Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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    • Dries007

      ATTENTION Forum Database Breach   03/04/2019

      There has been a breach of our database. Please make sure you change your password (use a password manager, like Lastpass).
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      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
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Everything posted by renacyde

  1. ok ficolas i will unbann u if you play by the rules theres no bad language in my server keep it clean
  2. we ban u because you don't follow rules and then you mock the admins
  3. i wrote bioxx to see if we could put his name on top of his statue
  4. Stealing from another player is not allowed.
  5. acdcwrocker im building a vault in nether ill tell you more when i get back on
  6. ben if you cant handle the hiccups of tfc beta than TFC is not for you its beta until beta tfc is stable therrs going to be thing like map wipes and things that will bring down the server down thats what non stable things do even bioxx said in the link you click on to look for the server you can play on where you fond me Beta 2 ServersBeta 2 is not entirely stable so do not complain to server admins about stuff not working.
  7. no one else is haveing that problem it looks like your graphic card needs updated mod_InvTweaks take it off and you need PlayerAPI
  8. its been 10 min i posted that right as i was taking to him last
  9. this is a me talking to my server they have no phone number 20:31:34Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly... 20:31:43Operator Support Assistant joined the chat 20:31:49Support Assistant: Hello! Welcome to Live support! How may we help you today? 20:32:03why u egnoring me 20:32:12Support Assistant: I'm sorry? 20:32:37what is taking my server so long man 20:33:18Support Assistant: I'm currently transferring an old 8GB server to a dedicated server so there will be more free space for you 20:33:32Support Assistant: I will put you on there 20:33:41Support Assistant: You can get the same IP back too. 20:34:00ok how long till i can log on 20:34:17Support Assistant: 1hr max 20:34:58im im going to have more space 20:35:19Support Assistant: So do you mean? 20:35:41I'm currently transferring an old 8GB server to a dedicated server so there will be more free space for you 20:36:36? 20:36:48what does it mean 20:39:40you there 20:39:58Support Assistant: You are going to get your server really soon bro chill 20:40:02Support Assistant: In the next hour 20:40:08Support Assistant: With the same IP etc 20:40:33ok ill hold you to it 20:41:31Support Assistant: 20:41:36Support Assistant: No problem 20:42:12i just have people wanting to get on the server