Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by warfighter67

  1. Upcoming change in pre48.

    Added a setting in TFCOptions.cfg for changing the length of a MC day. A typical MC day lasts 24000 ticks. By setting it to 48000, a full day will take twice as long. Conversely, 12000 will make days pass twice as fast. DO NOT CHANGE THIS IF YOU PLAY SMP UNLESS THE SERVER HAS IT CHANGED AS WELL. Couldn't you just make it so the server overrides anything set in the config file? Theoretically one should be able to change the day setting to anything, go on a server, and it should be using the server's config setting. I see no reason to add this warning unless the server doesn't correctly override the config setting.
  2. The firepit uses a new search algorithm, similar to tree felling which allows it to support charcoal pits of varying shapes and sizes up to 25m wide and 13m tall. In order to start the charcoal process a lit firepit simply needs 1 logpile on top of it. The firepit must still be lit at the base of the charcoal pile. Important: The charcoal is now spit out into the world and the firepit will disappear upon completion. This is not a bug, the firepit simply can’t hold that much charcoal.I personally love that you can now make huge charcoal pits, but the fact that it gets spit out into the world worries me a bit. I can see this turning bad in a SMP server when you are logged off and your charcoal finishes, or in SSP if you are away from your base when it finishes.I know this isn't a suggestions forum, but something to fix that would be: When the charcoal finishes, the firepit disappears and a new block appears that looks like a big chunk of charcoal. What this is is actually similar to the logpiles where you can store your charcoal. It will have 4x4 slots for 16 stacks of 64 charcoal.
  3. Am I Missing Something?

    Thats kind of the problem with this mod currently. It's fun in the stone age and beginning metals but after that, it's just the same thing over.
  4. Okay, this is strange...

    What mod is that for the piling snow? I saw it in technic as well. Sorry for the OT comment.
  5. I'm out for a while

    Oh, yours is different than mine. Here's how simple mine looks
  6. Charcoal Stacks

    The sand won't usually fall when the charcoal is done unless there is a forced update on the surrounding blocks. For now all you can do is either idle at your pit for 17 minutes, or go do something you know won't take long.
  7. I'm out for a while

    Intel graphics are horrible I heardAMD catalyst isn't an auto-updater. It's a software host for your graphics card, allowing you to change certain settings. Since I have an AMD chip (made by the same company that made my graphics card) I can also change my CPU settings there
  8. I'm out for a while

    I use an ATI card and to update, I just go to the catalyst control center and go to Information > Software Update and it checks to see if my drivers up to date. No need to go to a website for me.
  9. Saw + Plank block = 4 planks

    Exactly, so you get out your saw and cut the plank block back into 4 planks.
  10. Saw + Plank block = 4 planks

    Try cutting a block of wood with an axe into nicely sized planks....not going to happen.
  11. [x64] Weylin's Texturepack! [WIP] V2.0 11/2/2012

    Thanks I just updated ores to look much better!
  12. [x64] Weylin's Texturepack! [WIP] V2.0 11/2/2012

    I've started work on tools and weapons. I'm just waiting for permission from Misa again.
  13. [Offline][B47f] RDMC | 20 slot | Whitelisted

    IGN: Weylin67 Age: 18 Have a mic?: Yes + webcam HD 720p Any other info: I am a mature player looking for a dedicated server to have fun on. TFC likes: Building Mining Smelting/Smithing Farming TFC fallbacks (Either I'm not good or never tried it yet) Breeding Sluicing
  14. Charcoal Stacks

    It's still bad game design no matter how long it takes, for the charcoal to just be thrown into the world.
  15. New way to chisel down stone

    I suggest that instead of realtime chiseling (really fun, but wish sometimes it could be easier), you could right click the stone as usual but instead of it taking down a 10th of a block, it opens up a GUI where you could change the shape of the stone. Possibly even more fine tuning like making a 10x10x10 grid of mini blocks that you can select and cut away similar to mcedit controls or something. Just wishful thinking, but maybe it's meant to be hard and mistake-prone (to those who do things too quickly).
  16. Neolithic tools.

    You, uh, know you can smelt copper in a firepit? It just takes a long long time. Anyways I don't think a stone chisel would make much sense anyways, as it would break nearly as fast as the stone you were carving.
  17. New way to chisel down stone

    Imagine a nicely sloped roof or a really nicely chiseled stone tower with 16th block precision. You could make 1:1 scale models of some nice buildings.
  18. Complete Noob Questions

    You can mine obsidian with wrought iron+ and bronze is the vanilla equivalent of diamond
  19. New way to chisel down stone

    I rather love this idea!
  20. Server has been up and down all day. Any info you can give about that?
  21. [b44+] easy = Tin + Copper + Iron !

    How did you get rid of all that stone? If you're using an external world viewer, I'd like to know too xD
  22. Differing Generation Between SSP and SMP

    Nobody can no longer say there is no ore in a world! Edit: Sorry for the OT comment, didnt realize the pic was quoted from a different topic
  23. cassiterite

    you need to find clay, craft it in an upside down helmet shape and then cook the molds in a firepit. Then you need to put those molds in the 2 bottom output slots of the firepit for your ores to smelt into, else the liquid metal just flows all over the ground and gets lost
  24. Ore???

    Look in different areas. Playing on a server with a world generated IN pre45 and i'm currently just starting the steel age