Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Deez

  1. Here's a concept. How about the difference in the different weapons is strictly visual? It would make the game much more visually appealing because they would be balanced out so not everyone goes for just 1 type of sword and thus the visual appeal is lost because everyone has the same thing.

    If Bioxx doesn't mind, I will say now I have no problems with designing more sprites and textures.

    Thats pretty much what I wanted anyways.


  2. I think we all just want to see the current biomes expanded upon.

    • Bamboo could be added to any existing biome
    • Ravines could have rivers at the bottom
    • Some ravines could have red rocks
    • Gravel pits/beaches
    • Savannahs
    • Oases
    • More green shit around desert rivers
    • Temperate Rainforests
    I'd add more but I'm thinking about writing up my own thread now...

  3. I don't think I'll be writing a story or following a script, the server changes way too much to have a consistent plot to follow. So maybe I'll just go off and start from the beginning for my first few videos and turn them into a more comedic tutorial/gameplay video.

    Would any Artists be willing to help me out with some simple graphics? I'd like to have a little introduction and maybe some more stuff later on but I'm afraid I suck at PS. Send me a message if interested!


  4. i admit that double weapons would be cool, but they would also be practialy pointless as to use both blades bioxx and his team would have to code special animations so that either the blade is swung back and forth or could be used to stab both forward and back, not the hardest to code but it would definaetly conflict with a mod like mine little pony and smart moving. however this mod could very well implement the other weapons, although to get a realalistic feel out of two handed swords they should use a constant bow draw back animation so both hands are on the weapon. so unless the team for tfcraft and the maker of mine little pony and smart moving mod get together the three are almost certainly not going to work together, the smart moving mod and minelittlepony mods both look mostly complete so this might not be as unlikely as with other mods that are still under heavy developement and the two teams would most likely not find a time that both are free to work together. but mlp and sm are actulay feesable.

    now onto the positive part of my comment. love the idea, warhammers, sythes, kamas/sickles, falchion and scimitar, love them all, i do not think that all these diffrent weapons will be added but i do believe that quite a few should. and if you look at my comment on the magma forge suggestion, i say that ultra powerful but heavy weapons and armour colud be made by using an ultra powerful forge/bloomery/anvil combo that not can only be used to forge ultra powerful weapons and armour for a net ore loss in comparision to the lesser versions, thus balancing it, so most of the items needed could be made at a magma forge and then crafted together to make the super powered heavy versions i see in these images, so you make a regular flail with a regular anvil and you make a heavy anvil with a magma forge, and for 3 times the ore or ingots/unshaped metal you get double the power and double the uses. i did not start the magma forge idea but i did come up with a fesible way to build and use the MF, so be sure to check it out and give both these guys the support they deserver for comming up with such awsome ideas for us to debate and build upon



  5. Better still, have a built structure made with raw stone, maybe 5x5 in a particular pattern, which will change the 'shadow' texture it generates based on the time of the TFC year - a viable calendar for players not advanced enough to craft calendar blocks

    The first time I played minecraft I tried to build a sun dial... I was very disappointed at the time.


  6. You sniffle a lot. Get rid of the cold :P

    Seriously though, it looks good to me. Your audio levels are spot on and your words are clear. (I seriously can't count the number of youtubers that mutter or mumble. Drives me crazy when I have to guess what they are saying)

    One of Spotter's video's problem sadly is that the audio volume is inconsistent and often too low.

    The video itself doesn't seem to lag too notably, which is a wonder in itself as your server is notoriously laggy this time of day. You might want to do another test when a few people are on to see if it makes a difference. :)

    Noted! Thanks for watching. :P


  7. Lance please! Something that would have extended range at least, even if it incurred a penalty of something like slower movement.

    The multi-purpose Halberd will always be my favorite though.

    There is a lance in the second pic. :P
