Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by PaoloEmilio

  1. Small Minerals

    Everyone knows the small ores. They are obtained via sluicing and breaking loose rocks. Why not do the same with minerals? Here is my idea.-Small Cinnabar and Small Cryolite: They give 1 piece of redstone dust, while their normal counterparts already give 8.-Small Bituminous Coal and Small Lignite: They give pieces of small coal, that does the same as coal/charcoal, but heats less in a forge and can't be used in bloomery/blast furnace as they are mineral source.-Small Borax: Gives 3 flux when broken with hammer.-Small Graphite: Gives 1 Graphite powder, make normal graphite give 4 powders.-Small Kaolinite: Gives 1 Kaolinite powder, make normal kaolinite give 4 powders.-Small Kimberlite: Won't give the mineral itself, just like small lignite and small bituminous coal, it will give a lot of chipped/flawed diamonds. (Won't get to normal or forth).-Lapis Lazuli: Gives 1 lapis dye. (Do this with the already existing small hematite, small limonite and small malachite, and also increase the spawn rates of malachite)-Small saltpeter: It gives instead reduced saltpeter powder, crafted in four, it gives normal powder.-Small sulphur: It gives reduced sulphur powder, crafted in four, gives normal powder.Same with the useless minerals, considering I don't know hows the coming fertilizer crafted, I won't tell what to do there, but leave that to the devs. But what about an organic fertilizer? No need to add manure/feces! Use peat mixed with dirt and possibly raw meat/bone meal, straw or other vegetal byproducts/remains. That way we got an organic alternative to the fertilizer. To fertilize my greenbean crops IRL, I use grinded egg, shell, maybe you can add egg shell as a byproduct from cooking eggs (once that fucking bug is fixed, and hens once again lay eggs). Grind it in a mortar with a pestle, and there is an alcaline fertilizer. Hope you liked! -Paolo the Adventurer
  2. One Single Giant Server

    What we need, is to kick out of beta and make the mod popular. One day we will end like Tekkit. We just need to cooperate, report bugs, suggest stuff, so that both issues are fixed and features added. That way beta will soon be history, and more people will be attracted to the mod.
  3. Small Minerals

    You didn't understand right. That is an alternative organic fertilizer that does not use manure. Peat with dirt and plant remains make a good natural fertilizer that shoudn't smell bad. Same with grinded egg shells.
  4. One Single Giant Server

    And man, sadly, we can't do it, because, plus all the aforementioned reasons, the servers have different mods each other. Carpe Aurum is the only server with carpenter's blocks. Tomatonet is the only server with all the mods. Many actual servers only have TFC (the "vanilla" servers) there will be great incompatibility issues, as some people prefer to play TFC with mods, while others like plain TFC. It's not easy. And some servers are whitelisted, others not. You are making server owners do things they don't like to. But I understand it would be sweet to trade between continents, but once again, I wish that was easy. So... we will have to remain with 1 player - 2 player towns. What I hate from FoxTopia server, is that surviving alone is encouraged. Isn't that bad to the community?
  5. The probability of large kingdoms in TFC

    What about a death penalty? Like, take the pep to the town square and slay him in front of everyone and take his stuff, if he doesn't want to be exiled.
  6. What about a big battle between TFC players?

    Love your ideas, but what I expected is a large battle. So, to solve this, we just gather all the peps from a team in one place (main fort possibly) and so, massive battle begins!
  7. What about a big battle between TFC players?

    Hmmm... you are right, Sda. How about giving players the task of smithing their own tools and building their own forts before PVPing? If building takes too much, the video can be fastened. Or maybe do what I don't like much... a hunger games survival tournament. If we take this alternative, factions are gone, unless the hunger games can be done in teams.
  8. What about a big battle between TFC players?

    Nice, sorry for that, I meant the javelin to emulate the naginata, but halberd could be. And the shoku, bear hands aren't coded, so I suppose those wont be in . And regarding Extrafirma, it has three weapons, crossbow, dagger and halberd. I like the three of them. They seem very suitable with the original TFC weapons. Regarding the walls so no one escapes, they can climb out thanks to smartmoving/placing dirt or gravel. To solve that, there is a simple solution. Every player that leaves the walls "deserted" the battlefield, meaning that they can't play anymore. Anyways thanks for your ideas. Keep posting!
  9. What about a big battle between TFC players?

    It is confirmed that this sequoia bug crap is fixed for next build
  10. Can't breed chickens

    Wheat/barley/oat/rye grain are all more abundant than pumkin seeds.
  11. When will Build 78 be released?

