Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Kittychanley

  1. 6 hours ago, Sequoia said:

    Really? I have multiple profiles, two dont work entirely, the other two DO work, but no mods show up even though they are in the mods folder. Does each profile use different java? They all use 1.6 forge, but only two work, just dont include mods that i installed. 

    Each profile will use a different java if they have been configured to do so. You'd have to hit "edit profile" on each of them individually to compare.


  2. On 7/25/2016 at 1:46 PM, Sequoia said:

    Alright, i will try that. But wouldnt that also screw up 1.7.10 forge aswell? It only happens for 1.6.x

    No, it wouldn't. Usually, each version of forge has its own profile on the launcher, and these profiles can have different settings, including the version of Java it uses.


    Edit: Bunsan made a good point. Forge for Minecraft 1.6.4 is not compatible with Java 8.


  3. Changing to windows 10 probably screwed up your Java installation. Click "Edit Profile" on the launcher to see what path it has for the Java executable and make sure you actually have a copy of Java in that location.


  4. On 7/15/2016 at 1:45 AM, Travis said:

    Idk if you still watching this post. But ethos seed is "yourmom" he says it first few seconds of ep1

    That's the seed for the second season. This person was looking for the world seed of his first season, which he does not ever provide.


  5. You say that you can reproduce the bug after uninstalling Optifine, but the crash report you provided shows you still have Optifine installed. You will not receive support until you can provide a crash report that proves you can reproduce the crash without Optifine installed.


  6. Have you ever used the /time set day command or anything like that on the server or edited the configs to change the year length? Especially with your comment about the location of the familiarity icon, it sounds like the server time got rolled back and your sheep actually think its a baby, which is why you can't do any of the interactions with it.


  7. Automated Message: This topic has been locked for breaking rule #5 of the support forum form submission.

    Rule #5 - If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, uninstall them and make sure you can still reproduce the bug before submitting. Optifine and Cauldron edit forge base classes, which causes bugs that TFC cannot fix without breaking forge compatibility.


  8. Bioxx decided to create the tool when he first started working on mobs for TFC2. There really weren't any other good alternatives out there for the Minecraft 1.8 rendering, so it was easier to just make his own. You are welcome to make your own models and submit them via private message for approval. You will likely have better luck getting a response if you send your message to Darmo instead of just to Bioxx or myself.


  9. On 7/8/2016 at 9:15 AM, TheUnknownSpecimen said:

    So how would textures for custom alloys work?

    There's a handful of different ways the textures can be done. One of those that's fairly simple to implement and is already used in vanilla Minecraft is just using a color multiplier. So the texture image itself is grayscale, and we overlay different colors on it. In vanilla this is how dyed leather armor, grass, leaves, etc. are done.


  10. Automated Message: This topic has been locked for breaking rule #5 of the support forum form submission.

    Rule #5 - If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, uninstall them and make sure you can still reproduce the bug before submitting. Optifine and Cauldron edit forge base classes, which causes bugs that TFC cannot fix without breaking forge compatibility.


  11. 7 hours ago, TonyLiberatto said:

    It's a simple mechanic. I know. And I actually have no idea how this new wiki would work. For example: when a player makes a search will it give results for both wikis?

    I wanted the player to once selecting tfc1 or tfc2 to be lock inside that wiki until he/she goes to the other.

    I was thinking that if you aren't looking at a page for a specific version (like the main page) then search results would just show for TFC2. If you are looking at a TFC1 page though, then search results would be just for TFC1.


    3 hours ago, ChunkHunter said:

    OK - I admit my reply wasn't completely unabiguous, and I hadn't looked at the Dwarf Fortress wiki - which also doesn't look anywhere near as good as the TFC wiki for what it's worth.

    I think a miscommunication here is that you aren't familiar with wiki templates. That box up at the top is a template, you edit the single template page and the change displays on every single page that displays that template. There's nothing where I'd have to go and update every single page individually. Wiki's also have namespaces which track which section you are currently in, so there's no need to store a variable or a cookie, the namespace already takes care of that.

    I also wasn't clear that the version box would only  be showing the switch between major versions. I wouldn't go as far as the dwarf fortress wiki in that it has different versions for every minor revision. There would only ever be two copies of a page, one for the latest version of TFC1, and one for the latest version of TFC2. When TFC2 updates, I simply go and edit the template page to have the new version number, and automatically every TFC1 page's box at the top will update to display the newer TFC2 version in its link.
