Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Del

  1. I posted a long time ago, in a far away situation!   After crazy life changes, I have finally managed to come back to making videos and I started a second season of TFC.  As you guys know the mod, I would love input as to .. well, any constructive criticism.. or just to have you guys enjoy the fun.  I'm up to my 12th video which will come out in the next day or so.  


    Hope you enjoy!  


    Link to the playlist:





  2. Yeah it sounds like you've been doing it before, usually new LP'ers don't have such a good mic or such a pleasant way of commentating even when nothing much is really happening. Subbed!


    Thank you!  I'd venture my 'experience' on commentating would come from leading raids for the last .. three? expansions in WoW >< This is by far less stressful though! 


  3. Lagging might be related to sound. Updating lwjgl worth  a shoot.


    I will definitely have to check that out.  Thank you!  My most common reason is a bit .. sad.  I know I need to delete older video if I start lagging, because my poor computer has filled up.  Someday the computer fairy will visit me?  ~laugh~  Naa.. its all good, it keeps me from being too much of a packrat on older content I've already rendered into video :D 


  4. Heh, yeah, a little past that.  I wasted soo much wood in the beginning.. didn't know I could 'harvest' tomatoes and other veggies.. etc.  Sooo much learning, but much fun :)   My goal is to put out TFC two times a week, a LAN vanilla minecraft twice a week, and a sad little LP of FFX twice a week.. not always getting there, but thats the current goal! 


    and /blush.  Thank you <3  Amusingly enough, my whole life, I've hated hearing my own voice recorded, but this is making me get used to it. ^_^ 


  5. Hey guys (and gals - I can't be the only one around here!),  I started a TerraFirmaCraft Let's Play about .. oh, two months ago as my first Let's Play. 



    Hoping some of you might check it out and see what you think.  Feedback is always welcome (and wanted, can't improve very fast with none!).  Heads up, the first few episodes are a bit rough technically, had to switch headsets, software, etc.. but the quality has gone up! 


    Thank you in advance for the help.  Love the mod :)




  6. Hi everyone,

    I am fairly new to this mod, but I love it; that's why I was really disappointed when I just couldn't start it anymore today...

    I registered on the forums to thank the developers for this mod, but also to share the solution I found for the launcher problem:

    I only tested this for Windows, but there should be an equivalent solution for other OSes:

    I started the launcher with a script and it seems to want to connect to "" which is not available anymore.

    To fix this problem temporarily you can add this to you HOSTS file at


    Add this line:

    Make sure you remove the "read only" property of the file (if it has it, some spyware blockers put it there I think)

    Also you need to start notepad (or your texteditor of choise) as an Administrator!

    Then you can launch the game normally through the launcher. If it doesn't work directly, you might have to restart or allow the change you just made thought "Windows defender" (It'll pop up at the task bar).

    Once the problem in the launcher has been fixed, remove the line in HOSTS again, as it permanently changes the IP your computer will talk to when it wants ""!

    I'm off to play now and hope I could help :)

    Thank you soo much for this post. :)

