Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by PaoloEmilio

  1. Name: Game freezes


    Description: Game randomly freezes when I go near mountanious areas surely due to lag. Have to force shut down computer.


    Suggested category: Annoying


  2. Rotten flesh could be a good ingredient, but we don't have to rely on spoiled food to use as compost, as I told you, eggshells, could be obtained by crafting a bowl with an egg, it should give you egg bowl (cook for normal egg, egg directly in the fire gives boiled egg). The byproduct of that crafting is eggshells which can be used in compost. In addition, greenbeans aren't eaten directly, but the grains are eaten, craft the greenbeans once for beans, byproduct is the coating of the beans, useful as compost, fruit residues are obtained by simply eating the fruits, residues represent what aren't eaten from the fruit. Like seeds (good replacement for fruit tree saplimgs :) ) and the shell of the fruit, good as fertilizer too. Meats and bone powder are also useful.


  3. I know Dunk and Bioxx coded only mineral fertilizers because they do not want feces coded in TFC right?  Well, poop is not the only ingredient in compost, sometimes fruit residues, eggshells, bone powder, and plant byproducts are useful in making compost, leave your ideas below.


  4. I'm not exactly fond of this specific idea, but I would like to foster discussion on alternate spawning solutions so I'll leave this comment here. Should do the trick i hope :)


    What about them monsters spawn with mob spawners underground, or can be summoned with diabolical rituals?


  5. ...I only gave animals sexes to make breeding more logical and interesting. The differences between the sexes in the animals is nothing but facts for gameplay purposes. Seeing as players can't reproduce and there are no roles or abilities that one sex has and that the other does not, there is no reason to implement such a feature for players.


    What about if players can reproduce and have babies just like Minecraft Comes Alive?


  6. To quote Dunk:


    " TFC is like a magic trick: it's fun and exciting, and you may really want to know how it works, but once you find out, the magic is lost, and it won't ever come back. "


    When I first read that in the original post I almost cried while clapping: "Bravo! Bravo!"


  7. Hey, I got an idea.

    How about for the more 'hostile' animals(hawk, [possibly]cat, wolf, fox, etc)

    You can't tame the grown animal, but instead have to find a young baby or egg and tame that instead

    But the adults will be hostile towards you, and try to protect the young(kill you if you approach) so you have to lure them away/kill them before you can tame the young


    Not a good idea, I've attracted adult cats to me


  8. Mental health I don't think is really much needed, but in physical health one could add infectious diseases too, caused by exposing to cold enviroments (Colds lol), drinking unboiled water (amoebiasis) eating raw meat (worms)...


  9. Ok guys, another of my many suggestions


    Goldsmithing (can also be coppersmithing and bronzesmithing)


    You may believe I mean tools, but no... Imagine you are in the steel age, you live out of steel tools only, but you found large amounts of copper and tin, or zinc in the mines. What about bronze ornaments? A copper vessel? It should be nice to have, goblets, plates, spoons... It should be nice eh?


  10. I definitely agree, although it is true that having metal in a smelting contraption would seem counterproductive, we still need to have tier progression

    so yeah the metal would only be in the mechanics of the controller block, in the above mentioned ways


    Remember folks, there's only so far you can go with realism in a game like this, or heck even just a game in general.

    i honestly will only stand by anything that makes the game more interesting, fun, or playable, anything else just defeats the purpouse of it being a game


    Realism for realism's sake is neither what we are looking for here, nor element of good game design.


    Did I say realism? The title says believable
