Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Neurovore

  1. Note: this is NOT in any way related to ideas of manure or digestive "leftovers".


    One thing that annoys me are items that drop in game with no use whatsoever. In this case, rotten flesh. Here's what I propose:


    1) Convert "rotten flesh" to simply "rot". Rot would have weight similar to how food item stacks have weight. When trimming rot off food, rot would be generated as well, and can all be stacked together like normal food.


    2) Compost, in the real world, is biomass + nitrates + water. Typically this would mean food waste, potassium nitrate (aka saltpeter), plant waste (yard clippings, leaves, sticks), and enough water to keep the microbes alive. All of these things are already in TFC. I propose a mechanism similar to a pit kiln. Place rot in a pit like unfired clay, fill with grass, hit it with saltpeter powder, and top off with sticks. Wait about 72 game hours and you have a compost block you can harvest with a shovel like coal.


    3) Use: compost could be used like fertilizer to increase nutrient levels in soil, or could be used as a nutrient rich block for planting seeds.


  2. Just right click? right click with a knife? empty hand? while crouched? I couldn't seem to get it to work.


    I had 2, 2x1 high plank blocks on either side of a firepit. The string between them was running N/S, and 1 block above the firepit. The holding block never turned black.


  3. So after a great deal of prep work, I was finally able to get together brine, and got a full 160 oz stack of meat. I brined the meat, then set up a string across a campfire to smoke the meat. I got the fire going, and successfully got the visual of meat hanging on a string over a fire.


    My question is, when is it "done" and how do I harvest it? I couldn't tell any change in the graphics of the meat nor the string. I right clicked it and nothing happened. I kept the fire going for a couple days thinking something would eventually change. Based on the amount of brine that was used up this didn't set off any alarm bells for me. After a long while the meat simply disappeared. It was lost.


    What did I do wrong? How should I have been able to harvest this? How long should the smoking process take? The wiki is completely empty on the smoke rack. There also appears to be a "drying" process that may or may not be different than the smoking process. What is that? Previous smoke rack discussions only got me to the point of being able to hang the meat on the string.


  4. I think the right solution here would be the saltwater outpost. Even if I do that my lack of fruit will gate vinegar production severely. Winter is just about to start in my game, which means another 6-7 months before I'll be able to collect fruit again. I'll probably take the longer 4-day trip towards a known location for cows, since dairy is currently completely lacking in my diet. I can dual-purpose a cattle ranch and brining outpost.


  5. In the current game I'm having, I set up my home base in an area that happens to be landlocked for a very long (> 2 days) distance in what seems every direction. I've done a lot of basic setup - I have a house, copper anvil, charcoal, furnace, a BED, food cellar, house, breeding pens for pigs, sheep, and chickens. Flux was 2 days away but I've carted enough back with me to go for a while.


    I have plenty of fresh water, and have a large farming area set up. I've got grain (which means alcohol), but very limited fruit. My current goal is brine for food preservation. This means salt water, which for me is a 3-day journey each direction per barrel.


    A couple problems with that. First, a full stack of veggies consumes almost an entire barrel of brine to get it "brined" in one shot. Bug? I'm not liking my chances for pickling veggies or smoking meat for the winter. In any case, here's the real question:


    If I take a freshwater pond, and replace the shores with sand or gravel, will it produce salt water instead?




  6. Planning around beds is all well and good, but I'd say less than 15% of the games I try I actually succeed in making ONE bed. Sheep can be awfully hard to find, all animals can be a pain to try to tame, and even if you kill them it takes 1 1/2 for each bed and a LONG time for when / if they respawn.


    Take my last game for example. I spawned at y:-12k, which means a very limited selection of critters around. I had to travel almost 2k tiles to find CLAY, and I've seen 2 horses and 3 cows (no sheep). I have another 3-4k to go to find oak for tanin. I still haven't found flux. Having to be a scavenger along the way to keep myself fed has slowed down the process further.


    It's now September and I have just put down my first wooden shelter and now have barrels / pots for storage, and am staring down the likelihood of a ROUGH winter without an adequate food stash. Still no bed. MANY boring nights sitting in blinds, and am losing ambition to keep going with TFC. Very few successful games have near 50% inactivity time from the player.


  7. I find myself now in a love/hate place with TFC.


    I love the broad vision of TFC. I love the need for resources, and the quest of exploration to find the basic stuff to get going. The problem is twofold:


    1) When I'm away from my spawn protected home on a quest for oak or flux or fleece or a feather, I pretty much have to hide the night away and sit still in a small dark blind. This is, to put it mildly, more than a little boring.


    2) Because of how TFC / Minecraft  / Java handles memory allocation, TFC runs like a DOG after I shell out to another application even after I close everything else to go back to TFC.


    This means that whenever I try to play TFC, I need a book to read or a bunch of household chores. I don't know about the rest of you, but I game to avoid real life. Due to the early game challenges, making a bed is a fair achievement and a stepping stone in TFC. Considering I will likely have to travel 3-4 days in several directions to get flux, oak, and wool, and later again for a feather (drafting table) - are there any strategies out there to alleviate staring at a static screen for 20 minutes at a time? I want to play TFC but I don't want to sit through that part.


  8. I was exploring and came across a combination of a crevice that went into a sandy beach next to the ocean. The world broke. I think the game engine was trying to calculate too much with cave-in plus flooding plus loading new chunks. It didn't break immediately but went from good fps to 10 fps to 1 to .2 to death. I'm not signing up for a 3rd party service, and the crash report is way too long for a post. File attached.



  9. The problem I'm having is that I'm stuck with bronze tools and leather armor, even though I'm collecting iron and using my bloomery. Why? One. Stinking. Feather. I need a feather to make a scribing table to make plans. Feathers require chickens, which don't exist in my current world. I've seen the rare chicken before in other worlds I've played, and on the other hand this is the first world I've played where I've found sheep (first beds!) But I'm stuck without a feather.


    Also, to work metal you need to have the same tier of anvil: To make copper sheets you need a copper anvil, bronze sheets (bloomery) on a bronze anvil, etc.
