Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by dreadicon

  1. I think that the idea of having iron only in certain rock types, but at greater frequency is a great idea. Not only would it be realistic, but also would make mining into a game of rock layer hunting as opposed to 'MINE RANDOMLY FOREVER TILL YOU FIND IT!'


  2. I think in part you've just gotten unlucky. I dig 1,000 meters in each cardinal direction at level 60 (or thereabouts) and have yet to encounter fewer than three separate iron-bearing deposits.

    I note that you only mention hematite. Just to double-check, you know that limonite and magnetite will also give you iron, right?

    How frequently do you check with your propick? I stop every 10 meters and check 8 different blocks with my propick. That's generally sufficient to ensure that I don't miss anything.

    I am aware that Limonite, Magnetite, AND Tetrahedrite also are iron-bearing ores. My mines have all been through sedimentary rock which bears one of the aforementioned ores, or through igneous rock which bears Hematite.

    I have been pro-picking every 5-6 blocks, and when I do, I do so on about 3 blocks; top, bottom, and a side, to ensure I overcome any false negatives. i also occasionally run down a tunnel pro-picking wildly like a mad man out of frustration.

    I find this strange, because cinnabar has a much lower chance to spawn than the iron-bearing ores (I wont say how much, but I know it does)


  3. So, honestly, I love this mod. I love how difficult starting out is, I love how particular farming is, I love how you have to build real mines, and how your inventory stack sizes are microscopic (compared to normal minecraft). BUT. I have no love for world generation of iron.

    I have dug for over 1500 blocks in each cardinal direction from my home town at elevation 60, and found 8 deposits of cinnabar 7 deposits of saltpeter, 4 deposits of talc, and one small deposit of Hematite just enough to make two anvils. I am all for hard. finding fruit trees is hard. making it out of a cave alive is hard. Finding iron is just plain frustrating to a degree which rivals MMO grinding. I have mined through about 3000 blocks of rock which can contain all the iron clusters, and 3000 blocks of igneous rock which are said to contain hematite. In addition, I have explored (at great risk and determent to my health) 4 cave systems.

    I am a believer as much as anyone in a 'realistic, difficult experience', but this isn't realistic (there are ways to identify likely locations of iron, and it is fairly common. In fact, it's common nature is why cultures moved from bronze to iron, because it was more common. And further, I don't see spending 40+ hours digging in a straight line as a 'fun' mechanic.

    Am I doing something wrong? Or does the world gen sometimes just screw you over beyond recovery? I've seen the ore generation numbers before (no, I wont post them), and cinnabar is about half as likely to spawn as the iron ores. What gives?


  4. in previous build, crop used to "die" if you do not harvest them. In other words, you could put lot of seeds in the ground, come back after some days and everything is gone as the crop naturally died. Now there is a setting that allow you to say if you want crop to die if too old.

    Yeah, I am aware of this, and it is set to not let them die by default. the problem we (and presumably the OP) are having is even recently planted crops dying spontaneously, usually in winter.


  5. A greenhouse on my sever worked.....sometimes. It seemed to protect the plants from snow directly, but some times the plants would still die. About 1 out of 3 years the plants would all just die off entirely for no apparent reason. Our village is in a cold climate, but I haven't heard anything about ambient temperature effecting plant growth besides fruit trees.


  6. I agree that PvE should be the primary focus. Not that I think PvP is unimportant, or that no one plays it, but as you (Bioxx) stated, PvE accounts for the majority of players and gameplay elements. One additional problem with locational armor hits I foresee has to do with skeletons. Skeletons shoot you in the head with laser-accuracy, so if you are having trouble with skeletons? Just get a fancy helmet! Problem solved.

    About the only thing I might suggest when it comes to combat on the player side is more equipment slots. How about one for each hand, allowing for dual wielding or two-handed weapons? As a programmer and modder myself, I understand this is ungodly difficult, but it certainly would make combat feel more personalized. A shield in the off hand would make it so the player could more reliably block attacks, while maybe a polearm has longer reach and slower speed. Dual wielding swords might alternate between the two weapons for damage purposes, and give a speed increase/adjustment based on the individual weapon speeds.

