Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by maclypse

  1. You make it sound like this is indeed normal. Ouch.

    I guess the world gen would make more sense to me if I was on a multiplayer server, if I could trade, collaborate and cooperate. For single player though, it's feeling much too harsh. There's so much fun and cool stuff in the mod with regards to homesteading: more complicated construction, leatherworking, smithing, farming and breeding cattle at sensible speeds in tune with the seasons... and I find myself neglecting all that fun stuff in the quest to find iron. I never did enjoy tunneling very much, and there certainly seems to be a lot of it in this mod.

    I have no idea how much work it would be to add a single-player focused world gen with greatly buffed spawn rates for ores, but it's certainly something I'd use if it was available.



  2. Started looking for iron today. I'm in the second layer, the tunnels cut right through at levels 99-100., it's shale and chert rock so it should be carrying magnetite and limonite. So far I've prospected a volume of about 350x150x25, taking me around 8 hours or so - so around 1.3 million blocks total. I have found nothing. And I mean nothing, really, nothing. I find bismuthinite in the areas surrounding the chert and shale whenever I get close to the edges of the rock layers I'm searching, but actually IN the chert and shale? Nothing. No ores or minerals of any kind so far.

    Am I missing something here? Is there a bug I'm unaware of? Am I just exceptionally unlucky?

    ...or was TFC designed to have us digging for endless hours non-stop? In that case I'd like to suggest adding a world gen mode with increased ore spawns. There's so much I love about this mod, but digging for 8 hours straight and finding nothing (and missing all that fun stuff in the meantime) isn't one of those things.



  3. Minecraft always loaded chunks slowly on mac, and it's been getting progressively worse with every patch. I figured out a long time ago, that I could force chunks to load by hitting escape and entering the main menu - which will generate the world very very quickly indeed!

    When a mod is installed to extend minecraft, the problem of slow cunk loads increases. This mod is no different. At times, there's no cunk loading at all. I can stand for minutes staring into a sky-colored abyss and nothing happens. I keep having to spend time in the main menu just to get the world to load. :(

    I strongly suspect this is NOT a problem with TFC, but rather a problem built into the minecraft client, possibly the OS X client only. There's got to be a priority system somewhere, determining when to actually load chunks. The higher load the world is creating, the slower the chunks load. Interestingly, the issue doesn't seem affected in any way by graphics settings.

    I doubt there's a lot that can be done about it, but here it is anyway. Anyone else experiencing this?



  4. All righty. By mistake, I made a bunch of Pig Iron Ingot 2x. I was going for wrought iron 2x. No matter. I redid the job,made myself my wrought iron anvil and figured, hey - I'll use the piggy 2x for swords! Yay! Just... I can't seem to forge the swords.

    1 - I got a wrought iron anvil

    2 - Using a wrought iron hammer

    3 - The pig iron ingot IS a 2x

    4 - The ingot is above forging temperature, but cool enough to not be liquid

    5 - I got the sword plans in place of course

    6 - Even tried adding flux...

    I can not get the red marker to move in the anvil. I can actually move the green bar by whacking the iron, but there's nowhere to move it to, as I can't get a red target arrow. Not sure what I'm missing. Any ideas?



  5. I spent some time trying to figure out if there was a recipe for stone brick stairs, etc... I couldn't figure anything out. Then I saw the new picture on the front page: looks like you CARVE steps out with a chisel after placing brick blocks. Unless that's on the wiki, it probably should be. I didn't see it there at any rate. Gonna start testing that in my little world.


  6. Thanks for all the replies.

    First off, using the ProPick - oh yea, every time I reach my 12-block length on a tunnel I survey all block surfaces at the end of the tunnel, which comes to a total of 8. Just in case. Don't wanna miss anything. Sometimes I survey a bit more for good measure. I think when it comes to copper, I'm just an unlucky bugger. ;)

    Second, sticks - no more stick types huh? Excellent! Downloading new version of mod asap. :) Not sure that'll give me ladders without editing the config or not but hey... if ladders aren't in the mod, I'd like to be without them. The mod IS in beta, and I'd like to run it as it is, to get a true feel for it, so my comments will be on target in the future.

    And third, Javelins - weren't on the wiki when I first checked the tool list - but it's there now! Pointy stick, yay! That'll do me for sure until I can make some proper bronze tools.

    Thanks again people, and I'm off to download the new version.


  7. I've only tried the pre28 that's installed on my jar. No cave-ins while digging top-down; not a single one, and my tunnel network is extensive. Thank goodness for that: I've tunnelled to scan well over 200,000 granit blocks, and I still haven't found even a trace of and copper ores. That's a lot of tunnels. If I had to use supports every few blocks, the process would take at the very least twice as long...


  8. I found that as long as you dig a 1x2 tunnel, and always dig the top block first, you never get any cave-ins.

    With the prospector's pick having a scan radius of twelve blocks, I usually dig top-4-blocks, bottom-4-blocks, and rinse repeat 3 times, and slap down a torch, giving me torch-marked tunnel sections 12 blocks long. By doubling up and digging a tunnel network where the tunnels are 24 blocks apart, the prospector's pick can scan the entire volume.

    It appears to be 100% safe, with no need for support beams. It's also efficient, letting you scan the largest possible volume of blocks, with the smallest possible amount of digging.


  9. I'm new to this mod, and there's a lot of appealing stuff in here!

    There's however a few small issues I've come across:

    - Firstly, I'm confused about some of the recepies, most importantly ladders. I can't seem to make ladders in any way. Not even sure if it's at all possible any more. Is it? I want some ladders! :) And stone swords... a thing of the past, or does it take a special type of rock?

    - On the topic of sticks and ladders, anyone noticed that using a scythe on a willow tree results in oak sticks, not willow sticks? Not a big issue, but there it is all the same. When I think about it... does the quality of wood in the handle of a tool affect the durability of the tool? Should I be making tool handles from hickory, rather than willow?

    - Finding ore. I've begun stripmining a massive granite layer, digging a 24x24 grid of tunnels to be able to scan as much rock as possible with as little digging as possible (and with the prospectors pick effectively scanning 24x24x12, that's a lot of ground covered. At this point I've prospected a volume of granite that is roughtly 200,000 blocks, and I just can't find any copper-carrying ores at all. I got plenty of cassiterite, bismuthinite, galena, gold and silver, but the coppercarrying ores still elude me, and I'm basically stuck with my stone anvil. Beginning to feel the ore distribution is a bit too scarce, when after countless hours of tunneling through granite, i still can't find what I'm after, and granit should carry both native copper and tetrahedrite.

    Anyway, this mod has great potential indeed. Clearly a work in progress, but it's showing great potential.
