Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Deviator

  1. I might also suggest waiting until summertime before exploring, as climate when the chunk is generated determines what animals will be there.

    I always wondered about this. I wasn't sure if it took an average temp/rain etc for the region first or if it went by the current state of the chunk. Very nice to know, it will help a lot.

  2. It's the same way here. Go exploring, the same thing. The problem is that most people can only find Cassiterite if it spawns in granite on the surface. That's the only case where it's possible to find it. That said, granite should be one of the most common surface rocks, after the sedimentary rocks, but it's not. I'm finding almost all metamorphic rock, which makes no sense. Metamorphic rock is actually somewhat rare as opposed to igneous and sedimentary.

    Cassiterite spawns in other rocks types besides granite, you just need to dig down to the 2nd and 3rd layers to find it. If granite were more common as a surface rock, people would just skip copper tools and go straight to bronze.

  3. I attempted to get around the crash by using a scythe on the leaves before chopping the tree down, but all it did was make the whole tree disappear from the scythe point upwards... logs, leaves and all went poof...but no error.


  4. So right now 77.21, chicken breeding is impossible in servers without permission? Cool, ran around for an hour on the big island where i've settled to find a chicken for my rooster, and all for nothing! :D

    Ok, i only hope 77.22 or 78 will come quickly  :)


    Pumpkin Seeds will breed chickens for now unless that is turned off on your server, in which case it is your admins issue, not TFC. Chicken eggs are a different story.


  5. The problem with this is that there really isn't any way for the game to check if no players are logged in. The only real solution is to have a limited up-time server, where the server admin manually shuts down the server whenever players aren't logged in, and then manually starts it back up when a user requests to log in.


    Doesn't the game unload chunks when no players are on? Could you use that feature to see if no chunks are loaded, stop tick progression?


  6. Are you using the proper anvil for the metal? If the metal is higher tier than the anvil, the recipe will not show up. For instance, if you try to work a steel ingot on a bronze anvil, you will not see any instructions.


  7. Are you on the latest version? This was fixed in 77.20 I believe. also, once you update you will need to generate new land. The old trees will still have no leaves on them.

    Fixed Douglas Firs not growing properly due to "id" not being set


  8. Not sure if this was part of your troubleshooting but try a fresh TFC install with no mods AND generate a fresh world with that same seed, then go to the location and see if you have the same issue. If you used the saved map from when you had mods, it could still be something generated by those mods that is causing the issue.


  9. Hotfix #: 77.21

    Suggested Name: Invisible Cows

    Suggested Category: Minor

    Description: Some cows appear invisible with just the shadow showing. I have seen it multiple times, with fresh installs and it is always cows.

    Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes - tried with all of my mods and with only REI's(so I could find them). link of the Crash Report: No crash




    Here you can see a cow ghost haunting his live buddy.


    Posted Image
