Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Deez

  1. Concentration

    Minecraft player complaining about graphics, well I'll be damned... Anyways Bioxx has said before that he wants to add some sort of SP trading system with the current villagers, so that would basically solve the problem right?
  2. Denied! Modifying the application. Accepted!
  3. Glass Working

    Maybe Glass Bottles should have to be blown as well? Could open the door for other containers and objects blown from Glass.
  4. Concentration

    Some people do like the fact that Bioxx is adding and changing the basic content of the game to make it more realistic, harder and I suppose "boring" in some sense. The mod is basically a recreation of Dwarf Fortress, and if you haven't played that before than give it a shot to see where development might be heading. My guess is things will be getting harder, more tedious and more in depth as development continues and that's the way I like it.
  5. Added all the previous posts to whitelist. Thanks for applying!
  6. Due to the amount of updates rolling out, I won't be posting every time we update the server. Instead you can view the server message before connecting to see the most recent version that you need to connect with.
  7. Right now the application is just to show me that you're interested in playing and so I can get your username. When we get to the point of a proper release, then I might put some more effort into screening the members. To be honest I don't have a lot of free time to be checking over everyones work so when I can, I plan to add lots of stuff to let you guys protect your own creations.
  8. Ice Biomes are huge

    I want a huge Ice Biome so I can relive The Grey. I'll be playing Liam Neeson...
  9. Sorry to double post but... PRE5 update is taking place soon, please update your clients! P.S. Since there is literally nothing I can do about Griefers at this point, other then to catch them in the act and ban, I suggest you all make your homes in the new world fairly secretive. Edit: Servers up with PRE5!
  10. You stole my island. I think.
  11. Environmental Dangers

    Nice, Bioxx has said that he won't adding anything too harsh without implementing ways for us to combat it as well so your idea is much appreciated! A similar idea is in the Deserts, we could harvest water from a Cactus somehow.
  12. Yes I play on the server as well, the only thing is I work midnights full time so I don't get to play as much as I like. I wouldn't have the server if I didn't play on it myself though. Oh and I believe the supports are working since Pre2, but if you're referring to the message in the first post then fret not as I haven't made the changes yet. We're still very much default TFC. Added! Added! Added!
  13. Multiplayer Ideas

    Local Chat Something I thought that vanilla MC has needed for a long time. This should be enabled by default and chat-distance should be customizable. Locks + Lockpicks For chests, doors, redstone, etc. These should be crafted with a plan, using alloys for different difficulty levels. Lockpicks should be easy to make, easy to break, and impossible to master. Trading A way to create currency and trade with other players through a user interface that requires both parties to accept the terms of a trade before it commences.
  14. Hopefully not long, you can check the status tracker on the first post to see when it's up. This never happens I swear....
  15. Multiplayer Ideas

    Yes, I'm fully aware of Bukkit and the plugins available for that. I was suggesting to make them part of the game properly though.