Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by MrUnhandy

  1. 11 hours ago, Cohnan said:

    Hey There ! I was looking for a nice multiplayer adventure on a terrafirmacraft modded server and I would be pleased to join you.
    By the way, why don't you create your server on some modpack that already exists ? Like terrafirmacraft reloaded ? Or is it something dumb to do ?

    I like the TFC Modpacks, but I would like to keep the modlist TFC based/small for now.
    Mainly because I'm not gonna get a very expensive server so a huge modpack would probably mean a lot of lag after even 5-10 people online.


  2. Welcome to UnhandyCraft!

    This is a Terrafirmacraft server with a few add-ons.
    Installing the pack should be easy on the ATLauncher.
    Just click on add pack, insert the code "Terrafirmacraft" (without the quotation marks), click on New Instance and then click on use share code. Then you can add this code: "sb79zVTa". (Again, without the quotation marks.)
    Next, download Better Boats and Bookshelf from Curse and click on "Edit Mods" on your instance. Make sure the mods are in your mods folder of the instance and click on "Add Mods" then add Better Boats and Bookshelf and enable them! You should be good to go!
    Willing to join? Feel free to add me on Discord! My name is MrUnhandy#6700 (Make sure to fill in the form below first!)

    You need to fill in this form either on this page, or in a private chat on discord with me! (*Please add at least two sentences to this question.)

    What do you like to do most in TFC?:
    Are you a good builder? Tell us why!:
    Tell us about yourself!*:
    Why did you choose this server?*:
    Finally, what is your discord name?(No need for the number, this is so I can identify you.(Of course, no need to do this if you're in a chat with me)):

    Thanks for reading!


  3. 1 ign MrUnhandy

    2  where about are you from and what is the timezone there? I am from The Netherlands and the timezone is CET. (GMT +1)

    3 do you use skype or teamspeak i do run both Yes, I use both.

    4 the answer to number 4 on the rules You would need 15 units of rich ore leaving you with 25 excess units of ore.

    5 how well do you know terrafirmacraft? I have gotten to Red/Blue Steel myself on the technodefirmacraft modpack. I have done a lot of smithing on the way there, and before that I also did a lot of farming. So I know this modpack pretty well.

    6 do you record if not its ok but if ya do then would like to watch what you have done im a major youtuber watcher i treat it as if it was my tv Well, I do record but I don't really do much with it as of yet. :P Haven't really been in the mood of editing lately.

    7 please tell me a little about yourself who are ya and why do ya want to join us on this adventure? My name is Sietse, a.k.a. MrUnhandy and I live in the Netherlands. I'm 18 years old (Turning 19 this november!) and I love to game. I usually play games about 5-8 hours a day and I spend most of it on Minecraft. I might seem like a very sociable person in text, but in reality I am actually quite shy. When I am with a lot of people I usually don't say much, but 1 on 1 I talk a lot. I like to make jokes and I take them pretty good as well. The reason I want to join Ursine Nation is because I have been looking for a good TFC server where I can just enjoy the game with others. I hope this is the right server. Which, looking at all of the whitelist applications and looking at your post, I think it will be a good one. Thank you for reading, hope to speak to you in game soon!


  4. I'm getting a major feeling of deja-vu here...



    IGN: MrUnhandy

    Age: 18

    Why this server?: I think I've already said why.

    What do you have to offer?: ^

    Have any suggestions?: ^


  5. Not really sure if I'm already accepted or not, but I'll post again just to be sure.


    IGN: MrUnhandy

    Age: 18

    Why this server?: I've been looking for a good tfc server that's not too old.

    What do you have to offer?: I can be quite helpful in some of the earlier stages of the game (for anyone who's new) and I like to chat with people.

    Have any suggestions?: Maybe post the IP? Also, I would like to see the merchants add-on for better trading, but I think you should add that when more people are on.


  6. IGN: MrUnhandy

    Age: 18

    Reason you want to join: I've been looking for a good tfc server for a while now and I think this is the one.

    Do you accept the the rules?: Yes, I do.

    Your Specialty (Farmer), (Carpenter), (Etc): I am a farmer and a cook. But I am looking to change that to maybe blacksmith and miner, if there aren't enough people who took those jobs.

    Anything else we should know?: I can be a very helpful person if the others are nice to everyone, I like to chat and I hope I'll get accepted.


    Thank you in advance,

