Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by tyriael-soban

  1. If anything, ore generation has increased as we have removed the height limitations, and all ores can be found on any level that can spawn that stone type. Make sure you check what stone type you are in and cross reference it against the wiki:


    If you found bismuth, it's likely you are in a sedimentary stone layer, which copper cannot spawn in.

    I must have really crappy luck with ore generation then; 10 days on this worldI started in Dacite with Basalt underneath, found a copper vein in a ravine but nothing to dig it with xDoddly, unlike my previous experience with TFC, a vein this big this close to the surface, often had a huge cluster of nuggets, but not anymore.i havnt found enough surface nuggets to make a tool yet (i think, all in all im now at 9 nuggets of copper)  and ive been finding copper in dolomite (around mountains, with basalt under, also found a vein down there) plenty of ferrous metals, but no tin or zinc, oh, and motherloads of platinum and galena ...All the surface of this world thus far has been sed rocks, can i have my stone age boats back? :P


  2. Just how much has the oregen changed since b77?I used to find tons of stuff either on, or just beneath the surface and now i cant even cobble together the copper for a bloody pickaxe.  :blink:I find obscene amounts of ore that i cant process till post bronze age (huge vein of magnetite on my current world, about 20 squares from spawn) and the previous one, id wandered for about 3 hours, walking about 15km in game without finding any surface beyond about a dozen bismuth nuggets.


  3. When i used to use optifine with ATI/AMD cards on windows 7x64, i would get the same problem - specifically with things on tool racks or inside containers.I've had an issue in the most recent build, where all the rocks on the ground appeared as small pieces of smooth minecraft stone, but relogging fixed it (probably my fault because i alt tabbed.) I'm curious as to the actual capacity of your gpu, make, model, driver etc ... bad drivers throw everything these days, my desktop crashes to blue screens playing minecraft if i dont update the drivers for my 7750HD for a prolonged period of time.Also, make sure you're not running the mac equivalent of stuff like Raptr "Gaming Evolved" - that throws up all sorts of weird shit on Windows and its not worth the hard drive space, frankly as it causes the display drivers to lock up frequently for some odd reason.


  4. Worldgen is RNG. Although encountering a world with barely any starting resources is really rare.There is a bug where for some reason you can't drink water, relogging fixes it. Be sure you are targeting a block facing water. Water has no hitbox. If all else fails and you are certain that it is fresh, then test by cheating in a jug. I have not encountered or heard of any jug bugs.

    When you say, "Relog" i assume you mean; end the program and start it again?


  5. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the support forum? (Yes/No): Yup TFC Version #: Version #: (SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer): ssp Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug? (Yes/No): yes, and fresh reinstall of all related files. Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed? (Yes/No): yesIf yes, which mods? waila, journeymap, fastcraft  If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them? (Yes/No): I dont use those mods anymore, optifine is a joke and i learned about Cauldron after Fastcraft and i use the latter because its more compatible with most of the modpacks i play. Description: I have two questions; they're somewhat related to each other and i believe i have encountered a bug in one case but i am unsure.The first one; is it me, or has the world generator developed a sense of humor?I've had several worlds in the last two days (i have had horrible luck finding basic metals in sufficient quantities to produce tools) and over the course of these two days i've lost count of how many worlds ive generated, but at least two of them have; spawned me at the bottom of a ravine with no clear path of exit, while three more have spawned me at the top of trees that have either killed me or left me with less than 100 hp when jumping off.Secondly; is there a problem with the world generating fresh water?Today i spawned in a basalt biome - here is me thinking i've got a decent world where i can actually have a chance to find everything i need to make basic metal tools, when i started to get thirsty (and this is also where i screwed up, in a sense), i ran to a nearby pool that should of contained fresh water (it had reeds in it! although i noticed that none of the ponds nearby had the right color on journeymap, it shows fresh and salt water as lighter/darker colors respectively) , i tried to drink from the pool and nothing happened, i spent a good 15 mins running around to what should of been every fresh water pond in range and for the life of me i couldn't get water from any of them, this isnt the first time its happened either - i had one where i spawned in a marble-surfaced biome and once again, could not drink from any ponds - though in both cases i screwed up and deleted the world files before i realized that i might of hit something significant. Edit;Also, for some odd reason ... i cannot post a screenshot, it keeps telling me that i've exceeded some kind of limit. (46kb of 500kb upload?)edited, wrong category of game mode. (SSP, not SMP)


  6. In an older build of TFC (back way before food decay) i re-created a world id been playing on because i didnt like what id done with it and the ores were totally different.


