Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Dante80

  1. Thanks for the feedback! From the 4 first pictures I see, there is a known tilling grid pattern remaining in Andesite bricks that has been already fixed in the coming next version. Other than that, I think I will revisit the rock salt bricks at some time, although I don't think I can do much for its grain texture. That's what its supposed to look like IRL. Also, as you have mentioned yourself, Quartzite smooth is not intended for walls. The 5th picture is actually a nice catch, its a mistake by me. Both bump and hue maps are inverted on this one in the PSD, I think I was playing around with the chert texture in a grid for tilling and forgot to flip it before applying it. Fixed. Leaves will be revisited, hopefully in the future each tree will have its own leaves texture. Cannot comment really on the interface, its a theme based pack so its a design decision. As always, your mileage may vary...^^ Hope that helps, cheers...C:
  2. Some work on forge and logpiles edit: bloomery
  3. The problem is that the actual knapping area is hardcoded, and removing a stone fragment just reveals the background. I think I'll have to trace the actual contour of the area by eye, and then make it a shelf within the picture. Good idea man.
  4. Thanks for the feedback. I am getting to like the two paintings chosen as I play, I think they currently fit well with the albion theme. Will probably release a simple wood gui too though, since I can understand the current look is an acquired taste...^^ A WIP texture for knapping.
  5. A first pass on the rock textures. At first, I wanted to emulate each and every stone as a separate texture. I think though that it would be more helpful if the stones are grouped into the 4 types that are in the game. Thus, there is a different base texture for sedimentary, metamorphic, extrusive and intrusive ingeous groups. Of course, the stones also retain the hue and grain of the rock layer they are on. Also, started work on the GUis. Here is the current inventory gui RC, I wanted to emulate an old painting like look. How does it look?
  6. transcengopher, can you post us a screenshot of the pattern you find weird?
  7. necrobard thanks for the help man, these will come handy as stopgaps...^^ warfighter67, lol of course I don't take it personal man. The items in Albion are a long time WIP anyways, most of them will be changed in the future. Cheers..C: Remember guys, use optifine for HD fonts, animated water, lava and mipmapping. And post some pics from your worlds, they come handy in bugtesting too. Already spotted a couple of tilling problems from necrobards screenshots (granite cobble and marble bricks).
  8. No need to apologize, you actually gave me even more options to consider. And you are right, Kenget fits the bill in dungeon construction indeed! C:
  9. Nice, thanks for the screenshots! I see you are using the Kenget variant, not the one that came with the RC0. How do the dark cherry chests and crafting tables mesh with the TFC planks? I think that I will change the 2 shingle patterned planks to match the Kenget variant default blocks.
  10. Ok guys, here is a RC0 release, mainly for bugfixing. DOWNLOAD FROM MEDIAFIRE 1. Have in mind that this is a semi-realistic fantasy TP using a higher than vanilla resolution. That means you have to install optifine for custom water, lava, animations etc, and you have to set optifine mipmapping to ON (preferably to 1 or 2). Not doing so can result in problems, especially due to the way the MC graphics engine renders textures at a distance. 2. This is a heavy WIP project. Expect current textures to be revisited, improved or changed. Also have in mind that most of the stuff are not in yet, this version is only for testing purposes. 3. Please share a screen-shot or two of your builds, so that we can see the textures in practice. 4. Report any bugs or other problems. And most of all, any feedback would be vastly appreciated. Cheers...^^
  11. And a first pass on the firepit texture. I...don't like it. Its very difficult to make a 3d believable image when the texture is extremely flat and it is not a block face. I think that I will have to revisit that soon, maybe the solution is to "dig down".
  12. And a first pass on the log pile texture. I want to utilize it as a building material for rural areas, so the 2 tone log coloring is intentional. Not content with the grid yet, will have to work more on it. But as a stopgap, it will do.
