Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by princeofmadness

  1. I'm pretty sure animals can't die of starvation and there is no guarantee that a predator will also spawn nearby.  I don't disagreeing with the principal of the thing, wild animals should be able to breed in order to be believable/realistic however I simply feel/think it will break the game.


    To princeofmadness, there is already a limit written into the vanilla code.  The Disappearing Sheep See Kitty's posts.


    Edit: It just occurred to me you might mean to add a mechanic to allow animals to die of starvation, that would create other problems. What if you can't find grain? What if you just have very little grain, only enough to feed 1 animal? If you have a large farm how do you make sure you've actually feed all your animals?  You could easily find yourself in a tough spot early game with as few as 2 animals.


    It's talked about here Animal Feeding Trough briefly I think.  This sums up my thoughts on the matter of 'animal hunger'


    But that is a whole other topic.

    i'm not talking about vanilla mechanics as far as how many can exist, i'm talking about a limit as to how many times they breed on their own before population reaches a reasonable point.

    and for natural causes i mean old age and disease not necessarily starvation, but that too could add an interesting mechanic like say during the winter some of them die off because there isn't enough tall grass for them to eat or something.


  2. what if there where limitations as to how many animals of a certain species could be in one region, and they would breed until they just overpass that limit and then stop. 

    or maybe an animal only breeds once every spring, and population was kept down by wolves and bears as well as the player.

    an interesting mechanic would be animals dying of natural causes or disease to keep population down.

    of course the player could still breed them himself if he wanted a big farm of them. 


  3. The issue I have with this is that the concept of things take time to craft is believable and realistic, but would add annoyance without interesting gameplay added. The autocrafting part adds gameplay but being able to walk away abandons believability, chisel and hammer don't work without hands.The idea of processing, like lumber mill has been suggested, but needs to add efficiency in something other than time. TFC is already a lot of time investment and downtime. Not only is mini game of setting up a lumber mill appealing, but greater efficiency, 10 instead of 8 lumber per log for example, would be a great late game addition.

    yeah, the auto-crafting thing was kinda just off the top of my head, but something to reduce annoyance is necessary for the idea to work. also the mechanization stuff could have a wide range of bonuses other than just speed.

    I just want to see more processes that take time similar to stuff like metalworking. like if crafting categories where broken up to have different processes required to make them. that's what had drawn me to terrafirmacraft.


  4. so i was going through some of the suggestions ( been lurking around for a while) and I noticed a thread about mechanization and the discussion led to the fact that it isn't really needed for something like tfc. but what if that changed?

    I had this idea in my head for a while for a waiting time when using crafting tables, like having to take time to craft things rather than it being instant.

    this could work by when you put the ingredients in the bench correctly it shows the item but you need to press a button and the arrow would fill up similar to a furnace in vanilla minecraft. of course some items would take longer to make than others, like the difference from chipping bricks and putting together two sticks to make a fire-starter (one would take something like 15 seconds the other being instant, give or take)

    this would be a little annoying with how things run in tfc now with the lack of a physical crafting bench, because if you were to exit your inventory in the middle of sawing wood you would need to start over.

    this annoyance could be solved with the addition of some sort of physical early game 2x2 crafting bench that you could start crafting something and be able to walk away and it would continue to craft it ( maybe made by shift-clicking a log with a stone hammer ) the trade of being that maybe it takes a little longer than if you used your internal crafting bench.

    the same goes for the 3x3 crafting bench, once you craft it you would still get you internal 3x3 bench in your inventory but would also get the actual bench for the purpose of setting up you workshop to make things easier on yourself.

    if this was added somehow ( i don't know how easy it would be, i'm no coder) then mechanical set-ups would be feasible as a way to process stuff way faster than just crafting it, like making a saw mill that would cut logs into lumber at a fast enough rate that building your mansion could actually be achieved  a reasonable time-frame. of course mechanization would be later game, like once you get steel.


    So what do you think? Good? Bad? Too difficult to code?
