Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by parker4647

  1.  Hello guys welcome to my server, TurtleCraft, here we have a different assortment of rules and the whitelist app, we also have the new buildcraft/tfc crossover!!!! so expect to see some OPness once people have a quarry or a mining well! RACE TO BE THERE FIRST



    1.No griefing

    2.No Raiding

    3.No stealing

    4.Curse(Optional)(IP: not too much (unless your blast furnace or something disappears, if so you have free rein to curse)

    5.Don't be a douchebag! (or a dick...)

    6.BE NICE


    8.Don't brag about your quarry if you don't want to be sought out by someone who might steal it!

    9.Don't be like me, USE THE WIKI

    10.No advertising

    11.HAVE FUN!



    Whitelist app format:


    YEARs played TFC

    IGN (in-game-name):

    Why you want to join:

    ever been banned, BOY! (also why, do not comment if it was a prank on a private server of you or your friends):

    Why i should choose you!:

    Would you follow the rules:

    Would you tell people if they were breaking the rules?:

    Why this server?:

    Gender (so i don't call a guy a girl or a girl a guy):

    Would you suggest what would make the server better?:

    Would you help me out with permissions if i asked you to?:

    DEFEND THE NOOBIES? (just a weird question if someone where to try to kill a New person, would you defend them, if you could):

    best o' lucks to yo guys




    Buildcraft crossover download:

    Buildcraft itself: buildcraft-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar


  2.  In game Name parker4647

    2 Age 12 

    3 Name Parker

    4 Country USA (Vermont)

    5 A way I can contact you. through here

    6 do you agree to the rules? Don't make me add more. Always have

    7 why you want to join? at least 3 sentences. I want to join because you are the best server owner i have seen. I also would like to because you like to add new things and i love to help. And i have always liked your servers

    8 How can you help the server? at least 4 ways. I can help people out. I helped you out with Mytown and can still do that. I can help people with mod problems tell ten how do use smart moving. I can also help with wiki, I'm on a nice computer so i can go to the wiki as well as be on the server to help people who can't.

    9 Have you been on any of my old servers? You bet ya

    10 Have you had any experience being an admin? Yes I have i have actually been on many servers that have different mods, Techy, Magic, and even vanilla

    11 Do you own a minecraft server? Nope, but my friend does.

    12 Are you willing to help me install MyTown and permissions? You know i help any way possible within my range


  3.      Hey everyone i can't get opti-fine to work with terrafirmacraft and i need help getting it to work. When i install it it doesnt come up. Like when i launch it the "Mojang" screen isnt coming up... If anyone can help comment below. Thank you.


  4. Username:parker4647 (no caps)

    Age:12 1/2

    Location:East coast of USA (state is Vermont)

    What are your plans on the server? I plan to get back in to terrafirmacraft and learn the new things.... (read some updates) for example blast

     furnace? or the cruible? but i love to mine... i like how some servers have custom recipes for glowstone... much better lighting.

    Why do you like to play TFC? I love the fell when you find ores.... you feel very proud, another thing is I enjoy keep sercrets... like stashs or raids on pvp terms of course.

    Why do you want to join? My computer can't handle terrafirma in ssp so iv played smp for alot of things...

    What will you add to the server ?Sometimes i like to trade with people like some iron for gold or let me use an anvil if i very badly need it... stuff like that is fun because sometimes im lazy XD
