Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by XxNyssaXx

  1. Im hoping this is the right place to post this, if not feel free to remove/move to its proper location. I am working on a texture pack and have reached the TFC exclusive mobs, such as the quail, bear, and deer. compared to vanilla mob textures, the mapping is a little confusing. i managed to get the roosters to look correct, but it took a lot of trial and error. if someone could post a better mapping of what part is what on the more odd animals, i would be extremely grateful, and im sure other artists here would be too. from what i have seen, other than the vanilla HD packs, no one has done those animal textures. something like this would be perfect. 


  2. So I've reproduced this issue with textures. It is a bit odd, so bear with me.


    Basically whatever resource pack you start your client with when loading up your instance or swap to in the Start screen (Singleplayer, Multiplayer, etc. screen) will work when you load up a world.  If you swap resource packs in game the textures are broken for the new pack, but the old one is still fine if you swap back. The broken resource pack will remain broken if you just restart your world (not instance) unless you swap it out than back in on the start screen. I tested this only with default and blockheads. No Optifine or MCPatcher.

    that makes sense, because i just went back onto my world with a different texture pack and it was fine, but then i swapped back to my main one and it was busted again in a diffident pattern rofl. thanks for that, i was worried lol. wonder whats causing that?


  3. i have a bug that im pretty sure was caused by this plugin. my gem textures are currently mixed rubies look like emeralds, emeralds look like amethysts...etc. i am using my own texture pack, so just to make sure i didnt screw up and just didn't notice until this point, i checked that my textures were correct, and they are. even stranger, some of the chipped textures have been replaced with some of the food textures XD. the food textures all seem to be in order though.

    i am using version 1.0.11


  4. I have a hard time seeing white items in my inventory due to the texture of item slots.

    I suggest making the slots blank and leave the texture on the rest of the inventory, or adding an outline to items themselves.


    Problem is, there are way more dark textures than white, and removing the bacground results in a translucent black background by default. this is the best result i could get while looking at the clear noon sky...

    Posted Image

     now my eyes are bad and im kind of far away from my monitor (its a big screen tv, so i have to sit back quite a bit) but that seems to compromise quite a few more textures than the current background. correct me if im wrong in that though.  ill look into some other possibilities until the next update. (between Fri-Sunday coming up)

    also, slight spoiler in that shot showing some new mod compatibility coming up....


  5. I was really excited about this texture pack in the beginning and from the screenshots on the first page. However, what i get is not really satisfying. Maybe because purple is not my favourite color?  :( Of course, your mileage may vary... but still.. 




    Ah yes, the gabbro. i went off of the texture of the real rock here: . sorry its not up to your color preference :/ i would recommend my pack for a new world in most cases, as the colors are QUITE different from vanilla. A friend of mine and i have been playing on a world, and our build looks beautiful...until you turn it to the vanilla texture. the combination that looked great in my pack is god awful in vanilla. i suppose i should put a disclaimer in the OP warning of that...  Thanks for the input :) also, alternate textures are in this packs future for those who know how to use them, if you would be interested in swapping it out with another texture. just follow the post and peak in on the change log now and then for that update


  6. If your still interested in doing textures for Weather 2, I believe the necessary files can be found in CoroUtil-1.1.jarassetsextrentedrenderertexturesparticles. 


    Great job, I absolutely love your work! Keep it up! And, if it isn't too much to ask of you, could you include particles for the "Localised Weather and Tornadoes" mod? I don't mean to stress you out too much, of course.

    I have attempted to work on it, but a few problems occurred.

    • Other than the fact i don't use the mod, i attempted to run it to see what textures were for what, and my game crashed/lagged so bad i simply couldn't without running on all of the lowest settings, and that's not too good for textures to be tested with  (unless im specifically trying to make low settings look better for say, non fancy leaves)
    •  From what i COULD see, the textures by themselves are already decent. it also appears to already be a high def texture, I feel that if I messed with it too much, it would look WORSE. the only texture i would probably end up doing anything serious with is the falling leaves, and that's not enough to validate even making the download.

    So, I did try, but it just simply cant/wont happen. sorry :( maybe one day if i get the funds for a new computer, i will re look into it.


  7. i have seen the problem on a few other texture packs in the past during this update, or at least some people complaining about it on there forums and most of them got fixed as soon as someone pointed it out. guess it just got tweaked to the side a little last patch


  8. For some reason my hunger and thirst bar are messed up, both in 0.08 and x64 0.09  (not in native tfc though)

    You can see a small part of the thirst bar below the hp bar, though it never shows any blue.


    I'm using  tfc, maybe that's the problem? 

    Aside from that, the new additions are great, music is good, plants look good.

    the most recent tfc patch did in fact break most texture pack bars for some reason. ill post a replacement file for it in a sec.


  9. Right now, fertilizer isnt the most common thing. and when you decide to make a new farm plot in a pond or something, it takes FOREVER for the ground to be worth planting in. we are also missing the aspect of food waste, and don't even get me started on all that rotting flesh over in the corner with no use. i suggest we add a compost pile! it would allow for the natural production of fertilizer, and a place to stick all that darn rotting flesh. egg shells could be added after cooking an egg, along with some extra item given if your food goes bad to shove in the pile. maybe we could even have our tame animals give us to the pile now and then, and if we don't pick up after our animals, it would act as a monster attractant to the smell, and maybe a nausea effect. to balance it out, it should take about half a year or so to have the fertilizer useable after rotting in the pile for a bit.


  10. Thanks for understanding guys, I've cooled down a bit and have started back up. If I was just making this pack for myself, I would have probably quit minecraft again, but you guys keep me going. I'm going to try and make next weeks update a big one to make up for it. Merry Christmas!

    Edit: forgot to mention the first version of the 32x pack will also hopefully be released soon. It's not as pretty, but ittl do if you have a slower PC
