Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by gufferdk

  1. The adventuremode of Dwarf Fortress really has some indepht combat mechanics (more or less everyting in DF is very indepth:) while also giving you the ability to shape the world. While MC's way of shaping the world includes being able to move around blocks and stuff that doesn't really apply to the adventure mode of DF (that's more like fortress mode) the DF adventuremode gives you the ability to choose your own path and being able to have a lasting impact on the world and become famous and stuff like that. Oh and BTW as a bonus DF is completely free. Spoiler full of usefull DF-realted links:

    Link to official homepage:

    Link to semi-official wiki: (try searching for quickstart guide on there it will really help you get started)

    Link to alternative download that includes a lot of really neat and mostly useful tools and texturepacks to help the starting player:


  2. Version: Build 78 Hotfix 3

    Suggested name: Pickblock Problems

    Suggested category: Minor (It is mildly annoying but since TFC is primarily survival mode i thought it would make more sense to put it in minor)

    Description: There is a bunch of small problems with pickblocking in creative mode. The major thing is that when pickblocking anything that would ende up in slot 1-3 it appears in not only slot n but also in slot n+6 and overwriting whatever might be there and to make it even more fun the thing that appears in slot 1-3 is a "ghost item" that disappears immediately after trying to use it. When the pickblocked item ends up in slot 4-9 it will not create a duplicate but it will simply be a ghost item like the ones decribed before.


    Additionally there is a bunch of other small problems: 

    1. Pickblocking any barrel results in a wooden barrel.

    2. Pickblocking any door results in the vanilla wooden door.

    3. Anvils refuse to be pickblocked whatsoever.

    4. When pickblocking an ingot pile you get an item that looks like a chest but is named ingot pile and when placed have the collision mask of the ingot pile but it cannot be broken, exept by causing a block update to it, or in any other way interacted with.

    Are you able to reproduce after deleting config-file: Yes

    No crashreport since no crashing is involved.


  3. That depends on the definition of dwarf! (almost everything is dependant on definitions)

    Whats best? Laying sick in the bed and doing some hardcore math to entertain oneself or being bored in a classroom doing some softcore math?


  4. I have read on the wiki that carrots, garlic onions and cabbage are "hardy" (being able to survive cold conditions while still young). Based on IRL-experiences i think that more crops should be like that. I am especially talking about wheat, rye and possibly barley. IRL both wheat and rye and some but not all types of barley have to be sowed in the autumn and harvested the following summer meaning that thay can survive a winter while still young. I therefor think that this should be added as it would improve the believeability.


  5. I have just looked at my translation and realized that the word YAM can be 3 different vegetables with different danish names.

    If somebody would help me figure out whether the TFC yam is a member of the Dioscorea famlily (yams/yamsrod in danish), an Ipomoea Batatas (batat/sød kartoffel) or an Oxalis Tuberosa (oka) it would be great.
