Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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      There has been a breach of our database. Please make sure you change your password (use a password manager, like Lastpass).
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      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
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Everything posted by gufferdk

  1. Counting Thread

    2 * The meaning of life, the universe and everything
  2. A-Z Foods

  3. Farming

    My tricks are: 1. Place torches next to the plants (helps keeping the temperature up). 2. If there are several biomes in your vicinity find the one with the hottest average biome temp. (not sure if this works but it's worth trying). 3. Wait until late April to plant (optimal time where i am, may vary depending on your z-coordinate). 4. Travel towards the equator (Z=0) for higher temperatures.
  4. Ask the person below you

    Well... now I do. Why are the Columbines everywhere in my IRL garden and why can't we get rid of them?
  5. A-Z Foods

    Pentadiplandra brazzeana
  6. Monopoly Card

    Herbal tea You made yourself some delicious medicinal herbal tea with some herbs you found. Flip a coin. If it lands on heads the herb was comfrey and you get an extra turn. If it lands on tails it was deadly foxglove and you loose 15 turns and 20.000$ going to hospital unless you have an insurance.
  7. Ask the person below you

    Who the heck doesn't like waffles? (that was both my answer and the new question)
  8. Whispers #1

    Fifty annoyed anglerfish hastily harvested twenty lobsters from clean new lobster cages.
  9. A-Z Foods

    Northern Bilberries
  10. Counting Thread

  11. A-Z Foods

    Kepel fruit
  12. Counting Thread

  13. A-Z Foods

  14. Ask the person below you

    Yes. Why does cake taste so good?
  15. Counting Thread

    (- M)(It's the M74 galaxy) Also why don't more ppl post stuff that isn't just the number. If you ask me that's what make this thread interesting.
  16. A-Z Foods

    Elderberries Please note:never eat raw elderberries IRL as especially the unripen berries but also to a lesser extent the ripe ones contain substances that turn into cyanide in your digestive system which is BAD! Always make sure to boil the berries at least 20 min. before consuming to remove the bad compounds.
  17. A-Z Foods

  18. Counting Thread

  19. Need Help Adjusting Flavor Profiles

    I find elderberries less sweet and raspberries more sweet than you have written. Also I think some cheese can be a little sweet.
  20. Whispers #1

    Fifty smiling sailors hastily harvested ten lobsters fromnew dirty fish nets.
  21. Counting Thread

  22. A-Z Foods

    Zucchini And now just to make it totally complete I'll do it for the 3 additional danish letters: Æbletærte (apple pie): Østers (oysters): And finally... Ål (eels): Edit: What do we do now that we are finished?
  23. Counting Thread

  24. A-Z Foods

    Rice pudding
  25. Whispers #1

    Fifty giggling elephants slowly harvested a hundred squids from dirty old rutabagas.