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Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Posts posted by Dano6655

  1. *snip*


    This is not the case in which every single player on the server was being disconnected at the same time. There's absolutely no way that it's a client side issue when 4-8 players where being dced simultaneously and periodically. This has to be a server issue we just can't pinpoint the actual cause. Like he said earlier people were saying that loading chunks was causing the server to start dcing people but that makes no sense both from my knowledge of servers and from the fact that you advertised having a pregenerated world.


  2. Username: Dano6655

    age: 24

    Location NJ,USA


    Why do you play tfc?: I like the challenge mostly. Tfc makes it so you have to actually be semi-resourceful to get things accomplished and thus feels more rewarding.


    Why do you want to join? I'm looking for a server that's populated but doesn't stuffer from lag problems.


    What will you add to the server?: I'm an extremely experienced tfc player and i know like 99% of the ins and outs of the game. I'm always willing to help people out if they have question and I'm willing to assist people in working on larger projects like towns/structures although my own creativity is lacking a bit


  3. Here's just some minor terrain generation issues I noticed while exploring my world


    Posted Image


    Here's the old "chunk is randomly gone but there's water in it" generation problem that i've seen in the past.


    Posted Image


    In this picture a hot spring generated in a weird location partially under water near a cliff and caused a bunch of stone to just drop to the ground


    here's the seed for reference



  4. I'd also caution you against attempting to enter to the nether. Any attempt I have made at entering the nether has resulted in immediate game crash that results and me being unable to re-enter without crashing. It worked in the .77 just not currently


  5. And nether quartz could be found in the nether (nether is not stable so I would not build there and of course,



    Any attempt I have made to enter the nether has resulted in a game crash that prevents me from re-entering the world so I would avoid it for now. In the past build it worked, it just doesn't right now


  6. Optifine has been extremely compatible with forge since 1.6.2_C4, you just install forge as usual and drop optifine in the mods folder alongside all your other mods.



    I tried all versions past C6 even with the patch and none of them work with TFC. The most recent one i tried that worked was C6. It's weird because only tfc has these problems, none of the other mods i've used do.


  7. If you've read the post on the home page, the main reason why Bioxx is considering staying on 1.6.4 is because of just how resource heavy and laggy 1.7 is. Not just with the FPS, but down to the core of the game with how slow chunks load and all of that. A lot of people with older systems who can even run TFC on 1.6.4 with no issues, can't run Vanilla 1.7. It's that bad.



    I understand that 1.7 can cause more lag issues but I find this hard to believe. My computer can barely run TFC with optifine installed and all the graphics at minimum setting and i can run vanilla in 1.7 with all settings at max with absolutely no lagg issues what so ever. 1.7 is neither as memory intentsive or CPU intensive as TFC but that's mostly because of world gen size.


  8. This feature doesn't actually make sense though. The argument that an arrow or javlin won't damage a skeleton is simply an extreme exaguration. Javlin in particular. It's even worse because skeletons now will endlesses duel eachother, taking that element out of the game. Not only that skeletons have more health then other mobs AND STILL take less damage from swords then the others. I've been playing with damage indicators so I'm not just estimating on these things. I just feel that skeletons are way too strong in comparison to all the other mobs and are also the only mobs to spawn with armor.


  9. Skeletons were always a pretty big threat. I just liked that i could occasionally pick one off if i needed to with a ranged weapon. All the other mobs are perfectly reasonable to engage without taking damage with melee weapons while now with a skeleton that's pretty much not the case. You'll usually get shot at least once. Basically ranged weapons aren't really that useful since the one mob I'd want to use them against, I can't.


  10. So I would like to start a discussion because i have a bit of a problem with what's currently in place.


    Here's the current quote from the changelog:

    • [*]Mobs taking damage is now affected by the different damage types. For example, piercing damage is completely useless against Skeletons.

    I think this is very unfair. All ranged weapons are piercing type weapons and are therefore useless against skeletons. So we can't attack the most dangerous mob without getting close which will usually involves getting shot a few times. Skeleton damage is way to high relative to our health for this to be ok. Maybe if we had a reliable method of regen like potions but the nether can't be accessed because it crashes the game upon entering. In particular I think spears should be able to damage skeletons. There's no way a spear is "too small" as to not damage a skeleton. Any sort of "they will pass through it's bones" argument is completely rediculous so please don't bring that up. I think if we want this like this, where you hit them needs to factor in. For example, if you javlin a skeleton in the face there's no way it does zero damage. I also feel that armored skeletons should be damaged pretty effectively by piercing as well.


    I'd like to here what everyone else thinks about this.


  11. You have to drink a lot to get any sort of effect out of the alcohol it's kinda sad. However the effects can be kinda amusing on a server. So my experience with alcohol on a server is if you drink too much, typing anything will cause an internal server error. If you type something that is too long and it slurs it past the chat limit you'll get kicked for typing too long of a message. If you're an admin like me you'll have a hard time using OP commands because it slurs them lol. If you drink too much it kills you also.


  12. Well in the past version it was a chest that caused the issue but now that nether fortresses spawn with chests it seems ok. I still wouldn't risk it though. A dev said there's no tfc code for the nether so the nether basically freaks out because it doesn't understand the block that's there.


  13. gunpowder barrels are a really nice way to get raw stone and mine things like coal. Also I find saltpeter everyone and always have it's annoying. Sulfur is the major bottleneck for the barrels. You could also make a mob system like I did but it seems there's something weird that is messing with it. The mobs just stop spawning for some reason...


  14. if you're going to the nether I must warn you to not place any tfc blocks down inside. There are some blocks that work but others may cause a crash that you basically can't repair. So unless you want to lose your world I wouldn't risk it.


  15. I've found that kaolinite is a lot more common but the vein size is less variable. I've found like 10 different kaolinite veins and like 2 graphite veins. Each kaolinite vein was large and had about 4 stacks. I found a graphite vein that was 3 double chests large. Also I believe kaolinite spawns in more rocks. Basically to find this kind of thing you'll have to properly branch mine the right rock using a prop pick.


  16. That's pretty much what happens on TFC servers that have been up for a while. All the rocks get used and food taken near the spawn. I keep trying to put cobble and sticks in the chest so new players can have the mats but for some reason people find it necessary to take more than they should. These items are really only needed early and you wind up having massive excess of them later on so I don't understand why people are so dumb. At least squid will always be a reliable source of food.


  17. I don't know what you're talking about. Steel armor was 100% worth it. Anything else was meh but steel was basically 100% protection that lasted a reasonable amount of time.
