Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by callisto8413

  1. Well, moving on, I have collected a nice number of seeds.

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    And have fenced off a small tract of land.  Any suggestion on what animals to collect?  My choices are pigs and sheep and...that about it.  I assume sheep because of the wool but there seem to be more pigs running around also.  May be easier to bring in pigs.  I assume pigs reproduce faster.


    Frankly, with all my veggies, fruit, and grains, I am not sure animals are a smart investment.  Has anybody compared output of animal flesh vs. harvests from plants?


  2. I don't know - I think it is clear enough on the wiki.


    And I don't think it is a question of not reading the wiki as much as knowing brass, in fact, IS used to make non-sparking tools, like large sledge hammers, so it could be players know too much in this case about MODERN brass tools - and yes, they even use them to mine.  Also, even historians used to confuse brass and bronze in their writings.  So once again it could be players know their history but just don't know it's incorrect or based on flawed information.


    But yeah, the wiki seems to make it very clear that in the game brass, gold, so on, are all useless.  


  3. Smooth stone is harvested with a pickaxe. That's kind of the point of smoothing it, so you don't have to quarry it out.

    But I don't have a pickaxe and this method always worked before.  And it's floating.  I have noticed a LOT of blocks floating in this save.


  4. I made a chisel and used my fist to get three rough stone blocks (for the grinder of the quern).  Then used the chisel to smooth a block and then punched all the stone around it...I will do this three times to make the base.

    First stone:

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    Yeah...that didn't work...


    I'll wait for my pick before doing anything else with that stone.  It scares me.


  5. Well, found enough copper to add to my ton of tin to make a bronze saw.  So made a loom, made a tool rack, a large box, and so on.  Can't make a bed till I have more wool.  I'll pick spots around the main island to pan for ore.  I found a large Western Island - I guess I'm in Japan - plus some more fruit trees.  Bananas!  


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    Now plan to make some fences and also some ropes to bring in the animals.  And I have bones, so can try to tame the wolf.  AFTER all the animals are fenced in.  


    And found some more ore in the rocks (found it by walking right on it) - which I marked.  Not sure what half of it is.  But my next metal tool will likely be a chisel so I can make a quern - I love bread and look forward to sandwiches.  Oh, and stairs.  


  6. Does anybody know what this is?  Not that I can do anything till I find more ore off the ground.  And maybe start to pan for ore....I hear that works now.

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    WOLF!  Eh, I guess we're in the New World.  Because Old World wolves DO attack people.

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    And deer.  I left them alone - animals don't seem to drop much in the way of meat and I seem to be finding a lot soybeans.

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    New second home looking good.  Made a cellar too.

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    Once you planted a tree - can you recover it or do you have to wait for it to grow and then take saplings from it like the adult trees?  


  7. the idea of a block sounds good - but I feel it would have to be at least underwater - so you would have to search or dive to dig out the shells.  Nothing easy but nothing too deep either.


  8. I was thinking, with all the sea water around, we should have a process to make brine and (if continued) salt.  Native Americans boiled brine to make salt (according to English records).


    In other words, there is salt water all over the place and that means salt is available.


    After all, take sea water and use the sun, causing the H2O to go into the Great Rain Clouds in the sky, and you have brine - which is salty salt water.   :D  Continue the process of evaporation and you get salt.  Of course, you could speed up the process by adding heat.  But it would make available two products players need AND is a process that has been going on since the first man said, "I need something to go with this potato.".  


    I was thinking of placing salt water in a unsealed container and allowing the sun to do the work.  Of course, if it rains the process would be ruined, or force you to go back to square one.


    Or some way of designing shallow ponds, or a series of ponds, to help evaporate the water.  But that requires making something new - such as a new block.


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    Let's try to use what we already have.

    Maybe something like

    1. Use a wooden bucket to fill a Large Vessel with sea water (NOT a wooden barrel).

    2.  Place right next to a fire pit.

    3.  Keep fire pit burning for (?) number of hours.

    4.  You have brine.

    5.  Keep fire pit burning for (?) number of hours more.

    6.  You have a small amount of salt. 






  9. Just be careful with pit kilns inside the house the log piles in the walls will catch fire even if they are one (and if I am not mistaken 2) blocks away. Campfires are OK.


    I see.  The pit kiln was outside but not far enough away.   I figured as much and moved it farther away.  I am now working at my home but also working on my future home.


    First, I found an area with some animals.  Sheep, Pigs, and some wild hens (pheasants but I can't remember how to spell that half the time).

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    Also found a nice area where, if I was on a server, I would suggest a Dwarf Fortress.  :D

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    But more importantly - I have getting a somewhat balanced diet...

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    And preparing the new home site at one of the inland lakes....

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    That also is right next to the sea.   Fresh water and seaweed - yummy.

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  10. Oh, folks, what do you use thatch blocks for?  Now that it acts like "air" it is useless as a roof and using as a door would be silly as a bear could just walk right in anyway.  I've heard it is great for cellar doors, as it blocks light, but I don't have a "cellar" right now anyway.