    I want to bath in hot springs!
  12. Nostalgia

    I have a combination of good and bad experience: -When I first came in Carpe Aurum server, I teamed up with some dudes in an island/nation they called Blackwater, they gave me supplies and allowed me to create a town. I made a town called like the nation due to some confusions (I thought Blackwater was a suggested name). A guy called Redundantusage joined me, and I am thankful to him for teaching me to play TFC. All was magical, I was a TFC noob in the best of places... An island nation with three small towns linked to each other. Until a griefer (the bad part) called LegoPlayback, killed MagicBones, our nation leader, and griefed my town. I raged and quit. I woudn't join Carpe until some months later. The map had reset. That's why I won't trust that Lego anymore, and I will even talk in it's counter. Well anyways, hope you liked my story!
  13. Can't breed chickens

    But... why can't we breed them with wheat grain instead of using pumkin seeds? Isn't it easier to not disable breeding until roosts are implemented?
  14. I tried to set a server on Linux following Windows procedure, without even knowing that it had to be different, and I have restricted access from my own computer. Can I get any support on how to set up a TFC Server for Linux? Please, I'd be thankful for your help.
  15. The probability of large kingdoms in TFC

    At last, someone thinks like me!!
  16. Thirst in the deep mines

    It makes logic, and with leather water sac addon I'll bring 3 sacs with 12 uses, even more effective than those jugs. But really, I can't wait to bath in the hot springs!!
  17. Animals, Sicknesses and more

    Hello people of TerraFirmaCraft! Here is my big suggestion page: Animals: Regarding sheep: It seems that sheep are likely to spawn in mountains. I deducted that is because sheep has wool coating so they hang out in cold temperatures. But then, why the first people to grow sheep were Hebrews, Egyptians and Assyrians? I think there could be sheep in plains just like the cows. And also, sheep should be able to be milked. Regarding cows: I know you dont want the ability to milk sheep because then cows would be useless. Two things, pigs are actually useless (they give meat and leather, just like cows and sheep) But if you insist, you could make male cows usable for ploughs in order to plow more land in less time or for transport carts. Regarding chickens: Just like in vanilla, chickens are the only animals that yield feathers. That is no good, because they are rare and you can't enter the iron age without a feather. Either increase their chance of spawn. (I've roamed temperate forests and found none) or add other animals that yield feathers, like ducks, geese, eagles or pigeons. Replacement of monsters with wild animals: Forgive if I seem insistent with this, but, if TFC is about believability/realism (I think they mean the same), why the dead raise back to life (zombies), why skeletons move, why green dicks explode (creepers), why there are people with such a height and dark skin that can teleport (endermen) and why are spiders sooo big? I think they should be all erased (all but spider if its size can be decreased). If you like challenge and will miss the monsters if they are erased, that has a solution! Replace them with dangerous, man eating wild animals, that are neutral at day and hostile at night, or in dark environments (Unless hungry). You should add savannah biome, with yellow grass and acacia trees. Cows, zebras (possible variety of TFC horse) lions and giraffes can spawn there. Lions: Spawn in savannas near the equator, will eat herbivore animals. (Just like wolves do with sheep) Will also be hostile in day. Tigers: Spawn in jungles, will eat herbivore animals, tougher than lion, but rarer. Can spawn in white tiger variety. Will also be hostile in day. Bears: (These are coded in the game but doesn't spawn yet) Spawn in boreal forests, temperate forests, and taiga. Will attack deer. Rats: Spawn everywhere in deep dark places, like caves. Attacks player and small animals (Like all farm animals but cows). Scorpions: Spawn in deserts. Small, like the possible reduced size of spiders. Mosquitos: Spawn in jungles or swamps, humid places. The entity of mosquitoes itself isnt a single mosquito, but a cluster of them (Maybe not). To take mosquitos away, simply light a fire, in forges, firepits, candles (extrafirma), torches. There could also be jungle plants with essence that repels mosquitos away. Snakes: Spawn in jungles, deserts, and very rarely on plains. They can come in some varieties, like pythons, cobras, vipers, anacondas, rattlesnakes, and boas, If one bites the player, depending of the variety, may poison it. Some varieties can be more poisonous than others. And the poison of snakes could be reinforced with a strong hit when there is only some health remaining, so that it's poison kills. Snakes can be lured and trapped with using milk in a bowl as bait. Next, other animals that could be added: Bees: Bee hives spawn in trees. If you punch the hive a cluster of bees will go out to attack you. But somehow you can harness and domesticate bees, I don't know much about apiculture so thats up to the devs. You can do apiculture and grow your bees. The honey could be mixed with milk to make honey milk, which if consumed can heal hunger. (From a glass bottle, and milk could also be consumed from glass bottles and heal hunger too, but less than honeymilk. Mead could also be made. To make mead, fill a barrel with water, and put a bucket of honey in it. It will say honeywater. Seal it and then you should have mead. (Like milk, and curdled milk that gives cheese.) Goat: Gives milk, wool, hide and meat just like sheep. Wild counterparts for animals would be good too, like -Boars for Pigs, neutral, will attack if attacked -BIsons, Buffalos for Cows, will panic and flee if attacked -Sheep and Chickens would remain equal, but chickens would flee from player unless he/she carries grains To tame these animals, feed them with grains, just like bones with a wolf. However farm animals recognize no owner, as dogs do. And they could be rightclicked to be carried, only one, nd shift rightclick to place them back. In the end, sicknesses won't be added due to the disgusting reaction of some people. My next suggestions aren't mentioned in the title Siege weapons: War machines could be interesting in the ancient themed environment of TFC. Burning glasses or burning lens were used to send sunrays to catch enemies on fire. Other good ones could be the catapult and the battering ram. To build a catapult use wood planks to build each piece. (The wheels, the "spoon" and everything else). Once you ensemble the pieces you should have a decent catapult to throw stone and blow up your enemy's constructions without using gunpowder. It could not be used at mining because it's large size. A catapult throws stone rocks. As for the battering ram, it is crafted with three logs and a triangle of wooden planks above. Battering rams are good for breaking down walls and doors. To move siege weapons rightclick them and you will ride it like a boat or minecart and move it in slow speed. As for the catapult, a light beam can be used to mark the place the catapult will shoot. To throw a stone with the catapult or push with the ram press space. To dismount shift right click. Wine: Wine can be made with grapes. Once you found grapes, you can grow them in vineyards. With trellis, grapes will grow eventually so you will harvest them. Grapes can be eaten or crafted into wine. To craft grapes into wine, first put them in the crafting table. It will give the loose grapes (without the stick in the top). Then place them over a special wooden recipient for crushing grapes. And jump and walk over the grapes until they liquify. Mobs could also do that if they walk over the grapes many times. To harvest the grape juice, use a bucket. Place the grape juice in a barrel and seal it. Maybe fruit liquors like mimosa or cherry wines can be made in this way. Get the fruit juice in the bucket and fill a barrel with it just before sealing it. This doesn't work with bananas and olives. However, crushing olives make olive oil, that could be used in meals. Ice cream: Who doesn't like ice cream? It was made before with the use of fruit and snow from mountains! (Or cold places or winter snow). To get ice cream, craft a snowball with any fruit juice. Snowballs should also be obtainable by breaking snow caps. To eat the ice cream, use a bowl.
  18. standalone possible?

