Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by CtrlXCtrlV

  1. Hey!


    Good news for everyone who was on the CtrlXFirmaCraft server! We are restarting but not as usual, There will be a big event, the Tetrafirmacraft Tournament which will be VERY similar to terrafirmacrack, rules and stuff will be posted here in the future.


    For now you can apply here, but use this thread only for applications!


    What you need post here to apply:


    -Your minecraft username

    -Your experience with tfc and its addons - important for teams!

    -Your timezone also important for teams

    -How active can you be on the 14 days of the tetrafirma tournament

    -Write down that you understand that for now there will be an event which will result in a faction/competitive gameplay that you know that if you will be informed of when the server will start if you are whitelisted. You also know that the server will need addons


    Tetrafirma Tournament

    starts on 15th of september finishes on the 29th

    start is at 15 CET main battle starts the same time 14 days later


    As you might have guessed there will be 4 teams (tetra=4, firma=company)

    rules are similar to terrafirmacrack rules, will update this part


  2. Batter is pretty much liquid consistency. It's not something that you shape like dough. You scoop some of the liquid and pour it into the pan, and it fluffs up into a pancake.


    Okay, this thread is getting to a cooking lesson, but if we are here we should put sunflowers in so we could get oil, of course olives could be another source


  3. This is just an idea I had thought of while playing, and I was wondering if this would be something any of you would consider. Basically it would just be some sort of tool that would increase the chance of obtaining saplings from trees over the chance of getting sticks, or maybe even eliminate getting sticks all together. This tool could possibly be similar to the scythe in that it clears out chunks of leaves at a time rather than just one at a time(or not!), and would possibly by some percent provide you with a higher than average drop rate of saplings, which would increase with the tiers of metal.


    Now, the thought behind this idea is not to flood your inventory with stacks upon stacks of saplings. That, in my opinion, would be quite overpowered, and frankly would take the fun out of the whole process. It is more to rectify the small problem of sometimes more than not, clearing a tree of its leaves and not receiving a single sapling. (I am aware that certain trees are not supposed to drop saplings for said tree. This item is not intended as a way to receive saplings from these trees) Of course, the item would give a noticeable increase in the drop rate(scaled with metal tiers! I wouldn't expect a copper version to have a large increase of drop rate by any means)


    Given what I've said here, let me toss out an example of possible parameters for said item:


    • The grafting tool must be crafted from a metal
    • The rate/percent increase in sapling drop chance would increase depending on metal tier, with maybe some variation within tiers that have multiple tool metals(for example, black bronze would have a slightly better chance than regular bronze, and bismuth bronze would be slightly better than black bronze)
    • The grafting tool would in turn decrease the rate of sticks, proportional to the increased rate at which saplings would drop
    • The tool could possibly be similar to the scythe in that it would remove multiple leaves at a time, rather than just one block

    Anyway, that's my small idea. Thoughts? Questions? Comments about how terrible I am for suggesting this( :P )?



    like the idea exept the metal tier one.


  4. Sorry currently i don't have a better title for this thread.


    The point of my suggestion is pointing out how to make TFC contain every aspect of minecraft, but first because there are a lot of misconceptions about terrafirmacraft (I'm not saying that I know all of it, thats why I ask you to please tell me what I got wrong) i would like to collect some facts about the purpose of terrafirmacraft how i see it, what people i think how others see it and react to it.


    1. TFC's motto is "Survival mode as it should have been" suggests that this mod wants to bring back the aspect of a survival game to minecraft through but not limeted to:

    • Harder earlygame, difficult time against mobs and hunger
    • Need of exploration
    • Need of a strategy to find ores (mostly)
    • Need of settling down for agriculture
    • Longer game until end game materials
    • reducing the level of automation


    2. Developer claims address the following misconceptions:

    • TFC's main goal is making thing realistic (believable rather)
    • TFC is not incompatible with other mods on purpose (its main goal is going to be compatibility)

    To be continued, but for now to the main point:


    What I think the most common or dividable groups of minecraft are (don't get me wrong any combination of these can go together):


    • Casual players (new or not so active players who don't have an interest in specialising in the following stuff, IF YOU FEEL THAT YOU ARE IN MORE OR ALL OF THE CATEGORIES UNDER THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU ARE IN THIS CATEGORY)
    • Survivalists (those who either use mods that make survival harder or often invent challenges for themselves in vanilla or do challenges which are harder including survival maps)
    • Creatives (I call those simply creatives who like build stuff which are good looking, BUT NOT ALWAYS IN CREATIVE MODE)
    • Automationists (those players who mostly like to build systems that help in the gathering of materials in survival often farming infinite items in vanilla often using redstone, and testing out systems in creative)
    • Creative Redstoners (those who build redstone devices, including command block systems, not specifically for using them in survival at least not themselves, or minigame/custom map makers)
    • Mod Automationists (those who unlike vanilla automationists like simpler forms of automation of course i survival or similar to vanilla automationists but not using vanilla items rather tools given by mods)
    • PvPers/minigamers (those who like to participate in minigames and pvp games of course 95% time on servers)


    Maybe to illustrate I'll give some youtubers for you (but keep in mind this is about players not just youtubers):

    Direwolf20 - Mod Automationist

    ZipKrowd server members - Automationists, some of them Creative redstoners

    Keralis- Creative

    Etho and many other mindcrack members - All of them


    anyways its not the youtubers who matter (this time).


