Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Pwnlord

  1. Let's face it: even with weapons and armor, TFC combat is lethal.


    Therefore: give us a reason to actually fight mobs. If you can't melt it down, then why not have them drop weapons, items, and armor? It would be bragging rights on MP servers, and given that fighting any enemy before you have metal is nigh-impossible (eight crits with a stone knife to kill an unarmored zombie, anyone?) reasonably balanced.


    Not to mention the difficulty of fighting armored enemies justifies some reward, even an infrequent half-bar of the relevant metal.


    Also: Make Javelin Skeletons drop javelins. Skeletons drop arrows, after all. The coal would be nice too-because let's face it, you need more than one piece to start a forge.


    EDIT: If Music Discs are still a thing-we haven't gotten any-then add a Music Player. TFC's music is great, and being able to play it on demand would be wonderful. Just make the recipe 8 Planks surrounding a bar of tool metal.


  2. This requires the creation of a new block-namely, a Nest. Eight Straw in a ring produces two Nests, and each Nest can hold up to eight eggs.


    Chickens will lay their eggs in Nests more frequently than normal, and breeding chickens successfully requires a Nest. Chickens will still produce eggs without a Nest, but less frequently.


    If a Hen and Rooster are given grain, they will produce a Fertilized Egg. A Fertilized Egg must be placed in a nest, and will be brooded by a chicken if one is present.


  3. I disagree. I'd prefer if you got magic weapons/tools as rare drops from enemies, like in vanilla. It gives a reason to fight rather than sleep, and if you can't craft them yourself, doesn't imbalance things too much.


    Elder Scrolls-style enchanting with Soul Gems would be good too.


  4. To be honest, I like the Polynesian style. I've seen those in action. They worked on open water, that's how they got so far. I want to see something like that utilized. But I was also thinking of larger boats than those, that being, large sailing boats that would be good for carrying large amounts of goods at a time. 



    Something like this would be ideal. Make it 6x10, requiring several stacks of wood, a saw, and...four bars of tool metal to craft. Plus rope, made from Thatch.


  5. If you found enough for a pick and prospectors pick, the saw should be easy. You know where you got the small ores from right? Use the pick and prospectors pick in that same area to dig up regular ores and make a saw.



    Once you make a copper saw, even that one will last a very, very long time. So i think the new changes are OK. 


    The trouble is finding enough ore in the first place. Not to mention that copper itself is tricky to find-I stopped using a world a few versions ago because I had lots of Hematite and Cassiterite but NO copper of any kind.


  6. Before metal was cheap and common (and before wooly sheep were bred, for that matter) there was a process called rooing for removing the wool from sheep, generally in the spring. It survives as a process with certain breeds like the Shetland, the Soay, and the Northern European short-tailed sheep. Rooing is performed with combs, and therefore I propose a Comb tool to shear sheep without metal.

    The recipe would be simple: one Plank and three to five sticks.


  7. Firstly the mining charges crafted that way would result in... wait for it... not one, not two, but three, yes three blocks with two of them having no specific purpose other than in crafting charges, and one being the charges themselves.

    Mind you, my idea would result in the re-writing of some of the properties of cobblestone blocks (namely what tool you break them with and the time it takes to break them), the creation of placeable gunpowder, (most of the code aside from burning and a few particle effects exists within the code for vanila redstone), and a rewrite of how barrels work (don't ask, I have no idea how much work this would take).

    The diference being not that my idea would be easyer to implement than yours, and your idea is infact a seperate idea, but that many of the items I suggested implementing could have multiple uses, for example, perhaps instead of the blast radius of a barrel being a constant range, when the powder keg, or barrel detected a lit fuse next to it, it would check to see how much gunpowder it had inside of it. If this gunpowder value was below a set amount, it would not explode at all, after that the blast radius would be determined on the amount of gunpowder in the keg/barrel. This would allow a player to determine a charge, up to a set amount, each barrel would have without needing to add in 15 explosive blocks into the game.

    I imagine you could use single mining charges like grenades-light it, then throw it like a javelin.

    Sand would work fine; I stated sawdust since that's what's used IRL.


  8. "Unfortunately, next door lived a Terrafirmacrafter, and the poor bastard had a bare stone floor, dirt walls, and a roof made of logs. The hobbits deemed it politic not to mention it."


  9. I tried digging grassy clay-all six digs were single-clay.

    Tried digging clay from underwater: it was the right kind, first try.

    So that's interesting.

    Also, removing a full Barrel with an axe does not provide a Barrel item. It just breaks. Boom, gone, nothing to show for your efforts.