  7. Ive got a suggestion, if youre willing; the javelin gets meal heads, i think bow arrows should as well (earliest evidence of metal arrowheads is between 3300-2500 BCE).Also, a crossbow would be pretty sweet, give yourself a little edge against enemies in the heaviest kinds of armor, archaeological digs and recovered texts from China would seem to indicate that the crossbow came into wide usage around 400-500 BCE, which like the arrowheads would fit the suggested time period used in TFC. (its worth noting that the Chinese also developed a magazine-fed repeating crossbow too)


  8. Those 3D resource packs are actually the source of the problem. They changed the rendering system so you create a json file to tell the game how to render. It isn't smart though, so you have to explicitly tell it how to render every variation.Edit: The best way that I can explain it is that in 1.7 it figures out all the individual pieces as it's figuring out what kind of block it is. In 1.8 it just figures out what kind of block it is and then says "I'm this block!" and then checks the json file for what it's supposed to look like. Performance-wise it's better because it doesn't have to be smart and figure out the individual pieces. It completely screwed mod devs though.Edit 2: Here's how we handle rendering grass in 1.7


    public IIcon getIcon(IBlockAccess access, int x, int y, int z, int side){	if (side == 1)		return grassTopTexture;	else if (side == 0)		return TFC_Textures.invisibleTexture;	else if (side == 2) //-Z	{		if (TFCOptions.enableBetterGrass && TFC_Core.isGrass(access.getBlock(x, y - 1, z - 1)))			return isSnow(access, x, y - 1, z - 1) ? Blocks.snow.getBlockTextureFromSide(0) : grassTopTexture;	}	else if (side == 3) //+Z	{		if (TFCOptions.enableBetterGrass && TFC_Core.isGrass(access.getBlock(x, y - 1, z + 1)))			return isSnow(access, x, y - 1, z + 1) ? Blocks.snow.getBlockTextureFromSide(0) : grassTopTexture;	}	else if (side == 4) //-X	{		if (TFCOptions.enableBetterGrass && TFC_Core.isGrass(access.getBlock(x - 1, y - 1, z)))			return isSnow(access, x - 1, y - 1, z) ? Blocks.snow.getBlockTextureFromSide(0) : grassTopTexture;	}	else if (side == 5) //+X	{		if (TFCOptions.enableBetterGrass && TFC_Core.isGrass(access.getBlock(x + 1, y - 1, z)))			return isSnow(access, x + 1, y - 1, z) ? Blocks.snow.getBlockTextureFromSide(0) : grassTopTexture;	}	return iconGrassSideOverlay;} 


