Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Nuin

  1. The damage is fine, I just think that the armor of them should be adjusted. Maybe they could spawn with higher tier armor if players near wear also better armor. This way you would always get enemies balanced in regards to your own equipment

    This is an excellent idea. Skyrim does something similar where mobs you encounter are matched to your level so there is always a challenge (up to level 50 I I think).


  2. I would think that punching leaves is the Minecraft equivalent to grabbing branches and tearing them off the tree.

    Regardless, Treecapitator please. If not by default, having the option to enable it would be awesome. (I know players on my server would appreciate it!)


  3. No, that makes sense. You are fine. :)

    It's just I find it highly frustrating that felling trees leads to floating leaf blocks. I am highly OCD when it comes to keeping the natural beauty of the game, and being Minecraft, it comes naturally. I guess I could build scaffolding to clear these "floating bushes" (especially tall pines) but you can see my frustration.


  4. I think it would be annoying if I got a million sticks every time I cut trees for charcoal. Once you can make a scythe, it's really easy to get a lot of sticks when you need them.

    I think you are exaggerating just a bit. :)

    Also, what is the reach of a scythe? Not far I am guessing. How do you get leaves on tree tops?


  5. As a new player to TFC, there are a lot of overwhelming things to deal with, such as getting out of the stone age for beginners. However, as a 2+ year Minecraft vet versed in vanilla, Bukkit, Tekkit, Skyblock, etc. I feel that trees need to be revamped.

    To be more realistic, it makes sense that breaking leaves has a chance to drop sticks and saplings. I get it.

    However, if I fell a tree, the logs break but the leaves do not. Punching the group of leaves afterwards results in only the chance that the one punched will drop sticks/saplings.

    Proposed change:

    • When felling a tree, the entire tree (logs and leaves) comes down. (This is similar to the Treecapitator mod on Tekkit/FTB servers.)
    • Each leaf block has the chance to drop sticks and saplings as if they were punched.
    • Axes should not take durability for leaf blocks, but only the logs felled count towards durability. This is on the account that leaves can be punched and logs cannot.
    • If the durability on an axe is low enough that it only takes part of the tree down, all leaves still come with it.
    To me, this is much more realistic with actual tree felling and eases the burden of stick acquisition (especially as many sticks are lost when a "floating bush" is punched).

    Comments and suggestions welcome. Thanks for looking!