  11. A few screenshots - the landscape is somewhat impressive...


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    Running about at night may make it hard to see the beauty.   :D


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    Home Sweet Home.  My places always look simple...


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    Interesting rock layers...


    I had a accident - set fire to my house and had to rebuild it.  Lost my hide and straw bed in the process so until I find that other bear I know which is running around I will sleep on straw.   :P

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    My first night base was nothing but a clay pit.  This is where I stopped, and stayed, on my second night.  But I have found some large inland fresh water lakes.  So there is a move in my future.  But I do need a saw.


  12. Dinosaurs?   We already have dinosaurs.  They are called chickens.


    But that would be interesting - could you train them like the other animals?


    And I play on peaceful - the bears are the most dangerous animal in my TFC games.  Having a T-Rex would make things interesting....I would have to build wooden forts or find areas to live where it could not get into.


    The problem I have with it is when I find a herd of cows will I watch in horror as raptors wipe out the whole herd? 


  13. Well, I explored, found a few fruit trees (orange and green apple), battled and killed a bear, found and ran away from another bear (that seemed too busy posing on the top of a very high hill top to notice me), found some garlic, started farming and gave in to the need to make a shelter out of wood and jack-o-lanterns.  Mostly because I found some ores on the ground, so maybe I could make some tools, but also because I want to try to live in this one area.  It is kind of pretty.  Also, with the straw bed I at least have a spawn point.  If I could find more animals - outside of bears - I could start some kind of meat and leather industrial.  


    Thing is, I like Stone Age stuff, so metals don't bother me.  You can be surprised how much you can do without metal in this mod.


    I have tried raw and cooked seaweed.  Not sure there is much difference.  Maybe the cooked seaweed keeps you warm?   ^_^   At least there is tons of the stuff.  As long as the water does not ice over in the winter.


    I should think about making a "kitchen" table top with a knife to see if I can make some salads.  


    I just wish the land would stop collapsing.  I think I lost a block of farm land.


  14. I don't find caves anymore.  I found huge pits or ravines.  Find a way to get down into them, search about, use the pick, mining really isn't that dangerous as it use to be unless you REALLY want to go for that massive vein of ore.  To be honest, at the start of the game they just annoy me - I have to find ways around them.


  15. Today, while playing Terrafirmacraft, searching along the beach I was thinking about Stone Age families and how they use to visit the shores of Europe, every year, to enjoy the great feast of shellfish you could find in those days. Mussels, clams, oysters, crabs and so on.   Of course their number would depend on the season.  But before fishing became a industry the shores would have been teaming with life.


    Not even counting the birds and other animals that would have also been searching the sand for food.


    My island, so far I believe it is a very large island or a series linked together, has tons of seaweed and only about four sources of water I have found so far - all on the coast.  I have found a few plants - two berry bushes, three tomato plants, three cabbages and have collected them (and their seeds).  And one fruit tree - unknown type because at the same time I found the only animal that seems to share the island with me - a growling bear.   Who no doubt was also combing the beach for something tasty to eat.  In fact, unlike earlier bears, his AI was very active - he seemed very interested in founding a way up the cliff to hug me.  And he found a way.  First time I have every done a running jump off a cliff without looking before had - thank you very much devs.  I was allow to land in the water and swim away.  


    But let me get back to the point - maybe clams could be found in the shallow salt water areas?  Not that I can't live on seawood - as long as it regrows.  And if I make enough spears I will soon have a bearskin bed.  But some meat in the diet would be nice for us island natives.



    Sorry if somebody already suggested this.




  16. Uploaded the new Build from the Download section and started a game just about an hour ago.  Survived two days and nights living off of cooked seaweed, some berries and some tomatoes I found.  Seem to be either on a large island or a series of linked island - following the coast because every time I went inland I found no animals and only a few items I could eat besides the sea weed.  And the only source of fresh water happens to be on the coast - one small area - that ALSO happens to be hard to get out as the landscape around it is crumbling into huge pits.  Lucky for me, found clay early, so am firing jars so I can starting to plan a series of quests to find a better spot.   No metals at ALL - that I can see on the surface.  


    Even building a small shelter at this point would be useless - I would have to tear it down in a few days anyway.


    It's perfect!  Just the kind of problems a human being should try to overcome.  :D


    I have to check the wiki about fishing.  Maybe I could live by the sea!  


    By now in regular Minecraft I would have a farm already going with a small cottage and maybe some farm animals.  I would be picking out which type of wood to make my doors out of and feasting on pumpkin pie.  How boring....^_^


  17. Tried the meal thing.  Made three terrible meals and one poor one.  The poor one was a potato and barley bread.  Which makes sense because potatoes are, of course, amazing and barley is also awesome.  As we all know, if you played King of Dragon's Pass, barley makes the best beer.  


    (Now that I think of it, why hasn't anybody make a Minecraft mod of King of  Dragon's Pass?!?!?!)


