Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Kaygee12

  1. Version #:78.17

    SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer):SMP

    Suggested Name:Saddle duplication

    Suggested Category: Minor

    Description: If I take a saddle off a donkey, (have not tried with horses) and place it in a chest, upon closing the server and logging on again there are now 2 saddles. One on the donkey and one in the chest.

    Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: No

    *I will do this once I get home. I just wanted to see what other people thought.

    Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: No

    If yes, which mods? link of the Crash Report:N/A


  2. I liked your write up, it was a very fun read. The idea were solid as well. Time is always a very fun aspect to me in video games. It makes the world feel more alive when different things happened at different times of day. I think blood trails would be a bit to mature for what TFC is going for though. A way to track would be interesting though, I just think something other than blood should be used.


  3. I don't think you can make support beams out of the plank blocks, only logs. (Correct me if I am wrong, will edit after testing) In build 78 there will be a way to craft plank blocks into smaller planks so this will be a mute point. Good suggestions on how to use them though!


  4. How does that thread answer my question? I didn't mention changing inventory sizes anywhere in my post. Regardless, there will be a feature in B78 that addresses this as Dunk showed yesterday.


  5. What we need, is to kick out of beta and make the mod popular. One day we will end like Tekkit. We just need to cooperate, report bugs, suggest stuff, so that both issues are fixed and features added. That way beta will soon be history, and more people will be attracted to the mod.



    But no pressure, right? :P


  6. I have been chopping as needed. But I decided to change a wall of my house and now I need to use 1/4 of a small chest just to store the planks. Perhaps adding a way to make them into the smaller planks will help sole this issue as well.


  7. I suggest changing plank blocks from medium heavy to medium medium, so that they can stack to 16 as opposed to 8. I find it odd that we can carry more logs than planks, when the planks are made from the logs. Also you can carry 64 crafting benches and chest, both items use multiple plank blocks in their creation but as these are vanilla items it may not be a fair comparison as I don't think you can change vanilla item stack sizes without remaking the item as a TFC item. Also, plank blocks take up a ton of chest space now, and there is no alternative to store them.


  8. I find that if you pillar up and chop the large 2x2 tress down closer to the top it makes less strain on the server and makes crashes less likely. Also, try to disconnect the leaves of multiple trees touching as I noticed that caused the server to check many leave blocks for decay and that can also cause a crash.


  9. I thought the reason we don't see the minerals on the surface is because they are supposed to spawn deep in the earth. If they change where they spawn relative to the surface, I am all on board with your first suggestion as this will also give us a good place to start a mine from the surface to find these minerals. Plus early redstone is good redstone. :)


    They will not be adding Manure or feces to TFC, this goes against the goal of being family friendly. 


  10. A few typos/corrections on the "ITEM INDEX" page:


    The Bed item links to the minecraft wiki "boat" page when clicked on the external site link.


    For the items "Gems" and "Handstone"  the WEIGHT and SIZE are in the opposite columns. 


    Also on image this page it shows a completed spindle in a tool rack, I can not place one in the tool rack, so I am wondering if this is a bug or was this a removed/never implemented feature?


  11. I have a seed that starts you in a sequoia forest and there are all 4 types of animals on the continent you spawn on. The sheep are the closest! How does that sound?




    Let me know what you think.


  12. The reason that paint did not work for you is that when you leave stuff blank in paint it makes it white, as paint does not have a transparency option, and that is what you need. paint.NET and gimp both allow transparencies. 


  13. This mod is awesome! I think you should see if Dunk and Bioxx can add all or some of the "finished" features to TFC as they might get more attention as you have many IRL commitments, (not that they don't) and you can keep adding things to it as you see fit. Also, quick question, will adding this mod to a pre-established TFC world break anything? The only issue I think I will run into is that I will need to load new chunks to find Kingsblood plants, is that correct?
