Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by warfighter67

  1. Creating stone chisel in 42

    But you still need to find it. The guy above my other post is implying you only need to find iron, which isn't true. P.S. in my pre39 SSP world, I skipped iron everything except the anvil for steelworking. I also skipped copper and went to bronze, with only copper anvil.
  2. Creating stone chisel in 42

    That wouldn't work anyways since you need to make an anvil out of the prior teir of metal, which can't be done by going straight for iron (needs bronze anvil which needs copper anvil which needs stone anvil)
  3. Additional Mods

    Smart move Rei's Inv Tweaks -three mods I'll never live without, well and TFC of course! Vanilla is boring and easy. Backpacks Ender Storage (for servers that require it) MobAura (auto attacks mobs within radius with current item. Kinda cheating but usually I have it off on public servers) AutoSwitch (durability saver and use worse turned off)
  4. Creating stone chisel in 42

    Stone chisels don't exist.
  5. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    New map please
  6. More little annoyances of vanilla that could be changed in TFC?

    You can get obsidian easily in the game. Iron+ pickaxes are able to harvest it and making a water farm isn't hard.
  7. I'm all for a whitelist but may I suggest keeping enderstorage? It's a cool mod and rewarding for people who got into the iron+ stages of metal (since it needs obsidian). With pre40 changes to chests it will be like a double chest in 1.
  8. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    I recently joined as 'warfighter67' I love the server
  9. improve prospectors pick

    No. Prospector's pick does just fine for finding ores if you know how to use it. I can go from 'traces' to mining out a 'very large sample' in less than 10 minutes.
  10. Arrow heads

    I like the idea. Maybe a plan to make for the arrow head. The actual arrow head item would read as "Arrow Heads" and would be used to make 4 arrows in the same way you make vanilla arrows. On the topic of bows and arrows, I think the type of wood you make the bow from should also determine its strength, range, etc.
  11. Harvesting Fruit Trees

    Hello. I know there is a similar topic but mine is a different question. I am trying to harvest trees with fruit on them (displayed by the colored dots on the leaves) but I never get any fruit. Any idea why? Thanks
  12. Combine unfinished unshaped metals

    I know a simple workaround is to make sure you use your partially filled ones before you use new molds in your bloomery, but I think it would be cool if you could put two unfinished unshaped metals in a metallurgy table and the amount of each one will sum up to a new one. If the sum would equal >100% full, any overhead is lost. You can only do this while both are in liquid state. Wel this is a cool idea, but it seems it would be of no use since I was told you CAN craft them together as well as combine them in a forge. >.<
  13. Please help... Anvil problem

    It needs to be just hot enough to work but not liquid state. Your best bet is to warm it to just before liquid and then work it. Quickly though as Tin cools quickly.
  14. Harvesting Fruit Trees

    Thanks. Guess I'll have to wait.