  13. About 2 or 3 hours in weekdays (any more and I get clobbered), and more on my days off. The last two days were slow at work though, so I managed to put some more time to it. Also, have in mind that this is based on an existing texture pack I was working on for almost 2 years, so I have enough materials to work with and adapt some of them for the mod. For an example, the protection meter core texture was one of my first glowstone textures I used in Albion. And I made that texture more than 3 years ago, when I was a contractor for studio ludens (the developers of genetica).
  14. If you can get past my for 18 years capoeira practicing wife, I think we could work out sth....XD The concept was to make it a rough crystallite matrix embedded in stone to show the gem used to build it. I think it looks low tech enough up close, at least for the look I'm shooting for...C:
  15. Hehe I understand what you mean. Being playing this game since may or so, the most I ever got was bronze tools. Mostly due to exploring all the time...XD A first draft for the protection meter. Tried to Make it look more like a magical block than an industrial meter. How does that look?
  16. All rocks sitting on the ground utilize the rough stone texture of their respective type. The dimensions of the rocks are random and hardcoded in the mod, but fortunately all the custom textures for rough stone are used. Also hardcoded is the breaking texture overlay for them. You cannot change the look of the rocks in the ground in a texture pack, just affect the base texture that they use.
  17. Thanks for the feedback! The planks are changed already, will post a WIP pic soon. Although the idea had merit, you are right that the shingle pattern was too niche for other constructions. Regarding the smooth counterparts, my main concern was to use them as roof and floor materials. I also tried to have the best compatibility with sculpting, but as you will find out, some stone types would be far more suited for making sculptures with them than others. That is intentional. Chiseling compatibility for creating construction slabs is high on all types atm, but have in mind that what you may have already done in vanilla may not look as intended in a decorative semi realistic texture pack. Part of the fun (at least in my seeds) will be utilizing the TP textures for new projects. And a first pass on the anvils. Will have to make the shape shading next, just used a placeholder for that for the time being.
  18. Nice one man, I was looking to do sth similar with it. The texture you used for it comes from the Aether mod support pack I did a year ago, and was originally used as the freezer texture. C: I will try a more or less same approach to the protection meter as you did, I think that the vanilla one looks too "high tech" for TFC... Also, WELCOME TO THE FORUMS...
  19. Bring it on! Would love to simulate falling leaves...^^
  20. Bear with me guys, this mod has hundreds of textures and it takes some time to produce each and every one of them and then test them in-game. I promise though that as soon as I'm finished with blocks and GUIs I will post a test version for bug tracking...C:
  21. By adjusting contrast, exposure and adding some gaussian fibre noise you make the texture busier. Now that is all nice since we are talking about wood, but unfortunately the pattern used in this case is already very busy itself. I will either scrap it altogether or enlarge the pattern to alleviate contrast blending issues that cause epilepsy when seen at a distance. "Hey Mike, nice roof you have th.... http://www.rushdenos...10/Epilepsy.jpg
  22. Hehe, the scale ones are supposed to be roof tilling materials for wooden roofs. Here are some of the resources I used for them. You are right, they look a little awkward when used for other purposes. Thats why only 2 of the wood types will have this pattern.
  23. Ok, a first pass on the wooden planks is done. Still WIP, trying to nail the grain on some wood types. Refined the doors to fit the current plank hues. And a second pass was made to the log textures. Should be a little more believable in the cross-section area. Here is a current WIP preview. And some in game pics to show the different plank designs. Pics taken before working on hue shifting. As always, any feedback is vastly appreciated. Cheers..^^
  24. You do understand guys that the meta for this is hilarious, right? XD
  25. Block Heads [0.79]

    With your permission I tried working on it a little, here is a 4x4 matrix pic. I applied two high pass filters to it (one set to offset as overlay, one to exposure as lighter color), and then tried to work a little on the color pattern you had in the bottom right corner. I also did some hue shifting to emulate shape shaded grass blades (thats the blue pixels there). Hope that helps, Keep the goodness coming man, terrific TP! Cheers...^^