Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by mossman

  1. add magical proprieties to the armor itself (and before anybody complains about realism that's what many gemstones are used for real!




  2. Unfortunately, I accidentally deleted the level files while updating the forge API.

    I've reverted to a backup of the level, however it dates from a few days ago.


    If you make any plausible claims as to lost valuable items, I will be willing to reimburse you in-game.


    Sorry about that.


  3. Nice idea, but it would cause a lot of lag. Imagine every single air-touching wood and stone block updating every single tick.



    Which is why you wouldn't update every single tick.


    You could just do a check on that whenever a chunk is loaded, or something.


  4. Try joining without smartmoving or playerAPI installed (I'm assuming the latter is a clientside mod).


    If that doesn't work, the only suggestions I have are to try it again with a clean install of forge + associated mods, and/or to make sure everything you have instealled (Java, forge, TFC etc) are up to date.


  5. ----------------------------------

    Concerning the size of the textures and actual size of some rock, i'd find it hard to distinct between a rock having iron or any other material. Take into consideration also that we have many different type of rocks with different visuals. Making them even more diverse would be hell of a confusing...



    That's something that should be abstracted by the prospecting pick.


  6. It would be, if gunpowder in the needed quantities (256 per keg) wasn't so prohibiitively expensive.

    That's 128 each of charcoal, saltpeter and sulfur. The most saltpeter I've ever found in a single vein was about 80, and I've never found sulfur, ever, though I've checked a LOT of caves that touch the magma sea.


  7. You'll need the following mod to join:


    I intended this to be a PvP focused server, and as such mytown is not installed, so you'll have no magic walls to hide behind - Build with security in mind.


    So basically do whatever you want, just don't piss people off TOO much if you can avoid it.




    If the server is down and you don't want it to be, post here or add me on steam (Under the name Mossman1223).


  8. I think it would bge beneficial if this mod did recognize mytown nations/towns etc, as mytown can be a useful organizational tool within a server even without the plot protection.


    If I can get my server set up smoothly I intend to use mytown with plot protections disabled for this very reason, in addition to this mod.
