Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Cidvond

  1. Hi Rose,


    There might be a way to set up the server with TFcraft. I have not used nfoservers before but the file system should still be the same. What you would need to do is make sure your have Player API for MC 1.5.1 and Forge installed into a Minecraft_server jar file that is ver 1.5.1. Also the TFcraft core goes into your mods folder. I hope this works out for you.


    Let me know if that worked for you or if you need some more help.


    -- Cidvond


  2. Hi Generallepl,


    How did you install it? Where did you put the files? What are you using? The Player API for 1.5.1 and Forge go into your MC jar and the TFC core goes into your mods folder. Here is a walk through Guide that might help you some more. I would recommend using MultiMC and just following the steps provided in the guide.


    Guide =


    Let me know if you need any more help




  3. Hi midwich,


    I believe Bombpaw is right. The TFC launcher runs off of the website. Since they have moved the site the launcher has not update with the new site information that is why they remove it from the downloads. The current work around for this I have found is to install MultiMC with the needed files ( Player API,  Forge, and TFCraft-Universal-Core) I have also made a post with a download link in it if you would just want to download it. It can be found here:




    If there is anything else I can help out with let me know






    I my pack was remove. I guess it did not meet some the the copyright standers. So all you would need to do is download MultiMC with the needed files ( Player API,  Forge, and TFCraft-Universal-Core) make sure all files are for 1.5.1




    Let me know if there is anything else I can help out with.




  4. Hi Argosto,
    I think the TFC launcher might not be working since you are unable to download it from the website. I could be completely wrong but I am sure the TFC launcher links with the website and if it unable to connect you might be getting that error. I know that MultiMC support OSX and you can download that along with TFCraft-Universal-Core, Player API, and Forge That would work for you. If you would like I can get that set up for you and post it in my current work around post for the TFCraft launcher. Just send my a PM and I will get it set up for you.



    I my pack was remove. I guess it did not meet some the the copyright standers. So all you would need to do is download MultiMC with the needed files ( Player API,  Forge, and TFCraft-Universal-Core) make sure all files are for 1.5.1




    Let me know if there is anything else I can help out with.




  5. Hey kurtkabang,



    I have put up a post that has download links in it for the MultiMC download that has TFcraft install already. It is located here:




    This is if you still need to download it. If you need help with anything else feel free to ask!







    I my pack was remove. I guess it did not meet some the the copyright standers. So all you would need to do is download MultiMC with the needed files ( Player API,  Forge, and TFCraft-Universal-Core) make sure all files are for 1.5.1




    Let me know if there is anything else I can help out with.




  6. Hey everyone,
    Some of you may  remember me for when the launcher was getting the 403 error. I have decided since the TerraFirmaCraft launcher is no longer available for download I would release the MultiMC files I am using. I did take into consideration Optifine and Rei's minimap this time. So now I have made 3 instances for you to pick from.
    1) TerraFirmaCraft + Optifine HD + Rei's minimap
    2) TerraFirmaCraft + Rei's minimap  
    3) TerraFirmaCraft only
    They are all in the same download zip file.
    1) download ZIP file
    2) unzip to a new folder
    3) run MultiMC from the new folder
    4) Have fun!
    I hope this helps out some and as always let me know if you have any problems with the instances not working.
    *Removed by Kittychanley for distributing the Minecraft.jar and mods without owner permission, violating copyright law*
    License / Legal Stuff Required by MultiMC
    Copyright 2011-2013 MultiMC Contributors
    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at
    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

  7. Just check the launcher and it seems to be up and running when I checked it at 3:01 am (UTC -5:00 EST) on 5/11/2013. All download links will stay active other then CWTopsStudios links will be dead. There will not be any more updates release unless the TFC launcher stops working again

    Please note: The downloads may resolve or be workarounds for other TFCraft Launcher problems on HotFix 15 & 16. This is why the downloads will stay up.

    Please PM me if theres anything else I can help out with. Thank you all for the post and help during this issue.

