Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by delvr

  1. Ah yes, thanks for reminding me! Fixed.Let me know if there's any issues with the mod in your server. Also if you guys end up building cool stuff along the streams I'd love to see it, we could perhaps put some nice pictures in the thread. :)I also encourage everyone to take a look at my other mod, Repose. It lets you walk up and down natural slopes as if they were stairs, without using your spacebar. It's not TFC-specific but is fully compatible. It makes for a much smoother experience, I can't really play without it anymore.
  2. Version 0.1.4 is out! This version fixes some bugs and is compatible with the latest version of TFC. Be sure to also get Farseek 1.0.4 which is the new minimum required version. Changelog: [*]Compatible with TerraFirmaCraft 0.79.16 and newer. [*]Fixed crash when filling TFC barrels in streams. [*]Updated to Forge [*]Requires Farseek API 1.0.4 or newer. Enjoy!
  3. Thanks! It's quite good to hear. Expect an update tomorrow (Sunday). This will also fix a crash with filling barrels in streams which someone reported on the main forum.
  4. Just to let you guys know that a TFC-0.79.16+ update is underway and will arrive in the next few days.
  5. Terex used 10.1 as well so it's not that. But perhaps the problem is just the kind of light that's hitting the water at that place and time. Shadows make the water movement harder to see. When taking my picture I made sure the noonday sun was hitting the water directly; you can still see some shadowy places towards the back.So just try sitting by the river throughout the day and maybe the magic will happen. Otherwise try Standard shaders if you're using an Ultra version. Maybe Standard keeps light angles more simple.
  6. Alpine lakes are indeed planned, as part of a generator rewrite I'm working on that will make rivers conform to the terrain much more naturally.As for shaders I used SEUS 10.1 Standard. Not sure why it's not working for you - could you post a screenshot of the problem as well as your gbuffers_water.vsh file?
  7. I did catch fish in a flowing stream the other day. It's just the little fish items though - do you mean fish mobs?
  8. Thanks everyone for your support and comments! This is much appreciated. An new update is available! Go to the top post to grab version 0.1.3. This version improves boat physics a bit, and outputs block IDs to enable shaders for the river blocks. Note: When loading a world created with Streams 0.1.2 or earlier, Forge will warn you about 48 missing blocks and ask if you want to remove them. You can safely click Yes, as these blocks were registered by accident and never actually used. Changelog: [*]Improved boat physics in currents so they stay closer to the river center. [*]Fixed RNG issue that caused different river layouts for the same world seed. [*]Added startup printout of water block IDs for shader configuration. [*]Removed unused water blocks (safe to delete from older saves when prompted).
  9. Thanks to everyone for your comments! Keep the feedback coming, this will improve the mod. Regarding fresh water, I expect the rivers to behave as such for all purposes, let me know if you find a counter-case. This reminds me to mention, gold-panning is also possible in the rivers, but only where they visibly go down in elevation (measured in whole blocks, or in fractions of blocks like normal "decaying" water). Ideally it would be possible everywhere but the implementation of gold panning doesn't easily allow this. In any case, digging a side channel works as usual.
  10. A new version 0.1.2 is out that fixes the Player API conflict. Please give it a try! Also, many thanks for your feedback Udary. I'm glad you like the general look of the rivers. As you found out generating them has a performance cost, I'm sad to hear that it killed your server. I wonder if walking/flying towards the coordinates would have prevented this, by making the chunks load more gradually? In any case I clearly need to improve performance. The unnatural aspects you describe are due to the rivers being built in separate pieces, like strongholds or mineshafts. They start from the sea (because forks are way easier than joins) and the intention was to have them seek higher terrain as they're laid out. This blind groping about hasn't given me the results I wanted though. I'm designing a brand new algorithm that scraps the notion of structure components and makes them behave much more like flowing water does. There will still be a need for preloading chunks, but I can introduce several optimizations to improve the process. And then I could provide an API for terrain generators to hook into to customize generation. Wouldn't that be nice? Stay tuned for updates.
  11. Thanks Kitty! Regarding the server logging, the river coordinates are the mod's only Info-level logging, and even at Debug level there's very little (only at world load/unload I think). So it should be less verbose than Forge itself. It seems there's a conflict with the Player API mod. I added a note in the top post, and will work on fixing this.
  12. GTA Meet up?

    That's a great idea! I'm in Montreal but I might be able to join, depending on the date. (Early October and late November would be best.)
  13. Waiting around at night

    Long nights are a normal consequence of not having pickaxes to tunnel around, nor a saw to make a bed with, in the early game. I just take the opportunity to look away from the screen and rest my eyes a bit. :-)
  14. Why Can't I Make Bismuth Bronze?

    Correct, you must add up the units contained in each piece of ore. How much of each metal did you use exactly?
  15. 0.78.16 Worldgen crash

    New with build 78.16 - could be related to the changes in ore block sync. Crash report: Other mods in use: Optifine, Matmos via LiteLoader. Excerpt: java.lang.NullPointerException at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.NetClientHandler.func_72552_c( at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.sendPacket( at at net.minecraft.src.ModLoader.sendPacket( at TFC.ClientProxy.sendCustomPacket( at TFC.TileEntities.TEOre.setVisible( at TFC.Blocks.Terrain.BlockOre.scanVisible(
  16. I need help

    It might be too early for anvils though - if you're still trying to make your first metal tools, use copper or bronze in clay tool molds.
  17. Alcohol making problem

    I haven't tried it yet, but according to the wiki all alcohol is disabled except rum: I believe rum is made from sugar canes.
  18. still can't find chickens :(

    I was also quite confused about this since the wiki doesn't mention pheasants at all yet - I suggest creating that page to clear things up for those poor new players trying to get their eggs...
  19. Improved hunger mechanics upon waking

    I had the same problem and I like Kittychanley's solution. It reminds me of real life (those darn late-night cravings...)
  20. Wiki Edits/Suggestions

    Hello Kittychanley, thanks for your hard work on this excellent mod and its wiki. I made an account to edit the wiki but it seems editing is not for the general public. (Or am I missing something?). (EDIT: please disregard, I just saw the relevant forum topic about this.) The change I wanted to make is this: gold pans can no longer be filled from underwater blocks. (The 0.78.14 changelog describes "quick panning" as filling from gravel blocks under running water, but that's a specific example. The update actually disables underwater filling of any kind.) Thanks! Ð.