Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Deez

  1. >3e

    ...-slow nod of approval- You pass.

    I do have some 4E stuff as well but I figure the 3E fits the theme better. It seems to have more common monsters that everyone is familiar with as opposed to 4e.


  2. IGN: BenQuincy

    Age: 15

    What do you want to do on the server?: I love TFC and have been playing for around 2 weeks and host a small private server that got extremely boring. I hope to have a nice house with a underground cave section with a nice Sky Forge and i enjoy smithing and trading materials with people.

    Denied automatically because I'm not accepting new members at the moment.


  3. IGN: spudcosmic

    Age: 15

    Read and agree to server rules? I agree

    What do you want to do on the server? Play online with my other TFC playing friends. I'm good at smithing, mining, and arcitecture too.



    Read and agree to server rules?-I have read and accept the rules of the server.

    What do you want to do on the server?-I want to build a house, find resources and help other players!

    IGN: lorbog

    Age: 16

    Read and agree to server rules? yes

    What do you want to do on the server?: play tfcraft and maybe join/start a town.

    I'm sorry but I have to deny your applications. I've decided to close whitelist applications.


  4. This is for later when BioxxDUNK starts to work on mobs, it's my list of suggested mobs and possibly some notes about them as well. Source is Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition (stfu) but modified a bit to better suit our needs. Feel free to suggest more or even just comment about where you think each mob should spawn, since I believe they should be in specific areas.











    Merfolk (water mob, neutral)



    Ghoul (in this case I mean a zombie that can move fast)


    Lizardfolk (water mob, evil)







    Panther (evil jungle kitty, cause jungles are supposed to be dangerous right?)

    Ogre (maybe leader of a goblin village like a mini boss)

    Mummy (desert zombie)



    Giant (mountain biomes)


    I would also particularly like Dinosaurs and Dragons of all shapes and sizes but that can wait since there are a lot of them to consider adding.

    Edit: I'm striking out the confirmed mobs.


  5. So the players from Alpha will remember this, but Skeletons and Zombies used to be found wearing armor. I think that was a wonderful thing that should have never been removed, so if possible I'd like to see them come back with our new TFC armors and weapons.


  6. New world, new seed, updated to PRE 26 to test the apple trees!

    I am really sorry if you're upset about your creations being lost, but I did warn you in the first post that world changes happen often. With that being said, I plan on using WorldEdit and anything else I will need to create backups when Bukkit support finally rolls around.


  7. IGN: EpicMinerBackup

    Age: im 14 and mature :P

    Read and agree to server rules: Yes

    What do you want to do on the server?: id love to go and try to survive for as long as i can and

    also build a epic base and also try to get all the items this mod adds in


    IGN: funfight22

    Age: 15

    Read and agree to server rules? Of Course

    What do you want to do on the server?: Looking for a TFC server, and there is only yours that is worth joining and does not require extra mods. I was generating worlds to find a good swamp and make my home under a willow tree, turns out they do not droop to the ground and are not quite wide enough. Decided to join a server and make a large jungle fortress with a tower to almost sky level. If that is alright with you of course. Obviously not a hideous 3 wide vertical turd sticking out of the ground, with supports and realistic building materials and so on.

    tl:dr Cause I don't like SSP.



  8. Sorry for such an invasive edit Deez but I did not want to lose the last part as that is a valid statement.

    To everyone however, as I mentioned before the other half of this conversation ends now. From here on out I will be outright deleting ANY post that even mentions it regardless of what else is said in that post as I have asked you all to ignore once already and focus on the part of the conversation that is pertinent to this topic.

    I'm fine with that, my point was made previously by others. Sorry for causing a disturbance with this whole topic.


  9. <SNIP>


    <SNIP> if you feel that another type of plant would be more suitable then please go ahead and start your own thread outlining the possibilities for it.


  10. I would very much like to see someone smoke hemp, or try to extract a medicinal use from it. :) Hemp as I know it, is the male portion of the Cannabis plant that has been used Industrially, while the female is the one with the psychoactive properties. It's difficult enough to even breed Cannabis from a seed because like animals, you need to sex them and either destroy the males or keep them completely separate. If a male were to pollinate a female it would being to produce seeds and create a transgender plant, rendering the "medicinal" properties useless.

    Therefore, Hemp is the male version and wouldn't get you high even if it were to have the extraction procedures done to it to produce oil, hash or alcohol (for tinctures). Good day.

    Oh and to stay on topic; I like the idea of adding a loom and whatever else you would need to turn raw wool/hemp into string then into cloth.