    And here's the json file for rendering grass in 1.8


    {    "variants": {       "east=false,north=false,south=false,stone=granite,west=false":[          	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Granite/Granite" },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Granite/Granite", "y": 90 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Granite/Granite", "y": 180 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Granite/Granite", "y": 270 }         ],       "east=true,north=true,south=true,stone=granite,west=true":[          	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Granite/GraniteNSEW" },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Granite/GraniteNSEW", "y": 90 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Granite/GraniteNSEW", "y": 180 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Granite/GraniteNSEW", "y": 270 }         ],       "east=false,north=true,south=true,stone=granite,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Granite/GraniteNS" },        "east=true,north=false,south=false,stone=granite,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Granite/GraniteEW" },        "east=true,north=true,south=false,stone=granite,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Granite/GraniteNE" },        "east=false,north=true,south=false,stone=granite,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Granite/GraniteNW" },        "east=true,north=false,south=true,stone=granite,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Granite/GraniteSE" },        "east=false,north=false,south=true,stone=granite,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Granite/GraniteSW" },        "east=false,north=true,south=false,stone=granite,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Granite/GraniteN" },        "east=false,north=false,south=true,stone=granite,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Granite/GraniteS" },        "east=true,north=false,south=false,stone=granite,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Granite/GraniteE" },        "east=false,north=false,south=false,stone=granite,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Granite/GraniteW" },        "east=true,north=true,south=true,stone=granite,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Granite/GraniteNSE" },        "east=false,north=true,south=true,stone=granite,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Granite/GraniteNSW" },        "east=true,north=true,south=false,stone=granite,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Granite/GraniteNEW" },        "east=true,north=false,south=true,stone=granite,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Granite/GraniteSEW" },        "east=false,north=false,south=false,stone=diorite,west=false":[          	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Diorite/Diorite" },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Diorite/Diorite", "y": 90 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Diorite/Diorite", "y": 180 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Diorite/Diorite", "y": 270 }         ],       "east=true,north=true,south=true,stone=diorite,west=true":[          	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Diorite/DioriteNSEW" },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Diorite/DioriteNSEW", "y": 90 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Diorite/DioriteNSEW", "y": 180 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Diorite/DioriteNSEW", "y": 270 }         ],       "east=false,north=true,south=true,stone=diorite,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Diorite/DioriteNS" },        "east=true,north=false,south=false,stone=diorite,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Diorite/DioriteEW" },        "east=true,north=true,south=false,stone=diorite,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Diorite/DioriteNE" },        "east=false,north=true,south=false,stone=diorite,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Diorite/DioriteNW" },        "east=true,north=false,south=true,stone=diorite,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Diorite/DioriteSE" },        "east=false,north=false,south=true,stone=diorite,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Diorite/DioriteSW" },        "east=false,north=true,south=false,stone=diorite,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Diorite/DioriteN" },        "east=false,north=false,south=true,stone=diorite,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Diorite/DioriteS" },        "east=true,north=false,south=false,stone=diorite,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Diorite/DioriteE" },        "east=false,north=false,south=false,stone=diorite,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Diorite/DioriteW" },        "east=true,north=true,south=true,stone=diorite,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Diorite/DioriteNSE" },        "east=false,north=true,south=true,stone=diorite,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Diorite/DioriteNSW" },        "east=true,north=true,south=false,stone=diorite,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Diorite/DioriteNEW" },        "east=true,north=false,south=true,stone=diorite,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Diorite/DioriteSEW" },        "east=false,north=false,south=false,stone=gabbro,west=false":[          	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gabbro/Gabbro" },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gabbro/Gabbro", "y": 90 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gabbro/Gabbro", "y": 180 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gabbro/Gabbro", "y": 270 }         ],       "east=true,north=true,south=true,stone=gabbro,west=true":[          	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gabbro/GabbroNSEW" },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gabbro/GabbroNSEW", "y": 90 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gabbro/GabbroNSEW", "y": 180 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gabbro/GabbroNSEW", "y": 270 }         ],       "east=false,north=true,south=true,stone=gabbro,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gabbro/GabbroNS" },        "east=true,north=false,south=false,stone=gabbro,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gabbro/GabbroEW" },        "east=true,north=true,south=false,stone=gabbro,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gabbro/GabbroNE" },        "east=false,north=true,south=false,stone=gabbro,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gabbro/GabbroNW" },        "east=true,north=false,south=true,stone=gabbro,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gabbro/GabbroSE" },        "east=false,north=false,south=true,stone=gabbro,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gabbro/GabbroSW" },        "east=false,north=true,south=false,stone=gabbro,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gabbro/GabbroN" },        "east=false,north=false,south=true,stone=gabbro,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gabbro/GabbroS" },        "east=true,north=false,south=false,stone=gabbro,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gabbro/GabbroE" },        "east=false,north=false,south=false,stone=gabbro,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gabbro/GabbroW" },        "east=true,north=true,south=true,stone=gabbro,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gabbro/GabbroNSE" },        "east=false,north=true,south=true,stone=gabbro,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gabbro/GabbroNSW" },        "east=true,north=true,south=false,stone=gabbro,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gabbro/GabbroNEW" },        "east=true,north=false,south=true,stone=gabbro,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gabbro/GabbroSEW" },        "east=false,north=false,south=false,stone=shale,west=false":[          	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Shale/Shale" },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Shale/Shale", "y": 90 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Shale/Shale", "y": 180 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Shale/Shale", "y": 270 }         ],       "east=true,north=true,south=true,stone=shale,west=true":[          	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Shale/ShaleNSEW" },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Shale/ShaleNSEW", "y": 90 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Shale/ShaleNSEW", "y": 180 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Shale/ShaleNSEW", "y": 270 }         ],       "east=false,north=true,south=true,stone=shale,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Shale/ShaleNS" },        "east=true,north=false,south=false,stone=shale,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Shale/ShaleEW" },        "east=true,north=true,south=false,stone=shale,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Shale/ShaleNE" },        "east=false,north=true,south=false,stone=shale,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Shale/ShaleNW" },        "east=true,north=false,south=true,stone=shale,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Shale/ShaleSE" },        "east=false,north=false,south=true,stone=shale,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Shale/ShaleSW" },        "east=false,north=true,south=false,stone=shale,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Shale/ShaleN" },        "east=false,north=false,south=true,stone=shale,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Shale/ShaleS" },        "east=true,north=false,south=false,stone=shale,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Shale/ShaleE" },        "east=false,north=false,south=false,stone=shale,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Shale/ShaleW" },        "east=true,north=true,south=true,stone=shale,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Shale/ShaleNSE" },        "east=false,north=true,south=true,stone=shale,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Shale/ShaleNSW" },        "east=true,north=true,south=false,stone=shale,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Shale/ShaleNEW" },        "east=true,north=false,south=true,stone=shale,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Shale/ShaleSEW" },        "east=false,north=false,south=false,stone=claystone,west=false":[          	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Claystone/Claystone" },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Claystone/Claystone", "y": 90 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Claystone/Claystone", "y": 180 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Claystone/Claystone", "y": 270 }         ],       "east=true,north=true,south=true,stone=claystone,west=true":[          	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Claystone/ClaystoneNSEW" },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Claystone/ClaystoneNSEW", "y": 90 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Claystone/ClaystoneNSEW", "y": 180 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Claystone/ClaystoneNSEW", "y": 270 }         ],       "east=false,north=true,south=true,stone=claystone,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Claystone/ClaystoneNS" },        "east=true,north=false,south=false,stone=claystone,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Claystone/ClaystoneEW" },        "east=true,north=true,south=false,stone=claystone,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Claystone/ClaystoneNE" },        "east=false,north=true,south=false,stone=claystone,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Claystone/ClaystoneNW" },        "east=true,north=false,south=true,stone=claystone,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Claystone/ClaystoneSE" },        "east=false,north=false,south=true,stone=claystone,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Claystone/ClaystoneSW" },        "east=false,north=true,south=false,stone=claystone,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Claystone/ClaystoneN" },        "east=false,north=false,south=true,stone=claystone,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Claystone/ClaystoneS" },        "east=true,north=false,south=false,stone=claystone,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Claystone/ClaystoneE" },        "east=false,north=false,south=false,stone=claystone,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Claystone/ClaystoneW" },        "east=true,north=true,south=true,stone=claystone,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Claystone/ClaystoneNSE" },        "east=false,north=true,south=true,stone=claystone,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Claystone/ClaystoneNSW" },        "east=true,north=true,south=false,stone=claystone,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Claystone/ClaystoneNEW" },        "east=true,north=false,south=true,stone=claystone,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Claystone/ClaystoneSEW" },        "east=false,north=false,south=false,stone=limestone,west=false":[          	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Limestone/Limestone" },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Limestone/Limestone", "y": 90 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Limestone/Limestone", "y": 180 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Limestone/Limestone", "y": 270 }         ],       "east=true,north=true,south=true,stone=limestone,west=true":[          	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Limestone/LimestoneNSEW" },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Limestone/LimestoneNSEW", "y": 90 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Limestone/LimestoneNSEW", "y": 180 },         	{ "model": 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"east=true,north=false,south=true,stone=gneiss,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gneiss/GneissSE" },        "east=false,north=false,south=true,stone=gneiss,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gneiss/GneissSW" },        "east=false,north=true,south=false,stone=gneiss,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gneiss/GneissN" },        "east=false,north=false,south=true,stone=gneiss,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gneiss/GneissS" },        "east=true,north=false,south=false,stone=gneiss,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gneiss/GneissE" },        "east=false,north=false,south=false,stone=gneiss,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gneiss/GneissW" },        "east=true,north=true,south=true,stone=gneiss,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gneiss/GneissNSE" },        "east=false,north=true,south=true,stone=gneiss,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gneiss/GneissNSW" },        "east=true,north=true,south=false,stone=gneiss,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gneiss/GneissNEW" },        "east=true,north=false,south=true,stone=gneiss,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Gneiss/GneissSEW" },        "east=false,north=false,south=false,stone=marble,west=false":[          	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Marble/Marble" },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Marble/Marble", "y": 90 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Marble/Marble", "y": 180 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Marble/Marble", "y": 270 }         ],       "east=true,north=true,south=true,stone=marble,west=true":[          	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Marble/MarbleNSEW" },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Marble/MarbleNSEW", "y": 90 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Marble/MarbleNSEW", "y": 180 },         	{ "model": "tfc2:Grass/Marble/MarbleNSEW", "y": 270 }         ],       "east=false,north=true,south=true,stone=marble,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Marble/MarbleNS" },        "east=true,north=false,south=false,stone=marble,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Marble/MarbleEW" },        "east=true,north=true,south=false,stone=marble,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Marble/MarbleNE" },        "east=false,north=true,south=false,stone=marble,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Marble/MarbleNW" },        "east=true,north=false,south=true,stone=marble,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Marble/MarbleSE" },        "east=false,north=false,south=true,stone=marble,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Marble/MarbleSW" },        "east=false,north=true,south=false,stone=marble,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Marble/MarbleN" },        "east=false,north=false,south=true,stone=marble,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Marble/MarbleS" },        "east=true,north=false,south=false,stone=marble,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Marble/MarbleE" },        "east=false,north=false,south=false,stone=marble,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Marble/MarbleW" },        "east=true,north=true,south=true,stone=marble,west=false": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Marble/MarbleNSE" },        "east=false,north=true,south=true,stone=marble,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Marble/MarbleNSW" },        "east=true,north=true,south=false,stone=marble,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Marble/MarbleNEW" },        "east=true,north=false,south=true,stone=marble,west=true": { "model": "tfc2:Grass/Marble/MarbleSEW" }     }} 

