Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by platanusoccidentalis

  1. Added Beverages

    That, my friend, would be amazing.
  2. Added Beverages

    Also, I don't know about you guys, but being able to cook things would add a whole other level to this mod for me. Instead of saying "here, have a cold, dirt covered potato to eat," one could say "here, eat this nice, steaming, very filling scalloped potato!" This of course, would be an addition for more visual appeal over anything else but, it would still be nice to be able to cook things!
  3. Problem making glass.

    If I were you, I would gather some more sand and make a forge Then, put the sand in it and, after one or two minutes of waiting, you should have glass. Best of luck in your glass-making endeavors!
  4. Problems Installing TFC

    Are you installing TFC with all those other mods in the launcher? If so, I do not believe it will work because many of those other mods change world generation, the reason it gets stuck may be because TFC and BiomesXL are having a conflict over how to generate the world.
  5. TFC got laggy

    I am not sure that this has proven effective, but, if you are using Windows, you could go into task manager, go to processes, find java.exe and javaw.exe, right click on these, go to set priority and select 'real time' or 'high'. Not sure this will help, just an idea. Also, what kind of graphics card are you using?
  6. Added Beverages

  7. Added Beverages

    Yes, I suppose. However, I do not see why fruit could not rejuvenate thirst. By the way, nice 'epic' music.
  8. Spumwack discussion

    Of the few videos of his I have seen, I must say I enjoyed them. He is a great builder, speaks clearly and loudly, and shows this mod in its best light.
  9. Coppicing

    Yes, I was not intending this change to apply to fruit trees; that would be pointless. I am talking about trees such as Willow, Aspen, and Maple. All of which serve only to provide sticks and wood.Even if trees do die over time as crops do, I still feel this would work nicely, plant a tree, gather a few saplings and sticks the first time, cut it for wood, let it regrow, gather saplings as need be, and so on. Thanks for the thoughts
  10. Coppicing

    Me, being into horticulture was reading one of my gardening books a few nights ago and realized something: why don't we have coppicing in TFC? Coppicing is the process of cutting a tree to the ground for it's wood, letting it grow back, and then a number of years later, going and gathering that tree's wood again. According to Wikipedia, the use of coppicing goes back to the times of King Henry the VIII, where the process helped fuel iron production. I feel that the addition of something like this to the mod would help increase wood production, hence increasing the ease of making charcoal in large amounts. (which I find overly strenuous)
  11. Coppicing

    I really like this idea regarding roots - one could make an elf village with this.
  12. Coppicing

    In reply to Puxapuak, I feel that while this may be a useless feature for people who play alone, it is not useless in general, I feel you are overlooking the fact that the more people there are in an area, such as on servers with even just three people - the cutting of trees goes up significantly for clearing of land for homes, building homes, etc. Therefore, I feel that while you make a good point, I feel that this is not just a cosmetic benefit, however, I could be quite wrong indeed because I do not know anything about the current design of trees in the mod or where they are headed (in terms of scripting). Additionally, I feel you should realize that many people are constrained spatially - they build homes in the mountains or on islands - in these places, there is not a large area of land to be left alone to grow wild and then be cut. I hope you take this as a critique of your view and not a personal attack. Thanks for looking at my topic!
  13. Coppicing

    ....I feel you misunderstand me, instead of having to break the leaves off of twenty trees, simply cut them to the base and allow them to regrow. <.<
  14. Saltpeter?

    Does this mineral have a use, because I just found a massive vein of it. Also, what ores spawn in chalk?
  15. Better Shelters For Nomads

    @ Greenleaf The only difference would be that was a pack of creepers...
  16. Better Shelters For Nomads

    You mean Pueblo?
  17. YES, this just started happening to me as well!
  18. Douglas Fir Glitch

    The picture says it all: vanilla dirt spawns under Douglas Fir, even if you grow them.
  19. This error..

    [WARNING] Failed to handle packet: java.lang.NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.ModLoaderConnectionHandler.connectionClosed( at at at bx.b( at im.d( at in.b( at hk.b(SourceFile:30) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r( at hg.r( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q( at at
  20. This error..

    Yeah, I think that will just delete my inventory.
  21. This error..

    Ok, thanks, I will try that.
  22. I download 60, get 59.

  23. I download 60, get 59.

    I am rather frustrated. I download 'build 60' and install it. When I look in my mods section in game, it says I am playing build 59. WHY?!?!
  24. [Offline] Small Agrarian Server [Treeserve] [B60]

    If you guys wouldn't mind, can you PM me?
  25. [Offline] Small Agrarian Server [Treeserve] [B60]

    Hey Everyone, Since for some reason my enter key does not work in correspondence with this site, I apologize if this turns out to be one long line. Anyway, I am looking for one or two people who would be interested in playing on my small B60 server with me. You probably wouldn't like this server if you enjoy fighting, etc. I enjoy making small settlements / farms, building homes, mining, and 'adventuring'. If you enjoy similar things, please leave your age, interests, and a way for me to contact you. (I will give you the IP when I contact you.) Look forward to having someone to play on my server with! [CLOSED]