Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by daxx367

  1. I help my father at work all the time (he's a builder) and it's pine in the walls pine in the roof and hard wood for the floors. There are bigger supports every now and again so the 2 floor doesn't become part of the first floor but that's it.


  2. @ Boea you will NOT be able to wear chain with plate.

    And for your first point there will be reduced affects and/or slowing affects for stacking clothes and armor like that to balance it.

    Because trust me i don't whan't Juggernaughts or plate armor snow ambushes ether.


  3. Here's what I'm thinking:

    Green stays BUT is only for capes /cloaks (this can be done, optifine can do it).

    Inner slots will be used for status affect clothes for biomes. You will HAVE to have something here (you will spawn with a set of clothes on)

    Outer slots would be used for ALL armor and status affect clothes for things like forges, bee keeping (example) and other things that can damage you. This will be where your backpack will go.


  4. The only thing I would change is make the cloak/backpack slot cloak only (as I still feel the backpack should be placed on the outer layer to incur a penalty for using them to assure inventory management balance :) )

    Yes I'm trying to find a solution to that. :/

  5. It's still happening and will probably be announced over the shout thing most of the time.

    And I'm going to try and run a sever every now and again for us in time zones 10 to 18 hours a head of America time zones. :)


  6. Ok heres my idea of the new GUI (sorry Steve :unsure:)

    Red would be your chain mail /I'm going for a stroll clothes.

    Blue is the heavy armor /second clothes / stuff in pic (from Jed).

    Green was going to be the backpack /capes.

    (^ this can be changed but that was my original idea)



  7. Or you only travel through it at night. (Its not well known that its REALLY cold at night in a desert.

    Yay I'm over 100 posts!!! :)


  8. Good point but remember its still a game and its assumed that you have something under your armor.

    And its not the shield its the slots that I'm talking about.

    Here is my battle gear stile idea for shield & sword fit out. It will take away 2 slots from the 'tool' bar, and unless an item is in the sword slot you can NOT do damage with it.


  9. With the clothes (its now corrected thanks) they would stop area/biome effects (one of the devs basically said that this would be included) and/or in muiltiplayer be used to show teams (for lack of a better word as there will be no teams in muitliplayer).


  10. First all of this stuff has its own threads and I will link if i remember, this is just about slots that should / shouldn't be added.

    Just look at the poll and answer.

    Feel free to suggest ideas or changes.


  11. There are 2 things wrong with this.

    First EVERYTHING in the title has its own thread. Shore you are combining it but that doesn't matter it should be in the Enchanting one and link to the other ones.

    Second you used the 'T' word last time I used that i was shot down in 2 min flat.


  12. I'm trying to install build 40 with the NEW versions of forge and player API, and smart moving.

    I hit rebuild jar and it starts and gets 1/8 of the way through and crashes.

    It only happens when I have 40 being added to the install into jar screen thing.