    Thats a little ... complicated ...Why?Thats what i want to know ... fuckin why did they have to do that?I mean, wouldnt it be simpler to just scrap java and start a whole new engine than do this?


  9. How is the regular bow useless? With a fully drawn bow, it can destroy most mobs very quickly, and players too. The only thing it cant kill well is skeletons. It is almost too overpowered, at least for the ease of access.

    I have to admit, i have not played with the basic bow since the guy running strongcraft was working the bow addon ... it was crap back then, so i just resorted to bashing things heads in with a mace, then skeletons got an insane buff and i couldnt get close to them anymore.It balanced the basic bows, drawing emphasis on the higher end crafted ones plus their ammunition and what was used in that ammunition directly influenced its range, damage output and accuracy.The materials used in the bow also had a knock-on effect on its durability, range, accuracy and damage output - very much like TiCo bows, but just minus the XP gauge - which honestly, i could live without in TiCo anyway.As for the gunpowder comment, there is evidence to suggest that humans were experimenting with it earlier than the 10th Century AD. (the primitive black powder format was used by the Chinese to fuel rockets of a sort)


  10. I'd do it myself, but i havnt got the foggiest clue where to even begin as anything beyond very basic C+ may as well be in Chinese to me.I loved Terrabow as it added some much-needed versatility to ranged weaponry, power, range, durability, utility and expansion.Honestly, the standard bow is useless, which means the javelins are the only useful ranged weapons (and they really only become useful once youve done some serious metalworking) - carrying alot of them around is a pain because inventory space can become quite limited.Either that, or add something similar to Balkons Weapons mod - would make all that damn gunpowder useful, the recipes would have to be modified to balance for TFC though.


