss would shatter your bones and turn your guts to ground chuck. maybe you want to be acrobatic and jump off a roof onto someone and do a stab in the head like assassins creed? maybe you just want to take on a bear and not die? since a sword to bear.... umm why dont you go try it? even i full steel armor? doesnt make sense.... long rang... sure javelin to the heart of a bear... i dont think a thrown javelin would make it through its fur and hide... so why not add in things like toughness. or in most common ways strength. if your so strong you may have a chance to shove a sword through the bears hide and kill it before being mauled to death. or even crushed. only bringing up the point of different areas being vital like a hunting game. so if you stab into heart die. cut zombie head off die.... simple and makes sense... armor preventing a zombie from biting you? sure. creeper.... ummm doesnt make sense at all.... random exploding creature you can shoot from long rang since going near one would not make sense! the system would take a while to conjure up and make work... but at least if you stood in front of a zombie and cut its head off it would die fast instead of waking it 20 times because damage is being distributed to the creature all over.
  14. Renadi seems busy since his server is down and cant reboot?
  15. [Offline] Treeserve [Build 76] [MC 1.5.1][Re-Opened]

    send me a pm please id like to check out your server
  16. haha that would make me mad because then no one could do anything worth it. i believe that its new people acting like hey i want a chance. but they all missed out in my opinion... maybe they shouldve been watching for the first update lol. so server acting up again?
  17. btw renadi if you read this you should take down the vote thing when you get the chance lol. you and me both knw we already reset and you keep getting more votes lol most people dont read for the 76 update. (past that update)