    Currently TFC is appealing to mebers of these group in this order (not on purpose):

    • Survivalists (the mod is designed for this group)
    • Creative Redstoners (surprised? You shouldn't be! TFC doesn't remove options in creative vanilla can do, but adds stuff that are useful for minigame creators including aesthetics, however there could be a lot of more options, however, "Survival mode as it should have been" makes it seem unlikely to be added)
    • PvPers/minigamers (why is this group lower than the Creative Redstoners? Because in the case of minigames the 2 groups suffer from the same stuff, what minigame creators can't do, the minigamers suffer from it more (arguable) in the case of Pvp sure tfc adds good stuff in, but still a large part of pvp is minigames and the other one is in the shadow of survival made much harder which means more time spent with that)
    • Creatives (You know, i don't think creatives suffer because "Survival mode as it should have been", the reason is that while a lot of new materials, chiseling, planks, plants were added there are other mods that add these way better. Why do I think they suffer more thank creative redstoners? well though as i said they might not be playing in creative MODE all of the time, it seems that for aesthetics there are a lot more blocks in tfc that aren't so easy to place down than what redstoners would use, not to mention that there are very interesting mechanics in tfc that are not used by redstoners, because the mod scares them away by redstone not available in survival, although this should affect the automationists more, the tendency shows otherwise)
    • Mod Automationists (are luckier than automationists, because TFC's far goal is mod compatibility, while it shows no evidence (although this is perfectly understandable, given vanilla minecraft has some not really believable things) that most vanilla automation mechanics will be accessed at any time in TFC)
    • Automationists the case here was explained above
    • Casuals- most of them don't play with mods


    Lets ignore the last 2 groups, TFC isn't and will never will be for them. TFC is supposed to change all nonsense minecraft mechanics, everybody knows that. However the other 4 groups might just love TFC after a small new adjustments.


    The group of mod automationists is simple. It has been said that compatibility is a far goal, but lets just see what needs work here:

    • World generation
    • Stone, wood, planks, ores, water
    • Nether and other dimensions just to say a few important parts

    As I see it the future for now is in compatibility add-ons, it can be possible that once this mod gets better for very player types some modders might even make compatibility addons themselfs


  5. Hello, I found a maple tree in the wild and thought it would be really cool if there was maple syrup. Syrup is made from sap, which is made from starch made in the maple tree in the fall and winter. The Starch turns into sugar which rises into sap in the spring. I think the way to get the sap would be to right click a maple tree's logs with a knife/hammer which would bore a hole in the tree during fall or early winter. When spring comes you can go over to the maple trees with a wooden bucket and collect the sap. Then you would put the sap bucket in a forge/fire pit and that would make all the water boil in the sap, leaving maple syrup.


    It would also be interesting to add pancakes, which would be made by taking dough (the dough cooked to make bread) and put it in a crafting table with a hammer. That would flatten the dough out. After that you would cook it in a fire pit or forge. It would make a pancake (how much oz the pancake is depends on how many oz the dough was). You could add maple syrup to it just by crafting syrup and the pancake in your crafting table, and that would give more saturation for the pancake and also perhaps more food would be restored when its eaten.


    Also jam could be added as another topping to pancakes, which would just be grinding down strawberries, blueberries, other foods already in the game that seem fitting, etc, by grinding in it a quern.

    You could add lots of toppings to the pancake, but if you add to much the saturation and how much it gives you when eaten could go down, because it would start tasting bad.


    Back to maple trees, it should not spawn between z -10000 through z 10000 because it likes cooler climates. Also, perhaps the collecting of the sap from the trees could be done automatically if you place either string or wool yarn 3 blocks above the ground, right next to the tree, and right click the string with a wooden bucket. It could show a wooden bucket swaying from one side to the other on the string. The buckets would pick up the sap in March. 


    I am a fan of breakfast foods, as you probably can already tell! In fact, breakfast is my favorite out of all the major times you eat.





    Hey, I love that you have an idea how to extactly implement the creation of maple syrup, and love the panke idea, but really? you need a hammer to flatten it out? also jam would be a really nice way to preserved fruits