    I have heard that in order to remind us that this is no more than a Minecraft mod, the devs will move the hostiles to underground dungeons, instead of deleting them. I suppose that is wrong. We don't have to be standalone. And sadly, even if TFC is intended to be believable, the monsters are not believable. I don't think that we must have to do standalone. We are all human beings capable of reasoning and we should with our great brains understand that it shoudn't affect if we are no more than a mod. I commonly call TerraFirmaCraft a game. I just don't care if I need a Minecraft account to play it. For me TerraFirma is already a game, just kinda a "parasite" game, over Minecraft.
  19. Thank you Dunk!

    I'd rather have rum, beer and whiskey, hehehe... Regarding the rest, I do like pottery
  20. Combat Revamp Opinion Poll

    As for the war animals, don't think about horses only, camels and elephants are good too.
  21. Animals, Sicknesses and more

    True... middle east has a lot of mountains... I researched and found out the Zagros Mountains, the Sinai, the "Horns of Hattin", and even Jerusalem has a mountain in it. The mount of Sion. And with the plough... Horses could be faster, but less efficient. Oxen would do the heavy work.
  22. The probability of large kingdoms in TFC

    A good way to make a kingdom is not really using players in it's entirety. With custom NPCs and an owner that allows it, you could "buy" NPCs. Other good one would be using people you know IRL. And well, if a large kingdom was ever formed, I would support this social class: -King, at least 1 -Wisemen, Nobility & Priests, at least 5 (I believe in mysticism and alchemy rather than modern science) -Merchants, Peasants... at least 10 I don't believe in slavery as well. So I didn't put slaves. Soliers aren't really needed. Just equip your peasants with swords. But this is the social class I suggest. WIth this social class, a minimum of 12-16 people would be needed. Yes, it WILL be hard to make large kingdoms in TFC.
  23. Animals, Sicknesses and more

    My bad, and it's true. It seems too disgusting to much people, I'll edit the post to erase that part. But why to tell everyone it is a Minecraft mod by keeping vanilla monsters? I prefer to call TFC a game, sincerely, but it's ok then . Tell me what about siege weapons, wine and ice cream. (Note to self: Even if I am brave and can withstand almost anything, I should know what is grossy to most people)
  24. The game is better when you dont know what you are doing, actually