  11. Salt can also be obtained by drying out seawater, i wonder if that is worth implementing for the purpose of making preservation via salt a viable thing?


  12. As the title would state, im finding increasing amounts of just open ocean on a recently generated map, ive travelled due south with a little deviation along the way to explore for land masses - the only ones i have come across have been tiny sandbars with a little dirt topping them for over 5 kilometers now, ive found boulders, but no surface rocks. (ie the ones you break to get nuggets etc) if i travel in a northeasterly direction, the landmass has gone on for 2 km or more (i have not travelled out as far as id like in the week this world has existed, because of a bug in reis minimap causing it to fail to record waypoints they would vanish upon leaving the world.) - and has been littered with deposits of nothing more than saph and tetrahedrite, i have found 1 deposit of bismuth and 1 deposit of cassiterite, but since travelling in a southerly direction from that location i havnt actually got a hit on any underwater ores either.So anyway, my question is; does TFC generate landmasses as a ... continental mass? or am i simply getting really crappy worlds that are mostly ocean and sandbars?


  13. Something else to keep in mind: even though 78 is adding pheasants as another source of feathers, plans are no long required in the anvil, so you won't need feathers to progress past bronze tools. Feathers will only be useful for arrows and the book & quill.

    are you guys planning to apply the nesting modifications in build 78? (its mentioned on the chicken wiki page)


  14. I must admit, ive found everything but a sheep thus far and my base is surrounded by mountains for a distance of 1km to both the east and west, as well as partially to the north east - ive found more pigs than i can shake a stick at, 2 cows and 2 chickens ... not what im used to finding, i had the same problem with chicken when TFC was at 0.77.21 - i gave up and had to cheat the feathers in so i could progress with metalworking.


  15. I generated a map last week, using 0.77.22 and the "Strongcraft" mod and have been all over it to a maximum distance of 2 km in any direction, through several biomes that are, according to the wiki are supposed to contain bismuth.I can only seem to find tetrahedrite and sphalerite, the mineral veins i have found consist of copper only(deep sea exploitation) - i must say that i have NEVER had this much trouble locating either bismuth OR cassiterite, i usually have an abundance of at least one of the mentioned ores, infact on my last world which was v0.77.21 i found everything within mostly the same biomes i have in this map, the only one missing is granite.


  16. I cant make the rod or arrowheads, when i place the items in the anvil interface not even the tooltips for hits appear.
    Im trying to make a bronze metal rod on a bronze anvil with a bismuth bronze hammer.

    Posted Image
    This is essentially what i see, im using 0.77.21 downloaded via the Technic Launcher.

  17. Don't know if it's just on my side, but the "Home" button yields "", where all the news are. There is no mention of any TFC-related pages starting with "wiki" at all if you google, too.

    My bad, i checked the "cached copy" from google and it shows that page ... so i dunno >.<


  18. Ha-ha, and there I signed up just to start a thread with the same problem.

    To expand on the problem, typing "" into browser returns the same page you were on. Is there even a site? I tried to work around this with hosts file, mapping to, but no luck. Perhaps someone should try it, too, as I'm not very good with hosts file.

    Technic pack works and, "" is actually the TFC "Home" or news page, you will see which one i mean if you click the button that says "home" at the top of the forums interface.

    What is causing this error, i couldnt tell you ...

    On a sidenote, i also am unsure if the pack on technic is created with legitimate permission ...


  19. Suggested name: Launcher refuses to download / save config data to any other drive index than C:

    Suggested category: Severe

    Description: Launcher will not download / save config data to the "data" side of my laptop's hard drive, i havnt been able to replicate this error on my desktop machine, but tfc exists on my SSD on here, on my laptop it will refuse to detect the second partition (E:), seeing as how i have limited space on my laptop's system drive (C:), it prevents me from playing TFC when im not at my own place. :(

    Have you deleted your config file and then still been able to reproduce this bug?: launcher refuses to make a config file, so deleting it would have no effect.
