Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Kittychanley

  1. I'm guessing you've never used the Dwarf Fortress wiki? Basically, all of the pages have TFC2 information by default, but there's a box at the top that says that it's the page for TFC2, and in the box has a link for TFC1. When you click the link for the TFC1 version, it just loads the TFC1 page.


  2. On 7/1/2016 at 10:53 AM, drkoaeg said:

    I just asked if therefore it is needed to have all those tech tree, that forces you to build one static base in your world.

    To be fair, not even TFC1 does this. There's absolutely nothing that forces you to build one static base and keep everything there. In fact, I've seen players that intentionally build multiple bases across the world for different reasons. For example, players that have their farm closer to the equator so they'll get better crop growth. They build their smithing area closer to an area that has a bunch of different ores and minerals. They build their "home" with storage and food processing near an area that has resources in the color palette they'd like to build with. Etc etc.


  3. 2 hours ago, ChunkHunter said:

    Perhaps a drop-down box at the top of the Wiki page where you would select  "TFC1" or "TFC2"?


    1 hour ago, TonyLiberatto said:

    One easy way may be to duplicate the wiki files and rename the copy as tfc2. then the original wiki would remain only tfc1 and the copy could be modified with all the changes that we will have in tfc2.

    I think it would avoid a lot of confusion and it would save the work of rewriting the whole wiki. 

    The end result would be 2 different wikis one for each tfc


    Please make sure you guys are reading the entire topic before you reply to it. Both of you have just suggested something basically identical to what I said would happen in my earlier reply.


  4. A game with nothing but adventure would get boring very quickly. You need a reason to adventure, and the idea of having a home to bring goods back to and a use for them gives you motivation to continue exploring.


  5. A horrible tasting sandwich with full weight of ingredients is 10 ounces. In general, the player's hunger depletes at a rate of about 1 ounce per in-game hour. You do also lose hunger for breaking blocks and filling the goldpan, but it's a very small amount (0.001 for per block broken and half that for gold pan filled), so I'm just going to ignore it in this comparison for sake of simplicity. I'm also going to say that the player never sleeps in this comparison, so you don't have to factor in the fact that hunger drains at half the rate for hours spent sleeping. Satisfaction in this case is essentially just a direct extension of the hunger bar. So any amount put towards satisfaction can be treated just like extra ounces in your stomach.

    Sandwiches, unlike individual ingredients or salads also have a filling multiplier of 1.25. So a horrible sandwich with full weight for all ingredients is going to fill you up with 12.5 ounces of hunger bar.

    All food has a default "taste factor" of 0.85, which is then increased for tastier food. For individual ingredients, this directly affects the number of ounces that are filled in your hunger bar. So if you eat 5 ounces of a single horrible tasting ingredient, the food will lose 5 ounces of weight, but your hunger bar and nutrition will only fill as if you had eaten 4.25 ounces. For sandwiches and salads, it does not affect the number of ounces that are filled in your hunger bar, and instead affects how much saturation you are given. So that full 10 ounce disgusting sandwich with no additional taste factor other than the default 0.85 will give the player 2.83 ounces worth of satisfaction.

    So in all, the horrible sandwich has a total of 12.5 ounces hunger, plus 2.83 ounces satisfaction, meaning that it will last 15.33 in-game hours, or about 12 minutes 47 seconds.

    An absolutely perfect piece of food that matches the player's taste profile exactly has a taste factor of 1.35. So a full 10 ounce absolutely perfect sandwich will give the player 4.5 ounces worth of satisfaction.

    So in all, the absolutely perfect sandwich has a total of 12.5 ounces of hunger, plus 4.5 ounces satisfaction, meaning that it will last 17 in-game hours, or about 14 minutes 10 seconds.

    So overall, the difference between a single horrible sandwich and an absolutely perfect one is about 83 seconds. This may not seem like much, but the cap on satisfaction is 10 ounces, so eating two perfect sandwiches back to back when you are just about starving will just about completely max out both hunger and satisfaction, and take 33 in-game hours to deplete. Eating two horrible sandwiches back to back when you are just about starving will take 29.66 in-game hours to deplete. So the difference between horrible and perfect for a starving player is about 2 minutes 47 seconds. 

    Another way to look at it is the difference in satisfaction between two horrible and two perfect sandwiches is about the same amount that you drain sleeping through the night.


  6. The cutoff for getting benefits based on taste is a distance of 10. So any flavor that had a number larger than 10 has no bonus at all for that flavor. With that restriction alone, sandwich B is better because all its flavors give a bonus. If instead sandwich A had 10 for salty instead of 18, so all flavors gave bonus for both,  you would compare them by adding the distance from perfect, and better is a smaller number.


  7. There is no familiarity requirement. They have to be roped before you can mount them though.

    Edit: Double checked the source code and they do require a familiarity of 15, which is half the amount required to get the white border, and just one pixel of red on the heart. Your problem though is that they aren't roped.


  8. You're going the wrong direction then. You need to increase the health of other mobs, not decrease the health of TFC mobs. Otherwise you're just going to be able to kill everything with your fists in one hit and all the mobs will barely do any damage to you.


  9. On 6/6/2016 at 6:28 PM, ciekma said:

    Now we must craft lock, but this information cannot be copied directly into lock, because somebody would be able, with some hacking tools, to check this data. Lock crafting procedure should generate random number written to its NBT data plus written to the server-side simple database file, paired with NBT data for key.

    It's really not feasible to save any sort of information in a server-side database file, simply because we can't expect users to install a database on their system alongside installing minecraft. A flat data file such as just a .txt that just has

    key, lock

    on each line would be possible, but as soon as you get a bunch of entries you're going to start having performance problems searching through the file.


  10. Your best bet is to check the temperature in the middle of the night. Once it's above freezing around midnight, you shouldn't have to worry about there being another frost. If you already have a bed and are planning on sleeping through every night, just wait until it's always above freezing right at sunset.


  11. This is another example of where we prioritize gameplay and consistency over realism. If everything needs a handle, then you don't have confused players trying to figure out why the crafting recipe doesn't work when they put a knife blade and a stick in the crafting grid. If we were to do stone tools without handles, then we'd need to make it so that all stone tools don't have handles. Otherwise you're just asking for confusion.


  12. The forum will stay the same way it currently is with both TFC1 and TFC2, just under different sections. The wiki will likely be something like the dwarf fortress wiki, in that all of the pages will be for TFC2, but there will be a box at the top that provides the link to the TFC1 version of the page.


  13. A lot of the mods you have installed just aren't compatible with TFC. I'm surprised the game even loads without crashing. I don't recognize some of those mods so I don't know if they are incompatible, but for sure Biomes O' Plenty, More-Health-Enahnced and likely SpaceCore if it adds other dimensions.


  14. There are no ice mountains, and you can travel to the north pole or the south pole to see snow plains, you just have to make sure that you do the travelling in winter. If you travel to the north in the summer, it will be too warm.


  15. Snow in TFC is completely different from in vanilla Minecraft. The current temperature where you are located at has to be below freezing, and it has to be raining. If the temperature is above 0, then it will rain; otherwise it will snow. The only time that you will see snow when generating new terrain is if the current temperature is below 0 in the area you are generating.


  16. 10 hours ago, ciekma said:

    By the way, why vanilla TFC is not spawning TFC cave spiders?

    Because they're nasty creatures and we never liked how the vanilla poison effect worked. There's a handful of hostiles we've got disabled, including baby zombies and spider jockeys as well.
