Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by troutonland

  1. There should be different professions in the game <-- I will explain what I mean by this

    Doing certain actions would increase your profession level in those areas:

    chopping down trees, splitting wood,making charcoal -for woodsman

    mining ore, mining stone, using the prospectors pick, using the chisel -for miner/mason

    planting crops, harvesting crops, plowing, collecting fruit, hunting -for forager/farmer

    smelting ore, using the anvil, crafting tools -for smith


    Each tier would unlock something: a higher tier tool you can use, for the smith it would unlock the ability to work higher tier metals.

    Whatever your highest skill is(it would need a minimum skill level) would be your profession and give you some little improvement in doing its actions.

    Posted Image

    More on the skill system:

    Every day the skill level in each area would decrease by a small amount(so players who ignore one area become less skilled in it)

    Benefits other than unlocking new tools would be very small(just so it is noticeable but not over powered)

    It would only be possible to have 1 Novice, Adept, Specialist, Master tiered trait. To make people actually specialized.

    This entire idea and system only has the purpose to give a greater feeling of progression to the game and to make a more active economy in multiplayer. People specializing in one area would encourage trade and would even create "supply and demand :)"


  2. Since everybody seems to agree that TFCraft should be as realistic as possible the general progression of the game seems to not fit in entirely(stick->flint tool->stone tool->Metallurgy). My idea on how to fix this issue is to add in an age progression: The age you would currently be in would limit what you are able to do/craft and you would progress to the next age by achieving some goal(like creating the highest tier pick available to you at the time etc.)

    Starting age(next age by making flint tool)

    Stone age

    Bronze age

    Iron age



    Modern etc.

    Some things I think it would effect:

    • Crafting - Obviously making tools/constructions that are much too advanced should be impossible so those would be unlocked by progressing ages.
    • Mobs - If there are bandits/human npcs they could also improve with your progression so you do not become completely overpowered and they remain challenging.
    • Structures: Bloomery etc. would be unlocked