Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Tsuarok

  1. If it would work if it was on a scale, so that the higher above average the current category is, the less it hunger it filled, until it filled nothing at all.


    Edit: I'm an idiot. I just found out what the actual debuff was, and I think it's brilliant.


  2. So, I love the food decay, and I love the idea of nutrition, but I'm not too sure about debuffs for poor nutrition.  Because debuffs are irritating.  What do ya'll think about making it so that food simply fills less hunger if it's category (protein, etc) is higher than average?


  3. I like it, but really TFC is better, imo.  Just add in bibliocraft (with custom NPCs to make the recipes work), Dynamic Lighting, Carpenter's Blocks, and Better Grass and Leaves, and you have Life in the Woods, but with better mechanics.  Hmmm... maybe I'll make a mod pack...


  4. I remember devs toying with this idea way back when. Seems like it's on hold for the moment. That IS a lot of work to add this stuff properly. Wiki's a good example, and it's not even about flavor out there, just dry facts.



    How DO you figure out, say, a bloomery recipe? How would you even figure out there even IS such a thing in the game? Randomly throwing stuff at a workbench and seeing what sticks isn't as fun as someone might think it is. Especially confidering how much stuff there is to throw in TFC, considering there's even an intention to make specific metals/alloys to have a specific purpose and recipes to them (which I disagree with, but I don't exactly have a saying on the matter).

    Minor stuff like meals are left to figure out on your own. And you can figure out which of the two types of logs burn longer/hotter without looking it up, that's about sums it.


    Personally, I look it up on the wiki.  My nostalgia isn't for trying random things to see if they work.  It was for a day when video game makers controlled when and how you got instructions, dropping subtle hints and forcing you to figure it out.  It was really fun when you had to work at it for a while and then figured it out.  It's not really useful to design like that now, because anyone can just look up the answer.


  5. Would it be possible for a 32-64x version, I like sphax but 128x+ causes significant performance issues for me.

    I somehow don't think you'll be looking at this after... 7 months... but in just in case, you can download GIMP and scale the images down yourself.  It's really easy, just open each image, go to image -> scale image and enter whatever size you want.  Interpolation will cause some problems, but it should be good enough to play with.


  6. While I really do love the idea, I feel like most users would still refer to a wiki if the flavor text only added hints.  Writing it out in such a way as to make all steps perfectly clear, while maintaining immersion, would be essential to making this work.


    Something like, "I've found that a copper can be strengthened by adding 1 part zinc for every 9 parts copper,"  but, you know, with more flavor.  Preferably written by you. 


    Honestly, I think it's kind of a shame, because I remember the pre-internet days of video gaming where you really had to figure this stuff out on your own.


  7. Thanks.


    I'm currently optimizing for 256.  While I'll release scaled versions of this, interpolation will mess with the quality of the smaller packs a bit.  This is of course correctable, and I'll make it one of my two priorities after initial release (the other being vanilla support).  From the few tests I've run, 32x is far better than 16x, and I understand that it has a negligible effect on performance.  Just something to consider.


  8. So... you need a resource pack to change it.  You can make your own from scratch, but the easiest way is to simply download any pack, edit the textures that you want to change (mobs are in "texturepack"assetsminecraftentities), and delete the rest (or use them if you'd like).  


    I personally like GIMP as an editor, because it's free, but (also free) and photoshop (definitely not free) also work. MS paint doesn't work because it doesn't support transparent pixels.


    If you need the image to be a higher resolution you can scale it up, as long as it is 2^x (that is, 16, 32, 64, etc.)  You may need optifine to do higher than 16, I don't remember.


    The homo hablis are 256 btw.




    Now... does anyone have any ideas for a believable texture?  I should have put my question in the title...


  9. Awesome! 


    My only request would be not to tie animal mods to "peaceful" settings, so you can turn off the magical mobs and still have those. :)

    I agree, though I'd like to make sure that the animals don't attack in creative mode... that would just be annoying.


  10. I suppose that when my hypothetical believable mob bursts into flames in sunlight, belief will go right out the window anyway...


    If I went the insectiod route, my thought for the creepers would be sort of a vertical larva, with the head near the feet and an exploding, engorged vertical abdomen.  Some species of social insect do sacrifice themselves for the good of the hive, so that wouldn't be too bad.  But they do have the problem of being giant insects.  And a little gross.


  11. If I could I'd definitely do wolves, panthers, etc, but I can only edit the skin, the model (the shape) has to stay the same.  Within those bounds, there isn't much that actually exists, but I think it would still be better to do something that could exist (but doesn't) than obviously impossible creatures.  Unfortunately, the list of things that could reasonably exist with a humanoid shape is pretty small.  Maybe zombies could be made into bears... that always stand...  but when you give them weapons and armor, the suspension of believe collapses. Though it's still better than the walking dead.


  12. Well, they're just something I roughly threw together, just to sort of field test them.  The final product, if I decide to do them, would probably have clothes and/or jewelry and such, and the zombies (left) and skeletons (right) won't look exactly the same (though they should look like the same species).  


    IDK, if I do choose the human ancestor route, I might go for homo erectus or neandertal (I know, not actually an ancestor).  These look too much like gorillas I think.


  13.  If you were replacing the mobs with something else, with the aim of believablity, what would you put in?


    So, I've long felt that zombies and skeletons and such are out of place in TFC. One easy way to change this is to simply rename and reskin them via a resource pack.  As I'm in the process of making a pack right now, I thought this would be a good time to replace them, but I'm not quite sure what to change them to.  My first thought was some sort of pre-human ancestor.  I went with homo hablis.


    Posted Image


    ...but... well... while they are only a rough draft, they just don't feel right.  


    So, I'm wondering what ya'll think. I was also considering some sort of giant insectoid creatures (which would go well with the spiders).


  14. Frankly, I think luring animals with anything but leads is a bit silly.  I'd rather them all be like ocelots, running away unless you're sneaking. But instead of giving them food you throw a lead on them.  Afterward, feeding them enough times would make them not run away (some random amount, like vanilla horses).


  15. thanks, I'm glad you like it.

    Sorry if this is taking a while, I really want to get it right before release. I had made all the stone, but I had to throw them out. The non-CTM blocks proved to be either completely featureless, or form these horrible grids. I've settled for a single CTM stone pattern, which has been recolored for each stone type. In future versions, I'll do unique CTM for each, but they take a bit over a week each, and I'd not like to spend several months on the raw stone alone, not until there is a usable pack first.

    Of course, the Basalt will be different, as it was already done, and was way too particular to be used as a general stone texture.


  16. I like it, but I understand those that don't.  As such, instead of forcing it on everyone, I think it should be limited to mods.  Like SteamAge, but maybe with wind/watermills as an early tech, working up to steam power.  


    Personally, I'd much prefer the aesthetic of having a wind/watermill pumping water from a stream to irrigate than some magic bucket that provides unlimited water.  But again, it's not for everyone.
