Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Gotheran

  1. Arrow Heads: Stone and Beyond

    Here's a thought, Skeletons have limited sized quivers and like their armour their arrow type is generated by a similar rule, and when they run out of arrows their bow disappears from their hand and they procede to use zombie tactics.
  2. Few bugs 76 build

    Yeah, true, I got a little carried away with my own personal wants for tfc, lol.
  3. My first house ends up being a weakly fortified dirt hole, this grand hobbit house makes most of my stuff look nooby XD
  4. Few bugs 76 build

    I have to agree with the farm block issue, dirt is dirt, and even if you align the dirt and soften it up you still have a cubic block of dirt so shouldn't you theoretically be able to move that dirt around? As for detailchiseled stoneI can understand why you can't move it, but why not stair blocks or slabs? I mean I can understand if the code is set so chiseling in stair or slab mode just removes a volume of the block as if you did it in detail mode, it would be a pain to write a new code and good couple dozen new blocks, but it's still a little annoying not to be able to move your stairs around, ideally I like to have stair blocks before I build my stairs. I also kind would like fences for the separate woods, there is a recipe that forestry uses which is five planks in a helmet shape which produces a quantity of coloured wood, maybe even better in early metal age you can make a saw mill that can be used to specially craft planks or logs into more refined wooden blocks.
  5. Arrow Heads: Stone and Beyond

    I like this idea, after playing RuneScape as long as I had, and then moving over to Skyrim, I feel a tier to arrows is a very good idea, increasing drop chance and a small damage increase for better arrow heads. And perhaps (Sorry if someone else has suggested it I skimmed most ofthe topic) Reinforced bow limbs, made of the various metal types to increase bow durability and peak damage a small amount. Maybe even further making Crossbows with hard hitting heavy metal bolts. And maybe the change in arrowhead/bolt metal would effect the flight distance of the arrow as well as damage and drop chance, heavier metals would hit harder but return less often and get less distance, where lighter metals would fly far and get a better chance to be returned. And imo the alloy metals seem like they'd actually weigh somewhat less than the more basic naturally occurring metals.
  6. Liquid troughs, and general liquid automation.

    lol, no. It just seems like a logical stone/early metal age kind of technology, I figured it fit well and would ease the process of individually processing bars, I really dun like making my first copper anvil on the camp fire ._. I also have a wee bit of a beef with ore generation, but that's a complaint for another post
  7. Liquid troughs, and general liquid automation.

    Casting tools isn't quite what I was thinking. More likegeneral all tier ingot casting.And maybe not more efficiently but maybe the cooling trough could be like right clicked with a heated ingot or simply have the ingot dropped in it and it could draw fresh water from barrels hooked up via water troughs, which in my opinion is more efficient since you don't have to waste time refilling one or two barrels full only to empty them with roughly 2 ingots a piece. And the stone troughs would be relatively late game implementation so you'd ideally move your forge and make it more spacious to accommodate the new innovations, not to mention that they should in no way be permanent, maybe retrievable with a pickaxe, or at least breakable if they have to be made literally chiseling stone.
  8. Liquid troughs, and general liquid automation.

    @Sda209 Umm, well stone troughs would likely sit on the ground, being little more than large hunks of stone with a pathway for liquidcut out of them. And the cooling trough for more efficient ingot cooling I guess could be wood, since most of what I can find on the subject makes it seem like it's all wood except what the molten metal goes through. I don't really want full on automation, but late game it is a pain to still have to do things more or less ingot by ingot, so I just feel like being able to let your metal melt down and flow into waiting moulds while you mow your lawn or tend your crops would help take away from the next to 110% effort you need to give any one aspect of TFC. I love TFC but sometimes the very slow pace, even later in the game when you're donning Red Steel, it gets to me, and I just wish there were a slightly more indepth way to deal with casting ingots that doesn't necessarily need your full attention.