    I have so much food I am thinking of slowing down a tad and seeing if I can make a proper house, maybe make some glass blocks to make a greenhouse also.  Start moving on up!


  18. Thanks.  I think it can unless I am recording.   ^-^




    Edit: Fancy does not seem to slow it down much.  Now, I took a photo of the jungle.  Are those fruit trees or just generic jungle trees?

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    I have to be careful when scouting out a thick forest or jungle.  Being able to travel through leaves makes holes very dangerous.  In this case I tried to follow the river I found, going in the same general direction.  It worked, I broke out to the other side and also found some potatoes and returned home without an issue.


    Early man used rivers for travel and, of course, growing food!

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    To be honest I cross the rivers more than follow them, so I should make some bridges and worry about boats when I need to really explore.


    Most players seem to race to find metals.  I have always worried about running out of food, even in vanilla or Millenaire or Lord of the Rings.  So my first interests are not making metal bar after metal bar.  It is just making a small house and storing lots of food.  My first tools are selected for their ability to help me start food processing.  I should start making meals - I assume there are advantages to making meals over just chewing on a potato.  

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  19. The whole point of a better boat is, to me, being able to carry some material in it.  I mean, the vanilla boat allows you to move over water but that's it - when it isn't crashing into stuff.  A TFC canoe, to me, had to be somewhat of a project that maybe would take either a lot of time or material and have the benefit of carrying some material.


    A sailboat would be bigger, carry more people, cost more in material and time, and stay in the water.  Maybe even has cabins inside - and therefore need a deep water port and lots of room when on the move.  


    A canoe could be something one player would make for island hopping.

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    A sailboat would be something done by a group of players exploring a coast or a ocean on a server.

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  20. Servers need to solve this problems by carrying out programs to help new comers - just like any society.


    1.  Hostels - Large buildings with beds (hand-me-down straw beds if you want) where new players can reset their spawn points within the towns, villages, cities so death is not so scary.

    2.  Community Chest - Free stuff (used weapons, tools, so on) for new players.  I saw this in the one TFC server I played in.

    3.  Community Kitchens - As cities and villages should have a more stable foundation, and surplus, when it comes to food they can help support the hungry new players till they can get on their feet.

    4.  Give them a mule and saddle, some gear, point West (or East or North) and says, "Go forth!"  No matter how many players play on a server the world of TFC is going to be huge.


    The problem you are talking about also effects the village people* as they need resources also - new players become the miners, farmers and frontier people who can supply the old civilized centers with the raw material they need in return for finished goods.  Don't look for the 'fix' with the mod.  Look for ways to solve it within the server's social network.  




    Once again, I believe that TFC is best played on a server (if you can find one that has no griefers or tosses such people to the bears).


  21. After some exploring and using the torch methods of navigation - putting a torch on a pillar pointing in the direction of home - I found some fruit trees and, in fact, a whole forest of what looks like fruit trees.  Maybe I am confused by the leaf pattern - they make a solid wall of overlapping leaves.   Before that found a few individual trees and got a apple tree sapling.  I panted it near by house for easy access to fruit when it starts to produce them.  


    I still got lost once.  But I did not panic (at first) and just treated it like a run-about.  Collected so many grains, seeds, and veggies that I had to expand my larder when I got home.  And planted a few more seeds.

    (I found my way home by circling in bigger and bigger circles till I found a torch-pillar).


    Found a lot of surface ores - so have some copper tools and made a quern.  Baked my first few loafs of bread - wheat bread.  Had a breakfast of water, bread, and cooked pork right before taking this photo.   It is now Summer.  Due to the sugarcane and fruit trees I assume I am in a warm area which will allow me to plant and harvest much of the year without having to worry about snow or the cold.  But once again, I may be wrong.


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    Now if I can find some sheep.  Or a cow to try to balance my diet - but with grain, veggies, protein, and the future promise of fruit, cheese may not be a issue.



    I was lucky to find a pheasant at the start and also found a lot of immature maize and oats, so I collected them and planted them while leaving a lot of the maize alone as it looks to be in one of the finally stages.  I also found a exploding pig and was able to cook the meat and carry it home and store it.  It helps that I have played earlier builds - stone tool making, for example, is now automatic.   So within a hour I went from wandering homeless....

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    To this first hme (can you tell I am a Minecraft player who likes to make hobbit holes?)

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    Not as impressive as most but for the first game with this build, I am happy I am not starving.   And, yes, set on Peaceful but I find zombies and giant spiders weird in a survival game.


    Also, I have to say my first fear was not finding fresh water.  In fact my blue was on the last sixth of the bar before I found some fresh water.


    I did feel like the hunger bar seemed to move down a tad too fast but by the second day, with a ton of cooked pork, I felt more comfortable.  Also I keep forgetting that days in MC move quickly.  So eating three or four times a day and drinking about twice a day is really not that bad.  Also found a ton of clay and surface copper, so feeling good.  


    Over all I feel the decay factor adds some problems to solve but is not a glass ceiling forcing a player to search for food all the time.  Of course, we will see how much food I have in winter.   ^_^
