Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by platanusoccidentalis

  1. Barrel Breaking Texture Bug

    Here's a picture: (see attachments)
  2. [B76] Latest version bugs & FAQ.

    Thanks for the update!
  3. Build 77 timetable this does not provide a timetable, but does show what has been fixed and what is being worked on. I am sure you could also ask on the IRC.
  4. [B76] Latest version bugs & FAQ.

    I don't have most of these bugs with a non- TFC launcher based jar.
  5. Build 77 timetable

    planks are still just consumes the whole axe and will not work unless you have a brand new axe.
  6. A Challenge: a humble server

    If you like linux, you could try intalling a lighter desktop environment -- this in turn will use less resources and allow more to be used on the server. xfce4 is a nice one. You could always try arch linux : )
  7. [Build 75] Nice copper near spawn

    Nice find!
  8. CLOSED [Treeserve]

    Hey all, I made a server a few weeks ago and, I must say, I have gotten rather lonely playing on it alone.. So, if you are interested in adventure, exploring, building towns, etc. I would really like to have your company. IP: The server will be on (during the holidays from around 10 AM EST to around 9 PM EST) otherwise, it will be on from 5 PM EST to around 9. Also, as of the latest update (to 73), I discovered this massive cave: And was wondering if anyone would be interested in making a dwarven city in the bottom of it with me. Hope to see you on the server! Rules: Don't make stupid decisions (griefing, etc.)No vulgarityNo griefingNo thievingNO SMART MOVING! (REI's Minimap IS allowed)Server SpecsAMD fx-8150 overclocked @ 4.2 GHz ~ 20 GB's of RAM ~ 20 Mbps internet upload speed ~ 4 Mbps internet download speed
  9. CLOSED [Treeserve]

    Closed. I decided that I did not enjoy running a server. Sorry guys.
  10. Missing Chunks When Cutting Willows

    I have also seen it occurring in area where trees haven't grown from sapling. The area's only trees were willow.
  11. Missing Chunks When Cutting Willows

    The title says it all. Right after you cut down a willow tree that has grown from a sapling you planted, the entire chunk it was on dissapears. Here is a link to two pics:,paMa8#0
  12. CLOSED [Treeserve]

    Sure you can join!
  13. CLOSED [Treeserve]

    I will turn it on now.
  14. CLOSED [Treeserve]

    Yeah, the most I have ever had on were 7. That was only for 15 minutes or so. Of course, come 8, there is no one on the server. Most of the activity is from around 12 AM EST to around 730 PM EST.
  15. Missing Chunks When Cutting Willows

    Hi Xechon!
  16. Missing Chunks When Cutting Willows

    I believe it only occurs when trees grow from saplings -- not ones that are generated in the beginning and are then cut by a stone axe. For me, it has only happened with Willow and possibly Hickory.
  17. these trees should be addedd to the TFC terrain gen now !

    Those trees look amazing beyond a doubt. Nice find!
  18. CLOSED [Treeserve]

    Guys...Really..... Can you at least try to behave in a somewhat civil manner?
  19. CLOSED [Treeserve]

    How long have you waited before pressing done? Give it a while if you haven't already.
  20. CLOSED [Treeserve]

    Dark_Genius. Quite frankly, I do not want someone on my server joking about "titties" and the like. All the other people messaged me about your raucous behavior and wanted you banned. If you want to do such, go elsewhere.
  21. CLOSED [Treeserve]

    Dark_Genius. Quite frankly, I do not want someone on my server joking about "titties" and the like. All the other people messaged me about your raucous behavior and wanted you banned: that is the reason you were banned. Not because of the smart moving. If you want to do such, go elsewhere.
  22. CLOSED [Treeserve]

    Skype me, I can help.
  23. CLOSED [Treeserve]

    That is done.
  24. CLOSED [Treeserve]

    It will be in three minutes.
  25. offline?

    Has anyone else been having problems downloading the latest minecraftforge build? Whenever I try downloading it, I get the message that the website is offline...