Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by mossman

  1. Torches will remain vanilla behaviour as long as vanilla monsters are there at nights. Because even current spawn protection mechanics does not defend against a skeleton spawning in some corner and then waiting for you in your basement. This is annoying, and as soon as those things are where they are supposed to be - in their graves and tombs - our whole community doesn't mind for torches burning out.

    But I probably shouldn't speak for everyone, although I've seen many things there.

    Oh yeah, the mobs.

    That's definitely high on vanilla MC's bullshit list.

    Aside from those, though, are there any significant technical obstacles to having stuff like torches and firepits and forges etc burn down while offloaded? From what I've seen while playing there's a bit of buggy behavior with those as it is.

    I really don't know how that's handled now, but I'd think that there'd be some sort of check when an object gets loaded after having been offloaded on whether or not its timer has run down and it should extinguish itself, etc.


  2. To anyone's knowledge, is it planned in the future development of this mod to make torches any less silly and overpowered?

    They burn forever and are quite easy to make, which doesn't really fit into the theme of TFC if you ask me.

    Realistically, bare wood wouldn't burn very well at all as a torch and you'd have to coat the end of your torch in a tar soaked rag or something, but for the purposes of TFC I'd think that having them burn out after a few minutes would be perfectly fine.

    And since the next update will be bringing much greater use for ceramics, I'd think a clay oil lamp would make best sense as a primary lighting source (Nix firepits).

    Of course, when I say oil I mean rendered fat, but you get the idea.

    Perhaps we could even get into steel lanterns and pick up where notch left off 3 years ago.

    Anyway, what's the consensus on this?


  3. I've heard it takes a long time to break. Try like 2 minutes (like breaking stone with your hand).


    It seems it was breaking very slowly, but since the block is ery dark the crack lines are hard to notice.

    Thank you for your insight.