    --- Cidvond


  8. You had the right idea. I was just confusing you. My only experiences with TerraFirmaCraft have been setting up a server.jar, and running the launcher. The server setup on a Mac is really annoying, and I ended up using Windows. That said, I have a MultiMC instance of TerraFirmaCraft for Mac, if anyone would like it: REMOVED I'll leave this up for a few weeks or so. It's hotfix #15, but you should be able to swap it out for 16 by opening MultiMC, right clicking and going to Edit Mods.

    Hey you might want to remove your download I will pm you about it. Also I will take and make a launch for hotfix 16 off this. That way we can have it on mac too!. Thanks man!


    Mac build has been added to the earlier post please see post #27 ( Thank you for your help erima!


  9. Update: okay guys I am releasing an update for the MultiMC pack I released. This pack includes 2 instances 1 for just TFCraft and the other is TFCraft with optifine and rei's minimap.


    1. Extract to desktop

    2. Run MultiMC.exe

    3. Double click TFC

    4. Login using your MC info

    5. Have fun!

    ()If you have saves in the older ver I posted and want to move them over:

    6. Got to your old MultiMC folder.

    7. go into instancesTFCminecraftsaves

    8. copy worlds you want to move over

    9. go to NEW MultiMC folder

    10. go to instancesTFCminecraftsaves

    11. Past your world files

    12. close every thing and start the game!


    TFC Beta Build 76 Hotfix 16 For MC v1.5.1

    (includes Rei's Minmap and Optifine)

    MediaFire Link = http://www.mediafire...a6zmnetd2nns0x2

    GameFront Link =

    CWTopsStudios link = [Removed]

    TFC Beta Build 76 Hotfix 15 For MC v1.5.1

    (Just TFCraft)

    MediaFire Link = http://www.mediafire...lhml8s9xypfhfth

    CWTopsStudios link = [Removed]

    OS X Builds

    TFC Beta Build 76 Hotfix 16 For MC v1.5.1

    (Just TFCraft)

    GameFront link = http://www.gamefront...FC_OSX_HF16_zip

    CWTopsStudios link = [Removed]

    Hope this helps out some!


    MultiMc is not mine! Official page = http://www.minecraft...dows-linux-mac/

    MultiMc is Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


  10. If it is a 403 error I have the post open right now check it out! Although it is only a workaround for hotfix 15 I have not tested to see if it works on hotfix 16 servers. I most likely will be updating it to hotfix 16 later tonight if the 403 error is not fixed.


  11. Mac project = failed. Im not really good on a mac I can upload a Zip file with the current instance in it if anyone want to make their own Mac MultiMC Launcher. I am waiting for one of my mac friends to come online so he can help get one up. So I don't know how long it will be before I can release one for mac. Sorry guys.

    Let me know if there is anything else I can try and help out with!

    PS. still getting 403 error with hotfix 16 as of 11:00pm UTC -5:00 EST


  12. I haven't used MultiMC, but installing Forge and Player API for the server was much easier (read: only possible) using Windows (for me!).

    You have kind of lost me o.O This thread is for players having a 403 error when opening up the TFCraft Launcher. Also thought you was requesting a work around for running the TFCraft Launcher on a mac. I'm sorry I must have misunderstood you. If anyone needs a work around for TFCraft Launcher for mac please let me know and I will get one up asap.


  13. Okay guys! For thoughts of you having withdraws like me I have put together a MultiMC pack that can run TFCraft, Not sure if anyone wants it if so just let me know and Ill post it up. But just as an update it does work if you make your own launcher using MultiMC. It looks like TFCLauncher is trying to check for updates and is unable to connect.


  14. I keep getting

    "Failed to load news. IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL:"

    when opening TFCLauncher. I have tried redownloading it and also tried a force update. both have still given me the same thing. Also if I click lock in it gives me

    Failed to install TeraFirmaCraft. An unknown error occurred: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://terrafirmacra.../tfcfiles1.json

    Any Ideas what might be going on?

    Update 5/11/13

    The TFCraft Launcher is working for me! Feel free to continue using the Download links if you are still have problems.

    Update 5/10/13

    Current work around: http://terrafirmacra...dpost__p__62717

    Posted Image