    Further (and only partly related), What about the upcoming change involving body temperature and armor? Perhaps there could be a set of slots for an under-layer of armor that one could craft from cloth and wool? Alternatively, add some kind of option to combine armor with sheepskin/leather/wool to give it slightly more defense and eliminate any possible temperature penalties from wearing metals in extreme weather conditions. Anywho, I believe I am getitng off topic. Coming back to the issue at hand...

    I think rather than reworking the fundamental mechanics, focus more on mobs with creative combat mechanics. Killing Spiders, Zombies, skeletons, creepers, and endermen does get mildly boring these days, what about a monster which is quicker, or one that flies? Maybe a variation on silverfish, making mining or caving more dangerous, or a flying mob which swoops down for players. Even better would be environmental mobs like a mummy in the desert or a scorpion. The potential with mobs to make PvE more interesting are endless.

    As a final note, I completely understand getting burnt out on coding, because as someone once said, "You never finish a program; you just stop coding one day." I know firsthand just how burnt out on coding one can get working on the same project for a long time.


  7. I completely agree about skeletons, though I can see the counter-arguments as well.

    When I started the game, a skeleton in armor meant you had two options: avoid him for several days till he despawned, or mob him with the 3 other people and hope no more than two of us die in the process. I don't really think this is a good mechanic. if they were rare on the surface, much like endermen are, then it wouldn't be a big issue.

    As to the argument about higher tier armors, I think higher they should be for caves and dungeons (if they ever are implemented). I think somewhere it was mentioned that new mobs would be implemented at some point; more harmless ones for the surface, and more dangerous ones for underground. I don't mind being afraid of the dark, but skeletons with a helmet don't burn in the sun, and as such you are screwed without a bed.

    I think Terraria got the danger aspect right, having dangerous mobs deep underground, and somewhat harmless ones in most of the surface (corruption and jungle excluded).


  8. Hello, I am new to the forums, but not to TFC.

    I wanted to take just a little time and mention most of the bugs we (my friends and I on our server) have come across in TFC. I really am not complaining, or necessarily saying these should be put on higher priority than other, better features for TFC; this is for the Dev's benefit and just out of my own curiosity. This is a beta, after all, right?

    -Bug 1: I have noticed at higher elevations that in bed, character models are at an angle to the bed, or completely off of the bed. at lower elevations (below 100m) beds seem to behave normally. Further, when the glitch occurs, the player's screen goes blank, and the displayed elevation immediately becomes a negative number, and goes further into the negatives at about -50 per second. So far, no mechanical difference has been observed.

    -Bug 2: Next, and more impacting, I have noticed that ingots and smithing items (like plates or plans) can be placed into the welding output slot by shift + clicking the item in your inventory, and also that shift + clicking will not fill the left welding input slot. also, shift + clicking to or from your inventory causes a 'phantom' copy to appear of an ingot often, and very rarely, actually duplicates the ingot.

    -Bug 3: Lastly, there are some issues with sluces; sometimes an ore nugget will appear, move into your inventory, even move into a chest, but when stacked, will vanish. unlike anvil duplication, there often appears to have never been a nugget in the first place. This is the most bothersome glitch (starting out, anyhow).

    TFC is the only mod used on the server, and while other mods are used in the clients, these bugs are repeatable with or without the client-side mods.

    A final question (I suppose making this a valid support forum topic?) is concerning fruit trees. They seem to be incapable of re-growing branches once the branches are cut. We have tried everything from leaving the tree with a full compliment of leaves, and removing all the leaves. each of our 4 tests were given an entire year to take effect, so 'not enough time' wasn't the issue, nor was 'leaves in the way.' is this a bug or are we missing something?
